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Happy New Year!

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Merry Christmas!

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An angel of the Lord appeared to them, and the glory of the Lord shone around them, and they were terrified. But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people. 11 Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is the Messiah, the Lord! This will be a sign to you: You will find a baby wrapped in cloths and lying in a manger.” Luke 2:9-12

What “We’ve Always Done It That Way” Really Means

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“We’ve always done it that way.”

There is a certain stereotype in the minds of pastors and church leaders when they hear that phrase. The stereotype I am referring to is of an out-of-touch, die-hard, traditional, older member who can’t see the ridiculous nature of basing decisions mindlessly upon patterns of behavior in the past.

Well, if that’s the case, I’ve become that out-of-touch stereotypical non-change agent.

For the past 20-something years, the Arkansas Razorbacks (my favorite team) has played LSU the day after thanksgiving. I have so many great memories of traveling with special friends to watch that game over the years. As silly as it sounds, that game –on that day- has a special place in my heart.

The other day, I read in the newspaper that the game has been moved to another date and a new team has been placed on our schedule for Thanksgiving weekend. Before I could realize what was happening, the thought was echoing in my mind, “But we’ve always done it that way.”

My next thought was, “I can’t believe I just said that!”

I tried to process what happened inside of me. I wasn’t necessarily clinging to tradition. And I wasn’t so stuck in my ways that I thought changing was irreverent or wrong. No, what was happening inside of me was an acknowledgement that I had an emotional tie to something. It was actually a compliment to my friends and all of the great memories we had made over the years at that game.

I cringed as my mind took me back to the years I pastored. Every time I heard “We’ve always done it that way,” I respectfully listened, but behind my smiles and nods, my mind was grasping to the stereotype.

I interpreted the phrase as “Pastor, you better do a good sales job if you want me to change.” It was a call to attack and force change.

However, those uttering the phrase, I believe, were really saying something more like, “Pastor, this has meant a lot to me in the past. I just want you to know this will be a difficult change for me.”

What I always assumed was an attack was actually a complement. Those members were actually trusting me with their feelings! It was a sign that they honored me and wanted me to help them through the change –not go to war over it.

Oh how I wish I would have realized it years ago.

After all, if I could get so emotional over memories from a football game, just imagine how emotional someone could be over tearing down a building where their children were baptized or ending a program their late spouse helped begin. These people are not anti-progress, they are simply in touch with the gravity of the situation.

If you are a pastor or church leader, the next time you hear “we’ve never done it that way before:”

  • Consider it an honor that they trust you with their feelings.
  • Ask questions and show them that you respect and honor their emotions.
  • Remember that they are complimenting the ministry.
  • Speak highly of the ministry in the past.
  • Love them before you attempt to lead them. Your ability to lead change is directly related to your genuine love for your members. They need to know they can trust your heart.
  • Continue asking for their input as you proceed.
  • If you decide change must take place, consider having a public recognition of the past ministry that is changing. Sometimes people just need to express themselves before they can move on.

by Scott Attebery, Executive Director of DiscipleGuide

The Door Is Always Open

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Oscar and Tamy Gaitan’s door is always open to anyone who desires to support the mission work in Nicaragua in any way. The same held true years ago when Tamy’s mother, Karen Smith, went to Nicaragua to teach. She found Paul and Mickey Robinson and John and Shirley Ladd very welcoming to her. In fact, she lived with John and Shirley for a while. At that point, Nicaragua was a growing mission work within the BMAA. Then, due to the political situation, we had to withdraw the American families from there. Now it seems to be open and thriving again.

Oscar and Tamy married in 1998 and have lived in Nicaragua the whole time, Oscar, having grown up there. They have two children: Lidia Sarai, who is 10, and Ostali Natanael, who is 1. The children go with their parents and help in the mission work as well.

In 2004, Oscar was asked to be the coordinator of missions for the country of Nicaragua. At that time, they began with Action centers (or what we might call cell groups) in different parts of the country. They have opened at least one church plant each year, and sometimes two. This year, however, God has blessed them with four new church plants. They currently have 26 churches in Nicaragua—17 churches and 9 new church plants that are less than 5 years old. They begin a church plant with an action center or cell group and grow and multiply from there.

