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The Herring Family – Mission Director’s report July 2012

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Last month I had the privilege of traveling through the state of Missouri with John and Alisha Herring as they began the search for the next chapter of their life. They were searching for God’s place in Missouri where He wanted them to plant a church. We looked at the several cities and it seemed that God was drawing them to the city of Nixa, just south of Springfield. John and his family made a second trip to Nixa to confirm God’s will. The following is a blog that John posted: read more…

The Lord Sought For A Man

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by Claude Evans, Stony Point Baptist Church
The nation of Israel wanted a king. They grew tired of the theocracy in which the Lord God of Abraham ruled over them. So God gave them a king, Saul the son of Kish.

What a figure Saul must have cast as he stood head and neck taller than anyone else in Israel. Surely such a man would make a fine king for God’s nation Israel.

Two years into his reign, I Sam. 13: 1, Saul takes it upon himself to offer a burnt offering instead of waiting for Samuel. Because of this Saul was rejected by the Lord. I Sam. 13: 14,

“But now thy kingdom shall not continue: the Lord hath sought him a man after His own heart, and the Lord hath commanded him to be captain over His people, because thou hast not kept that which the Lord commanded thee.”

Of course, we know that the “man after His own heart,” is David, the sweet Psalmist of Israel. Let’s look at the man that the Lord sought.

It is none other than David the youngest son of Jesse, a young shepherd boy. In the field while watching the sheep, a bear took a lamb. Imagine the fear in David’s heart. But he went after the bear, delivered the lamb, and slew the bear. Faith in God had given him the victory.

Later a lion came and took a lamb. David, armed with a faith that was proven, went after the lion, delivered the lamb, and slew the lion.

It is no wonder, to this writer, that David faced Goliath the giant with faith and confidence in what God was about to do. I Sam. 17: 37, David said,

“The Lord that delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, He will deliver me out of the hands of this Philistine.”

God sought for a man of faith. A man that would glorify God in the victories he experienced. David was a man that was not afraid to spend time alone with God. David relied on the Lord as he kept the sheep, as he fought on the battlefield, and as he ruled as king over God’s people.

Will God find a man today? A man that loves his wife as Christ loved the Church. A man that will be a faithful father to his children and bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. A man that will lead his family in service to the Lord. A man that will faithfully worship and serve the Lord in a local church. God is seeking men today.
In Ezekiel 22: 30 God sought for a man and found none.

“And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none.”

As God seeks thru our land and country for men today, will you be the kind of man God is looking for? Oh, that God would raise up an army of men who would stand tall on their knees and intercede for our nation, for our churches, and for revival.

Will you answer His call or must He continue to seek for another?

National GMA Camp

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By Amanda Hall • National GMA Corresponding Secretary
The National Girls Missionary Auxiliary (GMA) held their annual retreat June 12-15 at Daniel Springs Baptist Encampment in Gary, TX. This year’s theme was BRB (Be Right Back) from Rev. 22:12. The theme song was “Glorious Day” by Casting Crowns.

There were 325 girls in attendance from 5 different states and over 40 different churches! The GMAs were blessed to see 7 girls accept Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. The girls raised over $14,000 for the national project — 50% Daniel Springs, 45% Joplin Tornado Relief and 5% General Fund.

Tuesday night after everyone arrived, we had a wonderful message preached by our camp pastor, Donny Parrish. Wednesday, the Queens enjoyed a fabulous Queens’ Day at Iglesia Bautista in Carthage. They had pedicures, a crazy photo booth and some great food. The Queens also learned about modesty and “What Not To Wear.” Thank you to Carol Taylor, Queens’ Day Coordinator, for putting this together.

Back at camp, the girls from Maiden to the Princess step had forward step classes. They also made salvation bracelets and assembled Shepherd’s Bags for Evangelistic International Ministries (EIM). Wednesday night was Queens Coronation by Mrs. Teel Witt. The theme was “LOL: Live Out Loud” from James 1:19-27.

