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Mission Director’s Annual Report 2014

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Our partnership work with the Meramec Association and the BMA of America continued this year as we graciously extended our financial support to church planter Jamie Jones and the North Lake Church at Smithville, MO. God blessed the congregation with a larger and more visible facilities to meet in this past year. We rejoice with the folks at North Lake as several more people were saved and baptized this past year. With the addition of 17 souls this past summer, the church is well on its way to being firmly established. This past year, the BMA of America continued their financial support of an associate missionary for North Lake, Jared Kathcart. Jared is doing a great job hosting a small group and working with the youth at the church.

I was very happy that Larry Barker, John Herring, and Jamie Jones spoke at our annual Mission Symposium last May. Many of you shared with me that you really enjoyed the panel format and Q&A discussion that we had with the three missionaries on the blessings and challenges of planting a church in today’s culture. This year the mission symposium offering was designated for the Missouri Baptist Paper. Individuals and churches gave a gift of over $4400 to keep the paper solvent this year. Thank you! On a sadder note, it seems that attendance at the mission symposium continues to drop each year and we may need to make some determination in the near future concerning its effectiveness and its continuation.

The new church plant at Nixa, MO continues to flourish under the leadership of John and Alisha Herring. Our association provided a $1000 love offering last year to this project. Thank you for praying and for supporting this fine couple!

Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Director of Missions for the past year.
Respectfully submitted,
Danny R. Kirk

I Chronicles 29:11

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Yours, Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the majesty and the splendor, for everything in heaven and earth is yours. Yours, Lord, is the kingdom; you are exalted as head over all.

Annual Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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October 25, 2014 • 9:00 a.m.
Landmark Baptist Church
DeSoto, Missouri

From the President…
Our world has become a very troubling place to live. I think all Americans are sick and tired of war, and yet the battle continues. Our cities have become war zones with multiple shootings every night. Our churches are struggling to survive. Member after member is dropping out and pastors are seeking answers to ministry questions.
October 25, 2014 the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri will convene with Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto to consider the Lord’s business.

Pastor, will you come and set an example for your church members to be faithful to the Lord’s church and His business? Come and be refreshed as we see what God is doing in the churches of our association.
May our coming together encourage, inspire and exhort us to continue in the fight to win the souls of men.
Bro. Claude Evans

Please Note:
It is very important that each church be represented at the annual meeting by messenger and/or by letter. The letter forms are in the middle of the 2013 Minute Books which each church should have received from our clerk sometime this year.

Our By-Laws state the importance of cooperating churches being represented in Article III – Membership section 3.
“Any church not identifying with this Association either by messenger or letter for three (3) consecutive years shall be considered as having terminated her membership in this Association.”

If you need a copy of the Letter of Representation please contact our
Recording clerk: Don Burke
704 Valley Rd. • Potosi, MO 63664.
Phone: 573-438-8899.

October 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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I attended the Meramec Landmark Baptist Association annual meeting at Bethel Baptist Church in Lonedell last month. Pastor Ben Kingston was both the moderator and the annual speaker. He did a great job at both and then the Bethel members served a grilled chicken and steak lunch to the messenger body. Thank you Bethel!

Along with many others from our association, we were saddened to hear about the passing of Sister Ford. There was a celebration of her life and her home going with Pastor Michael Hearst officiating. Please remember to pray for Bro. Ford and Bro. Bowerman as they seek God’s sufficient grace.

The Coaching Workshop was a great success at Friendship Baptist Church in St. Clair. Four different churches represented with 11 participants. If another one of our churches wishes to host this two day training next year, please let me know and we can set up a time and place.

I look forward to our annual meeting to be held at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto October 25, as we come together and celebrate what God has done in the past associational year. Please send your messengers and together we can rejoice!

