I’ve Been Bit!!
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I would like to share a little about my E.I.M (Evangelistic International Ministries) trip with Mike Goodwin and Danny Bullock to Ghana Africa.
We flew out of Shreveport LA. August 13th with the destination of Accra in Ghana Africa. This in it self is a great miracle of God due to the fact that I DO NOT fly. So, placing all my faith in God, after 15 1/2 hours in flight we landed safely in Accra. For lack of time to build an alter and offer a sacrifice of praise for landing safely we hurried to meet Bro. Moses Adjekwei (Pastor of Mission Temple Baptist Church in Accra).
Mission Temple was our host church. Our goal for the next 6 days was teaching Pastors and church leaders Discipleship. Bro. Mike centered his teachings on Church Leadership and Bro. Danny tackled Bible Study. These 2 men and their topics laid the foundation for true Biblical discipleship. My topics centered around our Discipleway curriculum, Prayer – Worship – Giving – Serving and witnessing.
The Pastors and church leaders of the BMA of Africa around Accra supported this conference very well by presenting an average attendance of 40 each day. They couldn’t seem to get enough of God’s Word, they truly and continuously desired more. What a blessing to experience this type of passion!
Sunday Morning Bro. Moses allowed me to preach with the help of an interpreter and 1 soul was saved and there were 2 re-dedications. Bro. Mike preached at another one of our churches that same morning. We give God the glory!
The most exciting portion of the trip, for me anyway, came Tuesday night, August 20th, Bro. Moses set up a large movie screen, run by a generator that night just outside the heart of Accra, (the only true light we had other than a few pen lights), he showed a clip of the movie, (The Passion of the Christ), where Jesus was beaten and crucified on the cross of Calvary. Bro. Moses froze the screen behind me of the picture of Christ hanging on the cross. I was then allowed to preach (as I pointed to Jesus) John 3:16 came alive. “This is truly how much Jesus loves us.” Even though we were outside in a public place you could have heard a pin drop. From there I simply presented the “Romans Road” using my pen light to see the scriptures and an interpreter for the 3 different dialects needed. At the conclusion we had an invitation and 65 souls were added unto the Kingdom. To say that I got excited would be an understatement. Trust me it gets even better, as I watched soul after soul come to Jesus I saw many church members from Mission Temple flock to take individuals aside having a hearts desire and conviction to lead the people to Christ.
Now who is the teacher? My heart was so touched, never before have I seen people so passionate about leading people to Christ. Oh how I wish we (God’s people), (Churches) could be as passionate about His commission. Wow, what we could do for the glory of God!!!
When I got back into the truck that night to go back to the hotel Bro. Mike looked at me with a big- ole- smile on his face and said “you’ve just been bit”, all I could say was “YES, I have!”
Thank you Lord for this moment, place, and time I will never forget and hope to one day experience it again. I would like to thank Kewanee Missionary Baptist Church for supporting me on this trip to Accra. Without their love, prayers, and financial support I could not have gone. I wish everyone could go and experience what I have but be careful…you might get bit!
Note: The next Barnabus Touch trip is Sept. 3-11 to Kathmandu, Nepal. Mike Goodwin, Danny Bullock Mitch Dulaney and Rocky Goodwin will teach an Old Testament Survey course to about 10 pastors.
When the 2014 trips are scheduled, they will be announced so any who would like to go can begin to make preparation. For more information, contact Danny Bullock at (870) 904-5032 or danbull0550@gmail.com.