Thursday was a fun filled day of “Minute To Win It,” GMAs Got Talent, swimming and much more! The day concluded with the Miss and Jr. Miss presentation by Jayna Williams and Beth Caldwell. The theme was TBC (To Be Continued) from I Peter 2:1-2. The program thoughts were given by Charlotte Johnson and the results were: Alternate Jr. Miss GMA Kailee Martin of Mississippi, Jr. Miss GMA Megan Gunnels of Arkansas, Alternate Miss GMA Olivia Fairley of Mississippi and Miss GMA Katy Hicks of Arkansas.

Friday morning was the installation of 2012-13 officers by National WMA President Carolyn Colvert. Mrs. Colvert challenged everyone to pray for these officers this coming year: President Addie Bender of Arkansas, First Vice President Emily Luck of Arkansas, Second Vice President Katy Hicks of Arkansas, Recording Secretary Makaye Key of Texas, Corresponding Secretary Amanda Hall of Arkansas, Pianist Kaylen Fagala of Arkansas, Song Leader Olivia Fairley of Mississippi and Historian Hayley Maynard of Texas.

Newly-elected Second Vice President Katy Hicks announced the National GMA camp theme for next year — “We Are The Light Of The World” from Matthew 5:14-16. First Vice President Emily Luck announced the goals for next year’s GMA camp — 400 people in attendance and $ 25,000 for the project (90% Laura Kanaykina, Ukraine and 10% General fund.) The tentative dates for next year’s GMA camp are June 18-21.
For more information on the GMA program, GMA camp or how you can be a part of this organization, go to or contact Corresponding Secretary Amanda Hall at or National WMA Director of Youth Auxiliaries Robin Clark at

Missouri Ladies: Release the Lies, Retain the Promises

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Make plans to join us September 28-29 at the Drury Inn and Suites at Arnold to hear more.

The sessions Sis. Jaclyn Rowe will present will center around the life of Hezekiah.

What lies do we let creep in and cause us to question God’s deep love for us and His promises toward us? Based on the account found in Isaiah 36, Jaclyn brings women face to face with the lies that have been holding them back in their service and relationship to the King. Jaclyn brings the story full circle and encourages women to let go and press on by offering a fresh look at the amazing promises found in God’s word.

You REALLY don’t want to miss out on this! Register now and book your room. We hope to see you there.

Prisoners Bible Crusade

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Paul Lee, Director
As of May 31st the following reports show the the records for this year:
2,242 English Bibles; 140 Spanish Bibles; Bibles total,2,382; 0 New Testaments; All Study Books 500; 320 Study helps, total for all Bibles and material to date in 2012 is 3,202. These were sent into 19 prisons.

Chaplains report 131 people saved (20,420 since 1/1/2000). 2 new Chaplains requesting Bibles for the 1st time in 2012. PBC’s Evangelistic Team has conducted 10 Worship services in prisons in 2012. (Since 1973, 210,633 Bibles; 58,099 New Testaments; Total Bibles and material: 622,801.)

I have traveled 6,724 miles. I have personally seen 5 confession of Faith in Jesus Christ in 2012 (347 since 1/12000), and 7 Re dedications; visited 5 churches, 16 association meetings and 50 prison visits, taught 42 Bible study classes, taught 1 volunteer worker’s class, preached 10 sermons in prisons and sent a total of 55 CD/DVD sermons into prisons.

The new jail in Hancock County, Mississippi in now open and we put the very first Bibles and study books into the jail. Also, I am now serving as a Volunteer Chaplain there one day a week. When Worship Services start there we plan to take our evangelistic team in for services.

Once again our thanks for your prayerful support of this Bible Ministry!! Isaiah 55:11 inside prisons!


From a Missouri Pastor: Hello Bro. Lee: We met at the national meeting in Jackson, MS. I also do jail and prison minis¬try. I go to three county jails and to the Southeast Correctional Facility at Charleston, MO. You gave me a case of Bibles at the meeting and I really appreciate them and the opportunity to get the Word of God to those who are in lock up. If you could please send more Bibles, it would be greatly appreciated. J.A.

From an Inmate in Florida
Dear Sirs, My name is C.B. I am a inmate at Wakulla Correctional Institute in FL. I came upon your booklet, “Starting My Life with Christ” and “How to deal with sin in daily Life” here at the prison. I am writing to you in hopes that you offer a Bible study course. If so, I’d like to sign up for it. I thank you for your time and caring; May you be blessed.