Danny Kirk

Random Thoughts of a Camp Director

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I made my last 2014 mowing trip to camp this past Saturday, October 4th and started mowing at 9 a.m. finishing at 4 p.m.,7 hours later! That’s a lot of time to think. Time to think about the message for Sunday. Time to think about camp…New projects…Unfinished projects… Projects from days gone by…
This month I thought I might share with you some of those “random thoughts while mowing.” Hopefully its not too boring.
Mowing along the road to the ballfield, turn around and come back to hut turn around and go again. That’s one lap.
I notice where we diverted the water around the volleyball pit this summer has worked. It could use a little more attention but the sand isn’t being washed out like before.
Couple campers still here. Hope they aren’t pelted with paintballs at the retreat.
Mowing-mowing-mowing, ohh I like this song. (Could insert any one of a hundred songs. My itunes collection ranges from the Beach Boys and Ray Stevens to David Crowder and Wendy Bagwell)
Hummm. The water is diverted around the boys dorm. But it’s washing out the hill in front of the dorm. We need to fix that before winter. It’ll be a major washout by spring.
Wow the curtains on the tabernacle are holding up good with the straps this year. Awesome! Still need to get the other half fastened down.
Oh, yeah. Those lights on the boys dorm didn’t work camp week. Need to remember that…and fix it!
Mowing around the tabernacle, How can I not think about the messages we heard camp week. Great words of encouragement and challenge. (I said a Prayer for those who gave their hearts to Jesus. Praying they have now joined a church and are being fed the Word.)
Continuing to mow around the boys dorm…Dining hall…Tabernacle…Flagpole…First aid hut…Shower house…Bro. Meade’s camper area and across to the girl dorms. I notice the roofs. They still look good. Its been a few years since we (guys from Bethel, Malden, and Matthews) put those on. Bro. Al Hill came to work on the boys dorm with us. He was able to make it to church last week…he doesn’t have many Sundays left that he can. Praying for him and his family…reminds me of many others in our churches whose health has failed but their faith has not…
Behind the girl dorms now…a lot more rocks here than grass. They make a horrible racket when being crushed by my blades. I know this because I can hear them over the music coming from the earbuds crammed in my ears under the beanie. (Because it was 44 degrees when I started mowing) Which is also under the noise reduction ear muffs.
The slide sure looked fun…I should try it sometime…When no one is here of course.
Oops! There’s a bucket of bubble solution. Need to get that picked up before the first freeze. Those guys did great helping shut down after camp. They took down the bubble machine…Put up the table…Trash…Even the piles of rocks that were along the road…I really appreciate that!
I need to get the trash barrels strapped to the basketball poles…I’ll be getting them out of the creek again, like last year.
Mowing…mowing…mowing…keep right on mowing, down through the camper sites. I sure hope I don’t hit a rock through one of those camper windows. No whammys…No whammys…Phewww made it again!
Gotta get that power rake again for these rocks along the creek and slide…and try to get some grass in here by next Spring…need to do more work on the slide first though…I don’t like the bump they were talking about at the transition.
Do I need to mow the hill above the ball field??? Naa. It can wait till spring…I have to mow back in the woods for the paintball retreat.
Boy this ball field is rough…but they played ball on it…and it’s growing grass like crazy…maybe we can finish the backstop and get some lights up next year.
Still mowing…dozens of laps…songs…thoughts…and prayers later. We find ourself back in the woods mowing for the paintball retreat. It’s not perfect but knocking down the brush at least gives them a chance to get a paintball through to the opponent. Maybe I can come back and run the tractor…I have one more Saturday before the retreat.
I wonder what my kids are doing?
Ok, let’s start mowing our way back along the creek…new camper sites…not complete…need to finish those.
I’ll need to drain the water in a couple weeks…time sure flies…seems like I was just turning the water on.
Oh! Crud. Where did that rock come from?! I didn’t see it. Feels like it bent a blade…got a new vibration. (Not a Beach Boys song)
The ole train is parked on the ball court…I need to haul it home to work on the cars…I Hope I can make the trail a little smoother next year…we’ve sure run the wheels off that thing. It ran every day non stop during recreation…almost could justify running two the way they line up for it. Nope. Nope. You’d have to get a second atv to pull it…worry about drivers…nope…plus there’s plenty of other things to do.
Mowing on. The Concrete held the new swing in place. The teens had a place to swing and they used it. Great! It was a twisted mess last year. Shoot! Another rock. (On average I get three mowings out of a set of blades, that’s why I’m always saying. “You can pick up rocks.”)
Gotta clean up this fire pit too. Careful…Caarrefuulll. Don’t knock a window out of the truck as you mow past…One little spot left at the end of the boys dorm…Mow it, then load up.
Glad we have this dorm done…Still a few small leaks to fix…But what a job that was…Getting it all gutted and back in for camp…I’m glad we went ahead with the dirt work and drainage pipes underground.
Ok…Load up and head home…Just in time to make the associational gathering at Bethel.
I actually dusted off and drove straight to Bethel. Better a little dusty and late than never, I suppose.
So, there’s some of my random thoughts while mowing. When mowing at camp you really do say, SQUERREL!
Have a blessed month.
by Chris Polk

