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Syrian Refugees

BMA Ministers To Syrian Refugees

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Syrian Refugees
Tell me, what would you do if 675 refugee families crashed the door of your church because they were needy and hungry? I agree, it is a good problem, but it is a problem, none-the-less.

These families came from areas where you and I could never go. Then God, in His time and through sad circumstances, brings them to us. Can we sit idly by and not help them? This is not an easy question to answer when you do not have a continuous flow read more…

BMA Ministers To Syrian Refugees

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By Veteran Middle East Missionary (via Baptist Trumpet)
Tell me, what would you do if 675 refugee families crashed the door of your church because they
were needy and hungry? I agree, it is a good problem, but it is a problem, none-the-less.

These families came from areas where you and I could never go. Then God, in His time and through sad circumstances, brings them to us. Can we sit idly by and not help them? This is not an easy question to answer when you do not have a continuous flow of support to help these families. And even if we did, is it our goal only to feed them?
I have always been a fan of the sovereignty of God. I like to be responsive to His moves, especially when they relate to the affairs of nations and men. I like to see every event as a platform for sharing the gospel. I like to be used of God to snatch people from the fire.

This pretty much tells you where we stand in relationship to the Syrian problem we are facing. Though I despise war, I can always see God’s hand as it allows me to share the gospel so that refugees who have seemingly lost everything can be saved for eternity.

This week, we made the decision to stop registering more families on the relief lists because we are running out of funds, space and personnel. Our team is visiting every family to map their needs and then decide what type of assistance would be best. The visit is always an opportunity to share Christ.
In the last week, we have had revival meetings at our refugee center east of Beirut and hundreds attended. Many stayed afterward to pray and seek the Lord.

Those of you who follow my Facebook page are staying up-to-date on what’s going on here. We have given out 250 blankets, and mattresses are on order. We have set aside $14,000 for mattresses and clothes.
When you look at the faces of these dear people and see the broken pride and the tears of loss and bewilderment, you wonder what tomorrow will hold for them. I saw one Muslim lady in one of the services who dealt with that question by singing, from the bottom of her heart, “I know who holds tomorrow.”

Another gentleman came to me, weeping, after hearing the message. “They killed my brother before my eyes,” he said. “Can I take revenge?” Then he broke down because he knew he had to wait on the Lord, forgive and be a peacemaker. He also realized that this can only happen if his own sins are forgiven and Christ is the Lord of his life. With tears streaming down my face, I laid my hand on him and led him in prayer.

These stories are only a sampling of what we encounter every day here.

In America, we are so far removed from the sights and sounds of war. But here we see families that are torn apart, children are killed and mothers raped. And, in many cases, it falls on the shoulders of missionaries on the field to care for them, pray with them and for them and show them the way to Jesus.

“Joujou,” who is in her thirties, is the leader in one of our Bible study groups. She has always been wheelchair bound and had been limited in what she could do here. But she loves the Lord and His Word, and now, for the first time in her life, she is able to share her faith with others and help them study the Word.

We are up to three Bible study groups, with an average attendance of 15 in each one. With the way things are going, next time you read an update there will be more.

Our refugees are learning English, and we are up to two classes. Would you like to teach? Would you like to share the gospel in English, then give them homework to memorize John 3:16 in English and explain it? Doors are open, would you join our team?

I am ecstatic that churches of the BMAA have taken interest in what is going on here. Now is the time to show the love of Christ in action. Not only do we need funds, we need people who are willing to serve among the refugees and share Christ with them.

Let me close with two urgent needs.
Prayer — There is resistance and opposition that we cannot talk about openly in this context. Prayer can break down the barriers.
Funds — We need plenty! In the past, our churches have responded with generosity, and I am grateful. Would you do that this time also? I would like to raise $100,000 for this project. I know we can do it. If 100 people or churches each gave a $1,000, we could raise that amount in one day. I believe God and I have confidence in His people.

