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May 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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Within the past couple of months, many of our BMA of Missouri churches have received a letter from one of our churches that has expressed dismay at the number of churches planted in the past decade or so. I, too, wish more churches had been planted and that the attempts that were made had been successful. I asked a missional leader about how we could intensify our efforts. He followed up my question with another question: “What do you need from the BMA of Missouri to start another church plant this year?” I had to pause for a couple of minutes and think about that question before I could answer. I responded with the following 3 needs:

    1. I need a church planter and his family whom the association could recommend and approve of their election. I think it would really be great if we could raise-up a planter from our own BMA of Missouri “family”. They would already know the culture, the demographics, and the needs of our state. Less time would be needed for them to immerse themselves into the culture and community of the “Show-Me State”.
    2. I need 3 to 4 churches who would serve as “partner churches” to the new plant. Of course we need a “Mother Church” or “Sponsor Church”, but we also need the extended family to come along side of and help with the initial start up efforts and costs. Partner churches might provide people, funds, equipment, prayers, mission teams, etc. The more churches involved in the process, the greater the momentum and growth. Churches plant churches…not missions directors, nor missions department.
    3. I need our churches to increase their missions giving. I have heard the argument that if we had more church plants going, then our churches would rise to the challenge and increase their giving. I don’t believe that is the sole reason for decreased giving. I do believe that many of our churches are in a “survival mode,” rather than a “let’s expand the Kingdom mode.” When churches begin to feel a financial crunch, the first thing that is cut out of the budget is mission giving. I would be hard-pressed to favorably explain that line of reasoning to the Lord (2 Cor. 8:1-5). We need more money to support planters!

As your state director of missions, I have prepared myself to assess, train, and coach church planters. It is my part-time job within the BMA of America missions department to do these things all across the world and we are finding great success! I am ready and willing to do the same here in our state, but I need your help. If the above three things could happen, then we could get started with one more church plant this year.

I have been in contact with a young man who is seeking God’s will about getting a new church planting effort going in the southeast portion of the state. I do not have his permission to share his name, but I would like for you to pray for him as he begins his first Bible studies with a group of people this month. It may be the beginning of a new church.

by Danny Kirk

One in Heart

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2014 Annual Meeting of the BMA America

The theme for this year’s BMA of America meeting in Little Rock was “One In Heart,” and it proved to be prophetic because a sense of harmony was pervasive throughout the meeting.

This year’s attendance was about the same as last year, 517 messengers and 128 visitors. But a highlight was that eight churches petitioned to be a part of the BMA, four English-speaking churches and four Hispanic churches: Clinton Baptist Church, Clinton; Piney Woods Baptist Church, Northport, Ala.; Cornerstone Baptist Church, Jacksonville, Texas; New Heart Baptist Church, Hattiesburg, Miss.; Center of Life/Centro de Vida, Brenham, Texas; Center Of Life/Centro de Vida, Somerville, Texas; Iglesia Bautista Sin Paredes De Salinas, Salinas, Puerto Rico; and Iglesia Bautista el Mesias in Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico.

The President’s Message by Ed Stephenson Monday night and the annual message by Missionary Eric Johnson were inspirational. Wonderful music was presented, including mini concerts by the Central Baptist College Singers and Choir and Violinist Jaime Jorge.

April 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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I ran across an article where a church planter/coach was doing a consultation with a group that was focused on small town and rural church planting within a particular region. It caught my attention, because many (if not most) of our churches are in small towns and in rural areas. His advice to this association of churches was to focus on making disciples– because if they make disciples, a church might come out of the harvest. Instead of thinking, “How can I plant a whole church?” he encouraged them to ask where they could release 2-3 people to be incarnational missionaries.

Imagine if several of our existing churches in a particular region could each release a few people in this way, then they could together set up a support structure for all of those incarnational missionaries that networks them together. They could gather together for worship and support, using a simple church model so they could free up more time to focus on making disciples during the rest of the week. They may be working in different places during the week, but can provide emotional and relational support for one another when they come together. If a Bible study arises out of this effort, then great! If two or three Bible studies are created, then that is even greater. Perhaps one of the sponsoring churches could make a larger investment and call this a satellite campus. Eventually, as these small groups continue to engage their community, a church may very well be planted. The risk is minimum, but the rewards may be great!

