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Another Great Camp!!

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Some of the precious souls saved at camp 2014July 28th through August 1st approximately 300 gathered at Camp Garwood for the 2014 state encampment. Excitement was in the air from the time folks began to arrive until everyone had departed for their homes.
God blessed with at least 13 souls saved and many rededicating their lives to the Lord.
Bro. Caleb Houston and Bro. Jordan Bowen preached the Word with fervor in the morning and evening worship services and God’s Spirit was working in many hearts and lives.

Bro. Chris and many helpers had the camp grounds and buildings in great shape, which helped everyone enjoy their surroundings; Bro. Rick and his helpers had plenty delicious food which kept the campers happy; the teachers and other workers were well prepared which made class time and recreation time very enjoyable; the Harpers and others led us in praising God through wonderful music, which lifted our spirits; and God not only blessed spiritually but He gave us beautiful weather, which helped us stay comfortable! What a wonderful week for all!

Thanks to everyone who gives of their time, money, work, prayers and in any other way makes camp possible. Your support and cooperation make this mission outreach successful. Please keep up the good work. Many are already looking forward to July 27-31, 2015, when we will do it again!

July 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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My wife and I recently moved our church membership to Bethany Baptist Church in St. Louis. We have really enjoyed the fellowship of the church family at Bethany and the wonderful pulpit ministry of Pastor Hoffmann. After serving this church faithfully for over 26 years, Bro. Hoffman is making preparations for retirement in the near future. Please pray for the pulpit search committee and the church as they seek God’s man.

I was privileged to be asked by the National GMA to attend the GMA Encampment at Daniel Springs Camp near Gary, TX this past month. I did a brief coaching workshop with the Counselors over two days of the camp. I had an enjoyable time making new friends and visiting with old acquaintances. The campground has really changed since I last visited there back in 1984…and all for the good!

If you are interested in a full day Coaching Workshop that will help you to be a better counselor and leader, then I have good news for you. Friendship Baptist Church in St. Clair, MO will be hosting this workshop on Friday and Saturday, September 12-13, 2014. It will begin at 8:30 AM each day and end at 4:30 PM. Cost is only $25 and this covers the cost of the student handbook. Reduced lodging will be offered at the Budget Lodging in St. Clair. Please mark your calendars for this important workshop!

Contact me for more information and to register.

Danny Kirk

Mission Director’s Midyear Report

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I am very happy that Bro. Larry Barker, John Herring, and Jamie Jones could come to our Symposium this year and share with us the work of missions. Several of you shared with me that you enjoyed the panel discussion with the three missionaries and that much was learned about church planting through this format. Our attendance was somewhat lower than last year, so if you enjoyed the Symposium, please encourage others to attend next year.
Bro. Jamie has come to the end of his 5 years of support and the mission will soon organize into a New Testament Church. North Lake Church has just recently moved into bigger facilities that also provides more visibility to the community. Let’s continue to pray that God will give North Lake great success in the years to come as they strive to win the people of Smithville to Christ.

John and Alisha Herring are doing a great work in Nixa, MO. Currently they have three life groups meeting each week, have held monthly preview services, and they will be hosting two worship services per month beginning in June. I believe they have between 50-60 people in attendance in their worship services. They are gearing up for this summer with several mission teams coming to help them. If your church would like to send a mission team, I’m sure that Bro. John would love to talk to you.

I also want to extend my appreciation to the churches that brought an offering for the Missouri Baptist Paper. At the time of this report at the Symposium the offering total was $1499.00. The financial report states that in this fiscal year we have received $23,397 from the churches. This is a decrease of $1,448 over the same period last year. Our expenses have been $27,264; a slight difference of $153 more than the same period last year. If you look at the record of offerings provided by the churches, you will find that 12 of our churches have not sent a offering for many months. I would ask that you prayerfully consider adding the BMA of Missouri missions to your budget.

Thank you again for allowing me to serve you!
Danny Kirk
Director of Missions for the BMA of Missouri

The 2014 BMA of Missouri Mission Symposium and Mid-Year Meeting

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Friday evening,May 16, 2014, approximately 25 people from BMA Churches across Missouri met at Faith Baptist Church in St. Charles for the annual Mission Symposium. A very interesting program was presented by Missions Director Danny Kirk featuring Missionaries Jamie Jones and John Herring along with BMA of America Director of Church Planting Larry Barker.

Bro. Kirk led in a question and answer session giving each of these men an opportunity to answer questions regarding missions and how they go about planting churches, making disciples, and building a work for the Lord. It was a time of learning as we focused on the work that these men are doing.
Following the question and answer portion of the meeting, Bro. Larry Barker brought a challenging message about Our Vision based on Nehemiah chapter 2. He pointed out that Vision is usually born in the heart of an individual, 2:1-6; Vision grows with the help of many, 2:7-9; Vision dies because of a few, 2:10, 19; and Vision succeeds because of the faith of all, 2:20.

Each person attending went away with a greater appreciation for those who are planting churches for the Lord.
Several churches contributed offerings at the symposium for the goal which was the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper. You can see the report of offerings received before, during, and after the symposium on page 6. Thanks for the great support!

