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The Joy of the Men’s Fellowship

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by James Hoffman

Twenty-five men and boys gathered at Camp Garwood September 28th – 29th for the Fall Men’s Retreat. Lucas Polk and Manuel had arrived early and prepared a delicious barbecue meal that was enjoyed by all. The camp ground looked beautiful with freshly mowed “green” grass and the fall colors starting to show in the trees on campus and around on the hills.

A few men had also arrived early and did some deer hunting but they did not have anything to brag about as they had not been able to bag any game.
Following the evening meal, Bro. Jerry Adams brought a great devotional on how every saved person can and should be an evangelist by telling others what Jesus has done for them. Using the stories of the demon possessed man of Gadara and the woman at the well in Samaria, he emphasized how they both told others about their experiences with Jesus and many believed on Him as a result.

The evening continued with Bro. Dennis Baker building on the theme of witnessing to others and challenging us to use our experiences with the Lord to tell others about Him.
He used the hunting experience and how we get others interested by telling them our experiences and then mentoring them as they get involved.

Many commented on how they were moved to reflect on their own experiences, how they enjoyed this time to hear the experiences of others and how they were moved to be better witnesses.
There were some door prizes of “beef jerky” given out before we dismissed.
Following a time for visiting among ourselves we retired for the night.
A delicious breakfast of biscuits, sausage, bacon and eggs, was enjoyed at 7:30 Saturday morning. This was followed by the archery competition.
Winners in the various division are as follows:

Deer Shoot

  • 1st Place – Manuel Spraggs
  • 2nd Place – Tom Foster
  • 3rd Place – Lucas Polk


  • 1st Place – Caleb Foster
  • 2nd Place – Bradley Evans
  • 3rd Place – Dennis Moenmann

Target Shoot

  • 1st Place – Lucas Polk
  • 2nd Place – Caleb Foster
  • 3rd Place – Tie
    Bradley Evans
    Manuel Spraggs

Go to this gallery for pictures of some of the activities and participants at this year’s retreat. Even though everyone did not participate in the competition, everyone had a great time. It was especially enjoyable to see some of the experienced participants “mentoring” those boys and men who had less training. The spirit of fun and cooperation was a blessing to behold as all present seemed to be more interested in having a good time rather than “win.”

Thanks to Bro. Chris Polk for his facebook pictures some of which are included on this page of the paper. We hope it helps you understand the joy experienced as our men and boys fellowship in this way. Watch for details about our next Retreat and make plans to get in on the action!

An Update on DEW

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A Dollar Every Week for Camp Garwood by Claude Evans

Let me give you a quick update on the Dollar Every Week to Camp Garwood.  The response has been over whelming. When I suggested this at camp, I was not thinking about the logistics of the endeavor, nor just how many of you would accept the challenge. A great big thank you to all who have committed to D.E.W. Your commitment is between you and God. It is based on the honor system. Bro. Ronald Garviett has designed a T-shirt logo and is offering to print one free for each person making a D.E.W. Commitment.  As you turn in your money at your local church, the Treasurer should make a memo on the check for D.E.W.

When you have given $50 write down the size T-shirt you want and give it to your pastor or your Disciple-In-Training, and they can send it on to me.  We are planning to give out the T-shirts at camp and designate one day at camp as “D.E.W. Day” and we will all wear our D.E.W T-shirts.

If you have any questions, call me at 573-562-7036 or contact Bea via message on facebook at Beatrice Fulmer Evans. Let’s Dew it for God’s honor and glory and for the souls of our children.

October 2012 – From Bro Jones…

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Dear Friends,
Last week we held our 2nd annual “campfire fellowship” on September 25th – 27th. Campfire fellowship consists of food, friends, fire, & lots of laughs. The food was great, the fellowship among friends was quite enjoyable, and the laughs were plentiful.