A note from Brother Paul:
We do not offer Bible study courses. When we receive a letter from Inmates for Bible study courses we direct them to other prisons ministries that do give them. I have a list of 7 ministries that will give Bible study courses to prisoners.
Phone 601-798-1341

Forgive and Forget

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(Guest Editorial by Brother Ritechus N. Dignation)
Churches today sure can get in a mess. The problem is that churches are made up of people and after all, people are human……..sinfully human. In some churches, the problem is worldly members, in other churches, there’s a power struggle, and in some churches, all they do is bicker and squabble and some even split, and it’s usually over nothin’.

One problem that can always be found in every church is unforgiveness. Some folks just can’t get over some penny ante junk and they pass the family feud on down to their kids. It usually ain’t nothing more than like when Aunt Suzy got a bee in her bonnet at cousin Clara ‘cause they happened to wear the same hat to the Sunday-go-to-meetin’ meal, and neither one of ‘em ever got over that cat fight. Then there was that time that Uncle Eb made a sour face over widow Magnolia’s carrot cake. She went and spread lies all over the county about his drinkin’ problem that he never had, but the church near ‘bout threw him out, until no witnesses could be found.

Every preacher would do well to preach on forgiveness once every three months, cause brother, all it takes to get crossed up with folks is puttin’ your mouth in gear before you engage your brain. Job said, “Man is born unto trouble, as the sparks fly upward” and some folks make sparks continually. Ever’body’s gonna offend at some time and ever’body’s gonna get offended eventually. Jesus said that offenses would come, but woe be to those who bring them. Apparently, Jesus is not too happy with folks who go around offending. However, since He gave us a heads up, and promised offenses would come, we should focus on doing the right thing and gettin’ right with God and man after the offense, by doin’ our share of forgivin’.

How dare anyone not forgive another person, especially since God has already forgiven us more than we will ever have to forgive anyone else. Some church members won’t forgive others over one little word spoken out of place, when God has already forgiven them of a boat load of sins. Shame! Unforgiveness hinders, hurts and halts the Spirit of God among His people and has caused many a split in families and churches. Brethren, these things ought not to be. When the Devil tells you that the other person should forgive first, you just ignore the father of lies, forgive, forget, then keep on walkin’ and don’t look back. You will find that you can actually sleep at night and you won’t live in fear of runnin’ into widow Magnolia when you go to town.
A Dose of Reality by Joseph Harris Number 282

Comments on Current Events in Government, Religion, Culture, and the Family, from a Conservative Biblical Perspective.
Sent free to all who request it at or write to Joseph Harris 77 Neil Road Ellisville, MS 39437. Read Past Editions at
Joseph Harris, has been a college professor and pastor since 1987 and his writings have appeared on Mississippi Baptist, WND, Sword of the Lord, Intellectual Conservative, Conservative Daily News, Canada Free Press, Land of the Free, News America Daily, and the European Union Times.

“Remember The Poor…” Are We Doing It Right?

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by Don Burke, Pastor • Breton Creek Baptist Church, Potosi
“Hello, my name is Jessica. Our family is three months behind on our rent and we are about to be kicked out of our house. Can your church help us?” Strangers requesting financial help like this is a common occurrence at our church, and probably at your church, too.

Our church is small and resources are very limited. Constant requests against our limited resources prompted me to comb the Scriptures for God’s guidelines in helping the needy, and I discovered that many modern church practices are not patterned upon the Biblical model.

“Remember (to help) the poor,” Paul admonished in Galatians. 2:10. But this admonition raises two fundamental questions: Who exactly are “the poor” and in what ways should we help them?

Who Are The Poor?
It seems most of us unthinkingly assume that the poor are a homogenous group of individuals or families that vary only in degree of need. However, Scripture, confirmed by personal experience and observations, reveals that this is not the case. Instead, these sources indicate that poverty is better understood as composed of at least four separate groups characterized by the needy’s choices and circumstances.

Those Who Are Poor By Choice — The truth is, some people are actually quite satisfied living in conditions our society labels as poverty; and they remain there not as victims of their circumstances, but by their own choice. Many do not need or want help. And any financial help given to them, if received at all, would not be used to improve this situation they prefer.