Thank you for trusting me to be your missionary in this part of the world. It is probably the toughest, and most dangerous, field on our missionary map. Your ongoing prayers and continued support have produced fruit for eternity. Please help me continue the work.
Please send all gifts clearly designated for Syrian Refugee project to:
BMAA Missions Department
P.O. Box 30910
Little Rock, AR 72260.

October 2013 – Report from North Lake Church

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Bro. Jones requested we print the following report from his Associate Church Planter as a report this month.
My name is Jared Kathcart, and for the last year I have had the great opportunity of serving the community of Smithville, MO at North Lake Church. As Associate Church Planter, God has put many great opportunities in my path, and I am humbled by His willingness to use me. Ever since my high school years in the tiny Ozark town of Richland, MO, I have had a heart for student ministries. Camp, mission trips, weekly Bible study, lock-ins, and much more had such impact on my life, and I didn’t want the fun to end. When I felt God calling me to ministry, it only seemed right to pursue the call in the form of student ministries.

This decision lead me to Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO, where I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in Youth Ministry. After graduating in 2009, I wanted to continue my education in a Seminary setting, so I enrolled at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary of Kansas City. After four more years, and a May graduation, I can confidently say that I think I am done with college. It was finally time to put all this passion, education, and experience to work.

After joining North Lake Church in the summer of 2012, their emphasis on Authenticity in Christ became very evident. Jamie Jones, the Head Pastor and Church Planter, has embodied this concept consistently, and has been a great example for me and his flock. When coming on board as the associate pastor and planter, Jamie asked me to develop and lead the student ministries of North Lake. This last year has been challenging and rewarding. Our 12 months have included a retreat, lock-ins, camp, community service, a new weekly discipleship for 3rd-5th graders, Backyard Bible Clubs, and the miracle of three salvations. Disciples are being formed at North Lake Church, and I am excited to be used by God.

During my time in college and graduate school, I met, dated, and married the love of my life. Nikki Mereghetti (now Kathcart, thanks to the wonderful vows of marriage) and I met at Youth Front Camps in the summer of 2008. This last May, we welcomed Andie Grace to our family. I know I’m biased, but God has blessed me with what I believe to be the two most wonderful girls a man could ask for.

by Bro. Jamie Jones

October 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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I am looking forward to our annual meeting to be held at Bethany Baptist in St. Louis October 26. Pastor James Hoffmann and the great folks at Bethany have proven themselves to be wonderful hosts in the past and I know they will welcome us again. It’s a great opportunity for all of us to connect with one another and conduct the Lord’s business. I have been told that there will be representatives from our Seminary and the BMAA Mission Office in attendance. Churches, please make it a priority to send your pastor and messengers to our annual meeting.

This past year I have enjoyed visiting and preaching in our churches across the state. Thank you for the invitations and the opportunities to speak about missions. For the moment, I cannot accept any more invitations. After the resignation of Pastor Tim Boatright at Faith Baptist Church in St. Charles, I have been asked to serve as their interim pastor. Bro. Tim and Connie have served this church for 12 years, and we can only imagine how difficult it will be for this church to transition to a new shepherd. Please be in prayer for them as they search for God’s man.

By Danny Kirk

I’ve Been Bit!!

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by Daniel Wisely, Pastor of Kewanee Missionary Baptist Church

I would like to share a little about my E.I.M (Evangelistic International Ministries) trip with Mike Goodwin and Danny Bullock to Ghana Africa.

We flew out of Shreveport LA. August 13th with the destination of Accra in Ghana Africa. This in it self is a great miracle of God due to the fact that I DO NOT fly. So, placing all my faith in God, after 15 1/2 hours in flight we landed safely in Accra. For lack of time to build an alter and offer a sacrifice of praise for landing safely we hurried to meet Bro. Moses Adjekwei (Pastor of Mission Temple Baptist Church in Accra).
Mission Temple was our host church. Our goal for the next 6 days was teaching Pastors and church leaders Discipleship. Bro. Mike centered his teachings on Church Leadership and Bro. Danny tackled Bible Study. These 2 men and their topics laid the foundation for true Biblical discipleship. My topics centered around our Discipleway curriculum, Prayer – Worship – Giving – Serving and witnessing.