Nicaragua also has a Bible Institute with two extensions to train their leaders. One is in the area of San Francisco Libre; the other is at La Esperanza, on the east coast. This is a much needed asset anywhere. Without proper training, it is difficult for those who have never known anything about true Christianity to understand what they need themselves, much less to provide it for others. The classes are taught by men from Nicaragua.

Years ago, the Robinsons and Ladds began a clinic ministry in Nicaragua. There is also a clinic ministry operating in a remote area of Nicaragua today. That allows the people to get general medicines much closer to home. This is in San Jorge, San Francisco Libre. BMMI teams also come on a regular basis to perform needed medical and dental work in these areas.

Different churches from Arkansas, Mississippi and Texas have greatly supported the ministry in Nicaragua. These people have sent groups to work on construction of church buildings and other ministry needs such as conferences. These groups help not only with the work, but also in establishing contact for them and spreading the gospel to different areas of Nicaragua.

Oscar and Tamy say, “We are always glad to have visitors and if you ever need a place to serve in missions, we would love for you to consider Nicaragua. Our home is always open to those who desire to support mission work in any way.”

submitted by Jackie Ricks
National WMA Editor

Rocky Goodwin EIM

Evangelistic International Ministries

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I would like to share the activities of Evangelistic International Ministries. It is easy to report when God has been so good and lives have been changed by the power of the Gospel. As I have said many times, that is the purpose of the existence of our ministry is to win people to Christ, teach them the Word of God and to strengthen the believers.

Over the past few months we have been asked these questions many times. Is EIM a part of the missions program of the BMA of America? Are we a member of the BMA? As founder and director of EIM for 18 years I feel that we should be known by now by our BMA churches and brethren as to our affiliation with the BMA. In order to answer these questions for those we meet within the BMA that don’t know I’d like to answer your questions.

Yes! We are a member of the BMA of America. Our Sending church is First Baptist Church of Magnolia, AR. I personally have been BMA all of my adult life. I was saved and ordained to the ministry in a BMA church and always pastored BMA churches. I hope this answers some of your questions. And now to the report.

I realize that many do not like numbers so all I will say is that God has reached down and touched the lives of countless thousands. Heaven has gained many souls because of churches that have given to the ministry of mission evangelism as well as individuals that have gone with us and shared the Gospel to those that we’ve ministered to. It is impossible to know exactly how many people have responded to the invitation to accept Christ as Savior. But I realize that it is our responsibility to share Christ and to make known the path that leads to Heaven and it is their responsibility to respond to the invitation.

by Director Rocky Goodwin

Help Me…I’m Stuck!!

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I remember a time last year when there were some new things happening in my life and ministry. I felt blessed, challenged, passionate, and excited because it seemed that God was up to something big in both my life and my wife’s life. Yet despite these wonderful experiences, I just felt “stuck”, unable to make the decisions that would affect our future. It was a paralysis of my own making as I contemplated different case scenarios, failures, consequences, and unknown factors. Eventually, I would bring this situation to my coach who would help me get “unstuck” and move forward. I came to realize that every pastor or leader needs a coach. How did my coach help me?

Let me share with you what happened to me through my coaching relationship:
1. With the right questions, my coach helped me prioritize my activities. There were several “good things” I could be doing, but I had to process and focus on what was important to our family while the rest could simply wait.
2. My coach helped me clarify what God was up to in my life. I had a vision of what I felt God wanted me to do, but I could not articulate it. Once I was able to put into words exactly what it would look like to accomplish the goal, hesitation on my part began to dissolve.
3. Sometimes, I can convince myself there is only one way to do something. My coach was great at challenging my assumptions and helping me to think “outside the box.” Other viable options and possibilities grew out of our conversations.
4. We all have blind spots and as I entered into the possibilities of this new transition, I did not want to make a decision based on something I could not…or refused to see. My coach helped me consider the things that were real, but not on my radar at the moment.
5. As I answered my coach’s questions and created a step-by-step action plan, the Holy Spirit began the work of affirmation in my heart. I speak of affirmation that comes from prayer, clarification and prioritizing of the goal, addressing blind spots, and considering multiple possible options. As my coach led me through this process, I became “unstuck,” taking the final steps to move forward and submit to God’s leading.

Carolyn and I are very thankful to the association for the Christmas offering. We wish you a Merry Christmas and I am praying that all of our churches will have a blessed year in 2015 as we serve the Lord together.