The best part however, was the engaging discussions. We chose to focus on faith and studied John 4:43-54, in which Jesus heals the nobleman’s son from a distance. The first night started with a question: “Where are you in your faith?” That may seem like a simple question, but it led to a great discussion and some honesty among friends. We learned that on a scale of 1-10, many were as low as 2, and some were as high as 9 in their faith. We also admitted/confessed that our faith often fluctuated with circumstances. It was a good evening that got better as the night was ending. Sherri, a newcomer to North Lake announced that she had made her peace with God and placed her faith in Christ on Monday morning. Prayers had been answered, as many had been praying for that very thing. Tears were shed and faith grew that night.

On night two of the faith discussion we asked: “What would it take for your faith to grow?” Many answer’s were given, but one sticks out to me, “Watching someone come to Christ.” No-one knew what was about to happen as a young teen named Samantha says’ “I’ve been listening to what was said tonight, and I want faith”. So, as the fire flickered, we shared the process of salvation with Samantha and watched as God changed a life right before our eyes. Our faith was strengthened by watching what God does best, change people.
You see, when God changes people it affects the faith of others. The healing of the nobleman’s son in John 4 affected a lot of people. The nobleman went to Jesus in faith, his son was healed, his family became believers, and no doubt many who were under the authority of this nobleman were impacted by the miracle Jesus performed. God can work through your faith to bring about amazing impacts upon others.

Now this is cool… Samantha is Sherri’s daughter. Samantha’s dad Mike, was baptized in July of this year. God had been, and is still, working in the faith of this family.

Enjoying watching God change lives,

Jamie Jones,
Smithville, MO

October 2012 – Mission Director’s Report

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This past month I was involved in a 3-day long assessment of 8 church planting candidates and their wives for the BMA of America. During the assessment weekend, the candidates are asked to share their vision, their plan for reaching the community, demonstrate an ability to teach God’s word, demonstrate evangelistic skills, and also speak to a counselor about the state of their marriage. The assessment team is made up of 8 or more individuals and the purpose of the assessment is to help each candidate to fulfill God’s calling in their lives. Recommendations always include further training and an assignment of a coach to help them to move forward. It has been shown that when a missionary candidate receives assessment, training, and assigned a coach, his success rate will increase from around 25% and up to 80%. As someone who has been involved in 5 different church plants, I can say it is a brighter day within the BMAA for those who want to plant a new church and desire help in doing so.

One of the candidates in the assessment weekend was John and Alisha Herring. Bro. John and Alisha have been on the pastoral staff for
10 years with the Oasis Church in Maumelle, AR. If the Lord wills, they have a desire to move to Missouri to plant a church near the Springfield area. God has blessed their prayers and already two families from Oasis Church are making plans to relocate with them to begin this new work. In the next few months the Herrings will be on deputation seeking financial support from churches and individuals. If your church has a desire to become personally involved in church planting and working with a great family, please consider helping the Herrings with your support.

by Bro. Danny Kirk

September 2012 – Mission Directors Report

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From Our Director…Bro. Danny Kirk:
The Special Missions Committee met with church planting candidates, John and Alisha Herring at Bethel Baptist Church in Sikeston, MO. The committee was impressed with the Herring’s vision for Nixa, MO and their prospectus outlining their plan on how they will plant a church. A final recommendation concerning this couple will come before the BMA of Missouri after they have completed assessment. John and Alisha will be a part of the BMA of America’s church planting assessment weekend in September and afterwards continue to raise partnership support.

I attended the annual meeting of the BMA of South Western Missouri along with John Herring and Jamie Smith. It was a delight to meet with these churches and pastors. They voted during their association meeting to continue their mission support of Jamie Jones and to begin support of the Herrings in Nixa, MO. I praise the Lord for their support of the Lord’s work!

I recently hosted a 3 day retreat for all the North American church planters at the Meramec Retreat Center in Richwoods, MO. Eighteen men from across the nation came together for a relaxing time of skeet shooting, golfing, team building exercises, and great food. A big “Thank You” goes to Pastors Ben Kingston, Brad Banderman, Johnny Dover, and Jamie Haguewood for serving and loving on these men who are serving on the front lines of building God’s Kingdom. These men went back home refreshed and ready to charge ahead for the sake of souls! Pray for all of our church planters!