The Pastors and church leaders of the BMA of Africa around Accra supported this conference very well by presenting an average attendance of 40 each day. They couldn’t seem to get enough of God’s Word, they truly and continuously desired more. What a blessing to experience this type of passion!

Sunday Morning Bro. Moses allowed me to preach with the help of an interpreter and 1 soul was saved and there were 2 re-dedications. Bro. Mike preached at another one of our churches that same morning. We give God the glory!
The most exciting portion of the trip, for me anyway, came Tuesday night, August 20th, Bro. Moses set up a large movie screen, run by a generator that night just outside the heart of Accra, (the only true light we had other than a few pen lights), he showed a clip of the movie, (The Passion of the Christ), where Jesus was beaten and crucified on the cross of Calvary. Bro. Moses froze the screen behind me of the picture of Christ hanging on the cross. I was then allowed to preach (as I pointed to Jesus) John 3:16 came alive. “This is truly how much Jesus loves us.” Even though we were outside in a public place you could have heard a pin drop. From there I simply presented the “Romans Road” using my pen light to see the scriptures and an interpreter for the 3 different dialects needed. At the conclusion we had an invitation and 65 souls were added unto the Kingdom. To say that I got excited would be an understatement. Trust me it gets even better, as I watched soul after soul come to Jesus I saw many church members from Mission Temple flock to take individuals aside having a hearts desire and conviction to lead the people to Christ.

Now who is the teacher? My heart was so touched, never before have I seen people so passionate about leading people to Christ. Oh how I wish we (God’s people), (Churches) could be as passionate about His commission. Wow, what we could do for the glory of God!!!

When I got back into the truck that night to go back to the hotel Bro. Mike looked at me with a big- ole- smile on his face and said “you’ve just been bit”, all I could say was “YES, I have!”

Thank you Lord for this moment, place, and time I will never forget and hope to one day experience it again. I would like to thank Kewanee Missionary Baptist Church for supporting me on this trip to Accra. Without their love, prayers, and financial support I could not have gone. I wish everyone could go and experience what I have but be careful…you might get bit!

Note: The next Barnabus Touch trip is Sept. 3-11 to Kathmandu, Nepal. Mike Goodwin, Danny Bullock Mitch Dulaney and Rocky Goodwin will teach an Old Testament Survey course to about 10 pastors.

When the 2014 trips are scheduled, they will be announced so any who would like to go can begin to make preparation. For more information, contact Danny Bullock at (870) 904-5032 or

US Churches Have Rare Opportunity to become FM Broadcasters

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by Rick Russell, Associate Director, Lifeword Media Ministries
In just a few weeks the FCC will accept new applications for Low Power FM (LPFM) licenses. Any non-profit community organization that has an educational mission may apply for a license to construct and operate a low power FM radio station. This is a great opportunity for a church to launch a broadcast ministry that will serve their community and share God’s love, but you must act quickly. The FCC will accept applications only in a two week window from October 15-29, 2013.
Around the world Lifeword is helping third-world churches start Low Power FM (LPFM) radio stations. Our model uses little 15 watt transmitters that can be heard on any standard FM radio within a 3-5 mile radius of the church. Now, churches here in the USA have an opportunity to do the same thing—with more power. The licenses the FCC will make available next month are for 100 watt stations. These small stations can cost as little as $3,000 to get on the air. (The FCC does not charge a fee for an LPFM license.) This is the first time in 13 years that the agency has accepted new applications for LPFMs.
The FCC has an LPFM Radio Guide at, and Lifeword has assembled additional information and links to help your church take advantage of this great opportunity at