We have invested huge sums of money to plant a missionary in a particular area, only to see him leave the field after 2-5 years and with little to show for it. It would be great if there was an approach, where someone felt led to begin with just 2-3 people and see what happens. If churches are to plant churches, then it means that the pastor will release people to leave their Sunday School and start a Bible study in their home. In this very simple way, a church can truly be involved in church planting. The people involved can engage in pilot projects that are more outward focus and relational in nature. There is no pressure to raise-up a self-supporting church in 5 years. Instead it is a step of faith in seeing what God might do with people who are willing to invest in those who are unchurched and not connected with Christ-followers.

Danny Kirk

Mission Symposium

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worldMay 16, 2014 at
Faith Baptist Church
2310 Muegge Rd.
St. Charles, MO

6::00 p.m.

Come and enjoy the fellowship and hear missionaries Jamie Jones, John Herring, and Larry Barker!

All are WELCOME!

He is Risen!

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Happy Easter!

Annual minutes now available

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2013 Minutes were just added. You can also access minutes from prior years.
Annual minutes page.

Attention All Ladies!

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Attention All Ladies!
The Washington County District WMA will meet on Saturday, March 8, 2014 at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto, MO. The meeting with start at 10:00 a.m. After a very brief business meeting we will have a special speaker discussing working with our youth. ALL MISSOURI LADIES ARE INVITED!
Our Guest Speaker is Mrs. Sherry Laminack. Sherry is the National Sunbeam Promoter. Her home church is Denver Street Baptist Church in Greenwood, AR. Here is some information that she shared about herself:
“I am married and have one daughter, son-in-law, and 2 WONDERFUL grandchildren. I am a retired administrative assistant. I have taught Sunday School, WMA, GMA’s and Sunbeams. I currently serve as church clerk, assistant church treasurer, local WMA President, Sunbeam Director and teacher, State and National Sunbeam Promoter, and District WMA Second Vice President.”
The topics to be discussed are:
The Importance of Teaching Children
Methods of Teaching Children
Rewards For Teaching Children

Ladies, you do not need to be a member of WMA … if you work with young people and would like to get some new ideas, helps and encouragement in working with your young people, please come. We invite you and are anxious for you to come and listen to Sherry Laminack share her heart.

February 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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Six of our pastors met in St. Clair, MO for a joint prayer retreat between the BMA of Missouri Special Mission Committee and the Meramec Landmark Baptist Mission Committee. We discussed various facets of church planting and what steps we need to take to help our churches be more involved in the process. There is more work and praying for us to do, but the committees came up with the following action steps:
1. First Baptist, Potosi, will be hosting a workshop entitled, “Using Home Bible Studies to Plant Churches.” This workshop will answer the questions: Who can host a Bible Study in their home? What will he do? How can I facilitate a Bible Study? How does this kind of study lead to a new church plant? The date is Saturday, February 22 @ 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch is provided.
2. Host a Coaching Workshop at Friendship Baptist Church, St. Clair on March 28-29, 2014. This workshop will equip lay leaders and pastors to listen better, ask the right questions, build awareness, and to move others forward in completing their goals.
3. In the near future (TBA), after a group of leaders are identified who are committed to beginning a new church plant, we will host a “Church Multiplication” training that will prepare them for the work and preparation of church planting.
Everyone is invited to attend any of these training and the committees feel that the trainings will help us to move forward in the planting of new churches.
We do have a change of location for our mission symposium and mid-year meeting in May. Pastor Justin Arender of Faith Baptist asked me to find another church for the meeting due to some concerns he had about the meeting dates and the church’s schedule. I asked Pastor Drew Sawyer and the Lindsay Lane Baptist Church if they would host the meeting, and they have agreed to do so. Thank you, Lindsay Lane, for stepping up at the last minute and serving our association! The dates are May 16 -17 so please mark your calendars.
I have a special prayer request. I will be traveling to Bolivia on February 24 – March 8 and making a 450 mile trip on the MSS Arrington River Boat. A group of 8 BMAA men are traveling to the River Bible Institute and will attempt to complete the construction of classrooms, kitchen, and dormitory space. We will host church services each night and I will serve as one of the evangelists. Pray for our safety, our labor, and for souls to be saved.

byDanny Kirk

65th Annual – BMA of America National Meeting

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April 28-30, 2014
Statehouse Convention Center Center • Little Rock, Arkansas