By Danny Kirk, Director of Missions

Prayer Will Change You!

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“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk , and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

We need submission to God. We need flexibility to follow Him. Prayer will change you!
Prayer will also change others. Go on, pray for that loved one! God can change him. He can change the haughty, the mean, the brutal. He can change he attitude of the lost.

Prayer will change situations. When Elijah prayed on Mount Carmel, the situation changed. When the disciples prayed for Peter in jail, the situation changed (Acts 12).

“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.” II Chronicles 7:14

by Dr. Lee Roberson

An Overview of the 2014 BMA of Missouri Annual Meeting

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October 25, 2014 • 9:00 a.m.
Landmark Baptist Church
DeSoto, Missouri
by Don Burke, Assistant Editor

It was a blessing to join together in worship, fellowship and business as the 87th annual session of the BMA of MO met at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto last month. The Enrollment Committee reported fifty-one messengers representing twenty-four of our churches; seven churches represented by letter alone; and $2,030 sent in for the Minute Fund.

Highlights of the day included a morning devotional by Bro. Tom McCanless. After the sounding of the gavel the Association approved the re-petitioning for membership by Antioch at Oxly (Bro. Larry Edwards Sr., pastor).
Bro. Jamie Jones reported on the continued growth of the North Lake congregation in Smithville. The Association voted to give North Lake $1,000 from the missions fund to go towards acquiring a new meeting place (which Bro. Jones is currently investigating).

Other highlights included the approval to give Camp Garwood $5,000, earmarked for capital improvements. (This money is to come from the 2014 interest earned on CD’s held by the Loan Association.) Also the Association voted to give Bro. James Hoffmann a $2,000 “appreciation offering” as combined Christmas bonus and recognition for his 25 years of service.

The following were elected or appointed at the meeting:
1. Bro. Brian Meade elected as Association President for 2014-15; Bro. Jerry Adams elected as Vice President;
2. Bro. Brad Banderman to service on the Alive Committee (term ending 2018);
3. Bro. Matt Bolen to serve on the Encampment Committee (2019);
4. Bro. Tom McCannless to serve on the Special Missions Committee (2021);
5. Bros. Randy Zinn, Lee Miller, and Roy Callahan as the 2015 Resolutions Committee:
6. Bros. Russell Chitwood, Denver Page, and Matt Bolen as the 2015 Enrollment Committee.
Bro. David Erickson from the BMA Seminary gave the annual message on the subject of “Why We Come Together as an Association.”

The Association approved the Resolutions Committee report:
“Jesus is the light of the world. Just as He exposed and reproved sin during His personal ministry here on earth, we who are partakers of His great light, are called to shine as lights in this dark and sinful world in which we live.

“Therefore be it resolved:
1. That we stand united in our commitment to one another and to the Great Commission that we’ve received from God to faithfully proclaim the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ – His virgin birth, His sinless life, His cruel death, His temporary burial and His literal physical resurrection;
2. That we reaffirm our commitment and uncompromising stand to preach without shame all biblical truths to all the world;
3. That we pray for our country and our country’s leaders, and that we vote for leaders who support biblical values, such as:
a. The unwavering support and protection of the nation of Israel.
b. The sanctity of life. That life begins at conception and is to be protected at all stages.
c. That we stand firm for the civil rights of all citizens, but believe that the creation of so-called “gay rights” for same-sex marriage and homosexual adoptions are a threat to the stability of our country’s foundation by the destruction of the traditional family.
“Be it further resolved that we give a standing vote of thanks to pastor Wayne Gibson and the Landmark Baptist Church for their gracious hospitality in hosting this annual meeting.”

Give Thanks!

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We have so much to be thankful for! Give thanks unto the Lord for He is good!

Happy Thanksgiving!

Attention All BMA of MO Churches

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The following note was just received from our Association Clerk, Bro. Don Burke:
“I have caught up on the church letters that were sent in this year (as always, some come in after the meeting.) Well, as of the moment we have 20 of our 58 churches that have not reported. That is 1 out of 3 churches! It would be great, if there is room in this paper, to remind folks to send their letters in. I plan to take them through the end of the month.”

Our By-laws state “Any church not identifying with this Association either by messenger or letter for three consecutive years shall be considered as having terminated her membership in this Association.”
For more information contact Bro. Don at 573-438-8899 or