Lifeword Walk for the World

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lifeword walkSunday, October 20, 2013 is Lifeword sign-up Sunday. Lifeword broadcasts the gospel in 48 different programs in 34 languages around the world. But that kind of outreach is expensive. Lifeword’s annual Walk for the World raises much of the money it takes to keep those broadcasts on the air. Will you make the commitment to be personally involved in this year’s Walk? For more information go to

VSM Basketball Mission to Philippines Successful

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This year’s BMAA Volunteer Student Mission Basketball team included 8 members from 3 states.
The team worked with EIM missionary Jhun Santos in the Philippines who arranged great opportunities for the team to use its basketball skills to promote the Gospel and make the name of Christ known.
The team held 3 man tournaments, had several exhibition games, ministered in local churches, distributed over 300 Shepherd Bags to children is the mountain region of Negros Occidental and was interviewed for local newspapers and television broadcast. Another highlight of the team was hosting a dinner for all BMAA missionaries serving in the Bacolod region.
Plans for the Summer of 2014 are underway. Students who love basketball, but love God more are encouraged to apply for next year’s team by going to and filling out the basketball application in the VSM tab, or for more information call or e-mail Stan Scroggins at 870-234-3595 –

September 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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How a Coach Can Help You Move Forward

Imagine for a moment what it would be like if someone would come alongside you and tell you they believe in you and that they believe that God is at work in your life. This person would be skilled both in asking good questions and in listening to your answers. They would encourage you to listen to the Holy Spirit and discover what it is God wants you to do. The conversation would be about you, your needs, and your agenda. At the end of the discussion, you would have greater understanding and insight plus a step-by-step action plan to move you forward toward God’s goals for you. This person would certainly have great value in your life. Who is this person? A coach! The things I have described are what a good Christian coach will attempt to do with you in a coaching conversation.
Despite the benefits of working with a coach, there is often hesitation in getting started. One reason may be due to a misunderstanding of what happens in a coaching relationship. A coach is not a supervisor, a consultant, a counselor, a mentor, or someone who is an expert at telling you what to do. In the professional world, all of those roles exist and are needed. But a coach is none of the above. What, then, is a coach and what do they do? In my training as a coach, I have come across several good definitions of coaching:
“Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximize their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.” — Timothy Galloway
“Coaching is the process of coming alongside a person or team to help them discover God’s agenda for their life and ministry, and then cooperating with the Holy Spirit to see that agenda become a reality.” — Bob Logan
“Coaching is an ongoing intentional conversation that empowers a person or group to fully live out God’s calling.” –Keith Webb
In these definitions, there are some key words that reflect the goal of coaching: empower, unlocking, learn, discover, cooperating, maximize, and process. The coach comes to the relationship realizing that each person needs to discover for themselves what God wants them to do. Coaches aid in that process, but it’s not about telling others what to do; it’s about helping them discover it for themselves.
When asked to explain what I do as a coach, I often reply that I help people discern where they are, where they want to go, and how they will get there. Everyone can identify with the need for change, the desire to improve, and the dream of moving forward under God’s leading and blessing. The power of coaching will help you accomplish your goals quicker, more efficiently, and with greater confidence.
There are other benefits to coaching that provide great value. Bob Logan, an experienced coach, states that coaching provides the following advantages:
• Provides encouragement for the journey
• Cultivates wisdom and strategic insights
• Discovers breakthrough opportunities
• Maintains focus on the truly important
• Transforms vision into reality
The bottom line is – coaching works. Do you have something that needs to get done? Do you feel stuck and want some forward movement? Would you like someone who believes that God can accomplish His will in you to join you in the journey? Consider getting a coach.
If your church believes that it could benefit from training its leaders to coach others, then I would be glad to come to your church and conduct a 2-Day Coaching Workshop. If you have more questions about coaching, go to my website at: and check out the information provided on my links.

Camp Garwood 2013 Heroes of the Faith

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