Some of those who attended the Church Planter’s Retreat at the retreat center in Richwoods, MO.

Wow, What a Place!

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Forty years ago my wife and I took our young family to a famous vacation spot. We could not afford the trip, but we went anyway. Wow! What a place! It had everything imaginable for us to vacation with our family. This past week my wife and I returned to the famous resort. Forty years of work had transformed it beyond “wow,” and it was now more than wow. The only reason we checked out of our room was because a man with a pistol came to our room, forced us to leave for other guests had reservations in this same room. I left reluctantly. Forty years of human imagination, planning, execution, vision, and lots of money had made this place even more a superlative vacation spot.

Jesus told us He was going to prepare a place for His kind of people. He told us he was coming again to take us there. It is a place in His Father’s community. It is a more than a “Wow!” kind of place. It is a place beyond human planning, vision, and yes, ability to construct. It is a place of perfect residence for those who love Him and look for His appearance. It is a place unequaled in human thought-“more than we could think.”

If very bright humans can build and continue to improve a famous vacation spot over forty years, imagine what the Son of God- the Creative Element of the universe, the Force that holds creation together- can do in His preparing a place for those who are His followers. He has been working on it more than forty years!

I do want to return to the famous vacation spot I left last week. I will have to reduce some credit card debt before I do. The “Wow!” place Jesus has for us is free. He asks me to put my life into His care, believe Him, trust Him, repent of my sins, and turn to Him for life—that is life of the same quality God Himself has. He wants to share the “Wow!” place with you and me. “Come with me to my Father’s house where there is joy, joy, joy.”

by Tony M. Cleaver

Paul Harvey’s America

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by Dr. John M. Adams • Executive Director – Moral Action

Paul Harvey (1918-2009) transformed radio by inspiring a nation to listen to common sense. This man was unique not only in radio voice but in timely sayings.

The brutal murder of his father shaped Paul Harvey’s life and career, howbeit, through many tears. He had a wonderful high school teacher who helped launch his career into radio. He became a champion for God, His church, those serving in uniform, and our American nation.

Paul Harvey wrote and quoted a prayer that he wrote in 1952. It was a plea for God to raise up a certain type of President for our country. The following is that excerpt:

“Almighty God, send us a leader.
A man with his feet planted firmly in American tradition.
A tall man…with his head above the fog of selfish interests.
Not a common man.
This time, God, send us an“Uncommon man”…a statesman.
We don’t deserve him, but send him anyway.
And hurry, please. The hour is late.
The candle of freedom burns low.”

In the foreword of the book by Stephen Mansfield and David Holland, Paul Harvey’s America, is presented the fact that Paul Harvey understood that America is unique in human history, a nation founded in a vision of freedom that was new in the world at that time.

Harvey wanted Americans to never forget the price our forefathers had to pay for freedom. He would give us the “Rest of the Story” series to teach us what little we knew of our Founding Fathers and Mothers. They were stalwart souls who paved a great path for each of us.

So, that is the reason that at the peak of his radio talk it was estimated that 24,000,000 people a week listened to his inspirational presentations of hope and love.

One of his greatest speeches was given on April 3, 1965. It is as follows:

“If I were the Devil…I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States. I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve; ‘do as you please.’ ‘Do as you please.’ To the young, I would whisper, ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is ‘square.’ In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…’

“If I were the devil, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. And then if I were the devil, I’d get organized. I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing and less work, because idle hands usually work for me. I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. And I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions…let those run wild. I would designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts in the land and I would get preachers to say ‘she’s right.’ With flattery and promises of power, I could get the courts to rule what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography, and thus, I would evict God from the courthouse, and then from the school house, and then from the houses of Congress and then, in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and I would deify science because that way men would become smart enough to create super weapons but not wise enough to control them.