Saturday Morning, May 17, 2014, a larger crowd gathered for the mid-year meeting of the BMA of Missouri. President Claude Evans was well prepared and did a great job leading this meeting. Host Pastor, Justin Arender, brought a challenging devotional based on I Chronicles 12:18, which was followed by the seating of the messengers.

Bro. Don Burke was reelected as Recording Secretary with Bro. Dale Fish being reelected as Assistant. Bro. Wayne Gibson was elected to fill the term of Bro. Ted Hurley (who has moved out of state) on the Loan Committee.

Following each report a prayer was offered in behalf of that department or committee and the ministry represented.
During the Mission Report it was noted that Bro. Jamie Jones had come to the end of his five year support and was transitioning the mission to self-support. We voted to continue financial support for this work by sending them $500 a month designated for “rental or payments” on a place to meet. This support will be reviewed at each association meeting. The work in Smithville is progressing well.

A motion and second was passed to express our appreciation to Faith Baptist Church and their pastor for their hospitality by a standing vote of appreciation.

The business portion of the meeting was adjourned and a message, entitled “Giving Up or Looking Up” based on Luke 18:1-8, was delivered by Bro. James Hoffmann.

We then enjoyed a delicious meal provided by the host church, and visiting with each other before departing for home.

Our annual meeting will be at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto, Missouri, October 25, 2014. The starting time is 9:00 a.m. Please mark this date and make plans to meet in DeSoto.

Camp Garwood 2014

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Camp dates are July 28th – August 1st.
Remember, there are no camp packets being sent out this year! This site gives the camp schedule, an accident release form, and you may also register your group on the web site.

The boys dorm in almost finished. Bethel Baptist Church in Sikeston is coming to paint one weekend in June and hopefully it will be complete by early July.

We have also started a couple of other projects and there is always cleaning that needs to be done, so contact Bro. Chris to see what you can do before camp week arrives.

If you want to play softball remember to bring whatever equipment you need.

You can hear Bro. Jordan Bowen, our evening speaker by going to the camp facebook and listening to a video.

Pray for a great camp this year!

Happy Memorial Day!

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MEMORIAL DAYAcross our nation this Memorial Day, our citizens and veterans will gather to pay homage to America’s men and women who gave their lives in defense of freedom. We do not take this freedom for granted. We are humbled by the courage demonstrated by our veterans. We ask that you take a moment and pray for our men and women who are currently serving in foreign lands and here at home. We appreciate your service.

God Bless America!

“Accusations Without Warrant”

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Dr. John David Smith, Executive Director of Missions
I offer greetings to the churches of the BMAA. It has been brought to our attention that an individual has mailed information to some of our churches with accusations concerning current North American church planter Brandon Cox. These accusations are derived from Brandon’s relationship/connection to Rick Warren and Warren’s approach to reaching Muslims.

I want to inform our churches that this matter has already been dealt with according to biblical patterns for conflict resolution. This individual was afforded multiple interviews with BMA Missions leadership, the leadership of the sponsoring church, officers of our national association, and the BMA Missions advisory committee.
The conclusion of this multitude of counselors was/is as follows:

The missions advisory committee, made up of 15 men chosen by our churches, made the following conclusion (taken directly from the minutes): Motion and second, that after a thorough investigation, the committee affirms our support of Brandon Cox and that he is biblically sound and that the accusations made by _____ are without warrant. We partially base this conclusion on Brandon Cox’s statement: “Jehovah is God alone, and His Son Jesus is Savior alone. There is no other god and no other redeemer. His righteous jealousy demands exclusive and absolute obedience from His followers.” -Motion carried.

The leadership of Garrett Memorial Baptist Church (sponsoring church) made this declaration: We believe Brandon Cox is faithful to our Lord Jesus, to the preaching of the gospel, and have seen no evidence whatsoever that gives us concern.

Here is a statement from Brandon: There is no other way to the Father but by Jesus, the one and only Way, Truth, and Life. All of us are sinners, deserving of hell, but God freely offers justification and salvation by grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, for the glory of God alone. No matter the cultural context, we must be ultra-clear about this gospel. The preaching of God’s inerrant, infallible Word is the central aim and goal of my entire ministry. I’m thankful for the wise, godly men who have heard my mind and heart and have expressed their affirmation of my commitment to doctrinal soundness in all things.

The leadership of BMA Missions unequivocally declares our support for Brandon Cox. We rejoice in the obvious anointing of God upon his life and ministry, and we pray that He will continue to pour out His richest blessings on Brandon, his family, and his ministry.