Annual Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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October 25, 2014 • 9:00 a.m.
Landmark Baptist Church DeSoto, Missouri
Annual reports will be ready, officers will be prepared and the host church will treat us to a great time as we gather for the 2014 annual meeting of the churches of the BMA of Missouri.

All we need is for YOU to be present, be prayerful and be perceptive as to what God wants us to do in His work.

The Blessings of Reconciliation

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II Corinthians 7:1-16
by Dennis Baker • Brotherhood President

Paul’s first letter to the Corinth church dealt with many the moral and spiritual problems of the church. The letter has been called a “painful letter” because it was difficult for Paul to write. Because of his love for the people it broke Paul’s heart that there was division and immorality in the church. The members were following specific Christian leaders rather than Christ. Their desire to sue each other rather than settle their disputes within the church showed their immaturity and their misplaced trust in human wisdom. Sexual sin had become a problem within the church. The Corinth church was a gifted church but in their immaturity and pride they had abused their gifts.

Paul had to remind them that spiritual gifts come from God and are to be used to unify and edify the church.
Chapter six concludes with the biblical doctrine of separation and teaches us the spiritual responsibilities of believers is to cleanse ourselves once and for all of anything that keeps us from having close fellowship with Christ and other believers. It is not enough to ask God to cleanse us; with God’s help we must clean up our own lives and get rid of those things that make it easy for us to sin. No believer can legislate for any other believer; each one knows the problems of his own heart and life.

In chapter seven Paul shares his feelings concerning the suffering he endured because of his involvement in the spiritual problems of the church. His integrity, honesty, and love had been questioned. Paul shares three spiritual blessings that he had experienced because of the Lord working in his heart and the hearts of the members of the church to bring about reconciliation.

The first blessing, that Paul shares, was the blessing of restored relationships. It is difficult to rebuild shattered relationships because of false allegations and mistrust that caused the division. Unfortunately, there are many shattered relationships in homes, churches, and ministries. Shattered relationships can be repaired only when people face problems honestly, deal with them biblically and lovingly, and seek to get right with God. When people are willing to build relationships based on biblical principles, relationships will be based on integrity, honesty, and brotherly love. Paul received a blessing from Titus as he reported that the Corinth church had received his letter of instruction. There was an opportunity to “mend fences” and restore fellowship.

The second blessing that Paul writes about was the blessing of repentance. Titus reported that the church had read Paul’s “painful letter” and had repented of their sins and disciplined the members who had created the problems. He also reported that the disciplined members had repented and had been restored to fellowship. Paul had regretted that he had to write a “painful letter’ to the Corinthians, but since it had cause the Corinthians to repent and return to God his sorrow was transformed to joy. Godly sorrow produces repentance. Sorrow for sins leads to change of mind and heart and a turning to God. Repentance means turning to God. Christians need to repent, not in order to be saved, but in order to restore our close fellowship with God and other believers. Psalms 51:10-12, Create in me a clean heart, O God; and renew a right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. Restore unto me the joy of thy salvation; and uphold me with thy free spirit.

The third blessing was the blessing of problems being resolved. The suffering Paul endured was worth it because the problem was resolved. The discipline of the immoral brother was not for vindication or avenging a wrong. It resulted in the brother being restored to the fellowship of the church.

As you and I examine our own lives, we must determine to be a part of the answer and not a part of the problem. We must show appreciation, practice separation, and encourage reconciliation if God is to use us to restore broken relationships.