“If I were Satan, I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas, a bottle. If I were the devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. And then, my policestate would force everybody back to work. Then, I could separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave camps. In other words, if I were Satan, I’d just keep on doing what he’s doing.”

Paul Harvey, Good Day.

I recommend for enjoyable reading the patriotic common sense book, Paul Harvey’s America, written by Stephen Mansfield and David Holland, Tyndale House, $19.99.

What’s Up With The Walk for the World This Year?

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• Lifeword has partnered with the technology company, FirstGiving, to make individual, online registrations and donations possible on our safe and secure website at Churches do not have to register with Lifeword now since individual registrations are possible. Individual registrations will automatically link you and your online donations to your church when you select your church on the registration page. If your church (team) is not listed, please give us a call at 1.800.543.1090, and we will add it to the website.
• If the technology option does not appeal to you please continue to raise money the way you always have in the past.
• By registering online and setting up your personal Walk page you have the opportunity to invite all of your social media contacts to make a donation to the Walk, and raise more money than you ever thought possible. All donors will automatically receive a tax receipt from FirstGiving for their records.
• Two churches have the opportunity to win Youth Room Makeovers. We hope this will be an added incentive for youth to register online and raise money. The makeover will be a great outreach tool for youth by giving them a nice place to invite friends and classmates to, and to get them involved in their church youth group program.
• All Walk details and materials are available for download at the above website address; however, if you would like to request colored posters or the Walk video on DVD, please give us a call or e-mail Diane Ward
• T-shirts are in house and ready to be shipped. The shirts are $12 again. The incremental shipping cost chart is listed on our website. You may order shirts online or by calling Lifeword at the number above.
• Our goal is $450,000! Won’t you help us raise money, which will allow us to reach out to more people around the world such as our African listener below who sent in this excerpt?


•“Muftao” is my name. I have followed your program for some time now and today I want to confess that I have been in church for a very long years and I have not call Christ into my life. This program have brought me to my knees and has made me to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as my personal saviour and friend. I would have died and go to Hell but I am free. I have come to know the truth. Thank you preacher, God bless you.”

by Diane Ward • National “Walk” Coordinator

August 2012 – Mission Directors Report

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Pastor Jamie Jones once again entered into the baptismal waters at Smithville Lake with 10 people in tow. That’s right…Ten more people were saved and baptized at North Lake Church. It is exciting to hear what God is doing with the Jones family in Smithville, MO. Please pray as they continue to raise-up new leaders and start new life groups in the homes of their people.

This month our Special Missions committee will meet with John Herring and discuss the possibilities of partnering with him to start a new work in Nixa, Missouri. I have visited this community and the potential is great for planting a new church. Pray that we have wisdom and clear direction as we seek God’s will in this manner.
Danny Kirk

Camp Garwood 2012 Summed Up In One Word ….. WOW!!

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Saved at 2012 Camp

We had 352 registered campers and 46 professions of faith. Twenty-six were saved on Thursday evening, and the evangelist, Bro. Dustin Wisely, did not even preach!

The Harper’s led in the music for camp and did an outstanding job of leading us in praise and worship. Thursday night Bro. Dillon Harper gave a report of his mission trip to Ukraine and God used his testimony in an amazing way. He closed his testimony with an invitation and with the first notes of the music the altar began to fill up. People were counseling those who came forward at the front of the tabernacle and outside on both sides of the tabernacle.

When that was winding down Bro. Dustin spoke for literally just a minute or two and church groups were gathered around the tabernacle discussing the spiritual and emotional impact of that service. Just one word…WOW!

Wednesday, the campers were challenged to invest in Camp Garwood. We are looking for 350 people to commit to giving one dollar a week for the next 50 weeks. Hands went up all over the tabernacle. As of Monday, August 6, 2012, 66 people had already made the commitment.

by Claude Evans