Resolutions of Moral Action

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Resolution #1
Appreciation for our Military
Whereas, U.S. Military appreciation is needed. The cause and cost of freedom, democracy and peace is being advanced by the diligent and courageous performance of members of our United States military, who serve our country faithfully, both here and abroad, while they are aggressively engaged in the global war on terror; and
Whereas, All the conflicts have not been fought and or soldiers are still in the battle to win the war as well as restore civil order at the risk of their own livers; and
Whereas, Military service entails a comprehensive sacrifice from each soldier and from their families, friends, and communities, now, therefore, be it
Resolved, that the messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 2014, commend and salute our service men and women, in all branches of the military who are serving faithfully and honorably, both at home and abroad; and be it further
Resolved, that we pray for the safety and well-being of our military personnel at all times, with particular attention to those who are in harm’s way; and be it finally
Resolved, That we express reverent thanksgiving to Almighty God, the Judge of all nations, who is mightier than all armies and who alone is able to save, and ask His continued guidance and mercy upon our troops and our nation.
Resolution #2
The Destruction Made by Gambling

Whereas, the tidal wave of gambling in our country has left in its wake pain and destruction in the lives of countless individuals, including children, poor and the elderly, and
Whereas, many state governments have believed the lie that state-sponsored gambling will improve their local economy and provide funds for education, despite evidence to the contrary, and
Whereas, state government by tacit approval of the so-called benefits of gambling become a predator rather than a protector of its constituents, and
Whereas, the commercial advertising of gambling further increases the negative effects, and
Whereas, often the tide of gambling has been turned n American history by God’s people who knelt in confession and stood in conviction;
Be it Therefore Resolved, that we, the messengers of the Baptist Missionary Association of America assembled in Little Rock Arkansas, April 2014 call on all Christians to exercise their influence by refusing to participate in any form of gambling or its promotion; and
Be It Finally Resolved, that we urge our political leaders to enact laws restricting and eventually eliminating all forms of gambling and its advertisement.
Resolution # 3
Recognize the need to elect Godly leaders to political offices

Whereas, politicians sometimes will proclaim Christianity; and
Whereas, some corrupt politicians use religion for political ends; and
Whereas, these type of political leaders are guilty of selling faith for corrupt power;
Be it therefore resolved, that we born again believers in Christ work to elect good and Godly men and women who share our Biblical values and who support our churches’ policies of morality; and
Be it therefore resolved, that we urge these Godly political representatives to take care of the public trust; and
Be it therefore, further resolved, that the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas, April 2014, work diligently to elect good and Godly men and women to public offices in the United States.
Resolution #4
To stand firmly against homosexuality

Whereas, Christians can and should minister to homosexuals and lesbians in a biblical manner; and
Whereas, God can work through our lives to minister and touch those that are practicing this immorality; and
Whereas, our pulpits and lecterns can proclaim the destructiveness of the Gay Rights Movement in America;
Therefore, be it resolved, that we urge the Baptist Missionary Association of America messengers meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas in April 2014, to take a Biblical stand against homosexuality in a Christian manner.
Resolution #5
Reaffirmation of the United State government to support and help protect the Jewish nation of Israel, God’s people

Whereas, we believe Jehovah God attested both the existence and the continuing existence of the Jewish people and be the proclamation of the gospel of Jesus Christ; and
Whereas, we pray for peace in the Middle East; and
Whereas, we Christians believe that the present state of Israel maintains a divine right to the land given to Abraham;
Therefore, be it further resolved, that the messengers and churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas in April 2014, urge the United States government to maintain a recognition of Israel and support unequivocally her right to exist as God’s people.

These resolutions were adopted by the messengers of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of America in their annual meeting in Little Rock, Arkansas April 2014

Brotherhood Spring Retreat

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The BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Spring Retreat was a great blessing! The weather was ideal and eighteen men studied the Scriptures, fellowshipped, and of course enjoyed great food prepared by Bro. Lucas Polk.
Bro. Roy Callahan prepared a wonderful devotion entitled, “Are you ready?” Bro. Callahan’s devotion focused on “Are you Ready” to serve the Lord when you face adversity in your Christian journey. Following our devotion time, we enjoyed personal testimonies from several of the men. It was wonderful blessing listening to their experience of salvation.

After breakfast on Saturday the men enjoyed the Third Annual Turkey Shoot. Jeremy Nettington and Roy Callahan were the winners of the Turkey Shoot.
There was a three-way tie between Brian Whitlock, James Callahan, and Don Adams in the Skeet Shoot with six of nine hits.

I would like to encourage the men of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri that do not have an organized brotherhood, to start a brotherhood within your local church. The purpose of the brotherhood is to promote Christian fellowship, biblical leadership education, and mentoring.
This ministry depends on the financial support of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri. We want to encourage your church to support this ministry.

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President

Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the BMA of America 2014 Resolutions

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WHEREAS, we live in a society that is moving further and further away from the concepts of God and His Word, we shall resolve to:

  1. Be more committed to our own personal study of God’s Word, spending time in prayer and preparing ourselves to be better fit for His service.
  2. Be available and willing to work and serve in each of our own local churches and strive to help make a difference in our communities.
  3. Be faithful and supportive in our State Associational work.
  4. Join together nationally, with urgency as we realize the soon return of our Savior, to help the Baptist Missionary Association of America keep the Great Commission and carry the Gospel to the world.

Resolutions Committee
Jodi Rhea – Oklahoma
Debbie Clark – Oklahoma
submitted by Norma Womble, Reporter