Camp Garwood Update

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With school starting and Fall coming on strong, I’m sure camp has become a distant memory to most of you.  It’s been a great camp year. Once again we made a lot of progress on upgrading our facilities. We had a lot of fun with no serious injuries. Okay, maybe some wounded pride from the ball game. But it was all a great time in the Lord!

I’d like to remind you about the Fall Retreat. October 17-18. Sure, we play paintball. But it’s still a great opportunity to visit and enjoy one last trip to camp in 2014.

I would also like to remind everyone to help camp with the background check expenses. If you filled out a worker application it cost us $15.

Please pray for us as we prepare for Camp ’15 it’s gonna be awesome!
Do the DEW!
Chris Polk, P.O. Box 271
Matthews. MO 63867

September 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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It was my joy to preach this year at the Meramec Association Jesus Camp. The weather was beautiful and over 250 campers came together for the full week of camp. We know of at least 12 professions of faith and hope there were others made as the kids returned back to their homes. Once again, the Camp Committee did a great job of putting the camp activities together.

I was able to attend the annual district meeting of the BMA of Southwest Missouri at the Oak Ridge Baptist Church near Cassville, MO. Bro. John Herring and Matt Barker shared about the work at Nixa, MO and Pastor Larry Henbest delivered the annual message.

September 12 and 13, I will be hosting a Coaching Workshop at Friendship Baptist Church in St. Clair, MO. The training will begin at 9 a.m. each morning and end at 4:30 p.m. Cost is $25 to cover the cost of the student manual. If you are a pastor, a lay leader, or just someone who wants to help people to move forward in their goals for life and ministry, then this training will really help you. You will have the opportunity to learn the following skill sets:
1. How to listen actively
2. Ask powerful questions
3. How to draw out insights and discovery
4. How to set up SMART action steps that lead to ownership and success.

If you have questions about this training, please contact me at or call me at 314-265-6265. This training will change how you minister and serve others.

August 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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Recently I traveled to Conway, AR and attended a coaching training for Church Mobilization sponsored by the BMA Missions Department and DiscipleGuide. Church Mobilization is an intentional coach-driven process intended to increase the health and mission of congregations.

All churches over time will experience difference phases or stages of the Church Lifecycle. The Church Lifecycle can be considered in three primary stages. Incline is the stage of church lifecycle when the ministry capacity of the church is increasing. Over time, the church is doing more and more ministry and the quality of that ministry is better and better. Incline is a strong stage featuring health, growth, and multiplication.

Recline is the stage of church lifecycle when the ministry capacity of the church levels off into plateau. Over time, the church is doing the same ministry over and over at more or less the same level of quality. Recline is a tepid, tread water stage featuring ministry management by routine, filling in the blanks.

Decline is the stage of church lifecycle when the ministry capacity of the church is decreasing. Over time, the church is doing less and less ministry and the quality of that ministry is more and more compromised. Decline is a weak stage featuring decreases in membership, attendance, giving and overall impact in the community.

It is most helpful when a church does not wait until they are in a steep decline before they choose to change course. With a deep decline comes also a great loss of vitality and resources to turn things around. Preemptive mobilization makes the most sense and creates the greatest probability that growth can occur once again.
So what can Church Mobilization do for our church? To help you to understand how this process works, I have included the following introductory statements which come from the Church Mobilization Toolkit:

A Coach-Driven Process
Each participating congregation will have a professional ministry coach who has been equipped to guide the leaders of the congregation through the mobilization process. This will require the congregation’s willingness to change and the leadership’s willingness to follow and complete the process of each phase. Pay particular attention to necessary outcomes required to move to the next step in the process.

The majority of the work will be accomplished by the Church Mobilization Lead Team. There will be an open meeting for the congregation as part of each step in the process to keep the congregation informed and involved. This meeting should be led by the pastor with the assistance of the coach as needed.

Coaches will be provided with a toolkit including a large variety of tools for use with leaders and congregations. Tools will be used at the coach’s discretion. Not every tool will be used in every congregation.

If you or your congregation would like to know more about this process, please contact me at: or at 314-265-6265 and I will be glad to set up an appointment and explain further how this may be the very thing that will help your church move forward and begin the incline once again!