A number of Bible passages indicate that a level of poverty is not necessarily as bleak as some people presume. We know that Paul found contentment in such poverty. (Philippians 4:11-12) So living below an arbitrary income level does not mean that a person is not or cannot be content.

Those Who Are Poor Due To Their Choices — This second group is made up of people who remain in poverty due to their routine poor money choices, most often in the form of injudicious spending of money that could inch them away from poverty. This could be the person who chooses to spend money on vices (e.g., gambling, alcohol), or on morally neutral “extras” (e.g. satellite TV, video game gadgetry). He may be spending on more-expensive-than-necessary versions of necessities. Or this could be the lazy or indifferent person who loses his job because he habitually chooses to not get to work on time.

The poster child for this group is the Prodigal Son who, due to continual poor money choices, spent himself into abject poverty. The Bible highlights a number of choices which can cause poverty, including laziness (Proverbs 20:13), pursuing pleasures or other “empty pursuits” (Proverbs 21:7; 28:19) and a lack of a diligent work-ethic. (Proverbs 10:4; 21:5)

Those Who Are Poor Due To Short-Term Circumstances — People in this category have the actual or potential ability to provide for themselves (at least to some degree), but that ability is temporarily hindered by some limiting circumstance (e.g., partial disability, a family crisis, corporate downsizing). The young Ruth (after the loss of her first husband) and famine victims are Bible examples of people in this group.

Those Who Are Poor Due To Long-Term Circumstances — The needy in this final group face a permanent or long-term inability that prevents them from providing basic necessities for themselves and/or their families. Bible examples from this group include the 10 lepers, blind Bartimaeus and the lame man at the Gate Beautiful. Widows (if they were too old to remarry) and orphans (if they were too young to support themselves) also belong to this group.

We see that the Bible gives examples of each of the groups often labeled as poor today. But the Scripture’s own concept of poor — those unable to provide their common daily survival needs due to circumstances they can not control — fits the fourth group and probably most cases of the third group. These are the poor that Paul said to remember.

Guidelines For Helping The Poor
Bible guidelines for helping the various groups are found in passages such as Galatians 6:2, 5, I Timothy 5:3-15, Leviticus 19:9-10, 23:22, and Ruth 2. Due to limited space only a summary model from those guidelines is outlined here. (See for a more detailed discussion.)

We must re-examine our understanding of “poor” (poverty, needy) to be sure it matches the Bible’s more limited range of meaning. If a person’s survival is not genuinely in jeopardy, the label of poor may be Biblically unwarranted.

We must understand that those in poverty are not all needy for the same reason. Therefore what is helpful in one situation might not be helpful in another. For example, our default “cure” of giving material help (food, clothes, shelter, etc., or the money to obtain them) to the poor can, at times, compound their problem instead of improving it.

When a person remains in poor circumstances because of his own choices, other people should not be asked to shoulder the financial consequences of his choices.

A person in any type of poverty should provide for himself (and family, if applicable) to whatever degree that his capabilities and circumstances allow.

Those with regular increase from their labors should set aside a margin of that increase to help those in legitimate need. (Whether that margin should exceed one’s government payroll withholdings is a matter he must prayerfully decide in his own heart.)

The Bible’s discussion of providing the poor with material help only mentions the common daily provisions necessary to sustain life (basic food, basic clothing). Any help given above that is not necessarily disallowed, but is not demanded.

Ongoing material help (either short-term or long-term) should be provided only as the needy maintains a genuine effort to proactively address his poverty.

If material help is needed, it should first be sought among one’s own extended family.

If family is unable (or unwilling) to help, the needy can then seek help from the church — specifically, from the local congregation he belongs to and is active in.

At this point the congregation can consider helping, provided that the needy person has earlier invested in the congregation (at least relationally) and the needy has maintained a God-honoring lifestyle (both past and present). Only short-term help is given when the need is due to short-term or partially debilitating circumstances. Long-term help is reserved for more permanent inabilities. Any help must be discontinued when there is reason to suspect it has or will encourage laziness or other ungodly habits, or when it undermines a person’s taking proper financial responsibility for himself.

It seems that much of the modern help for the needy does not conform to aspects of the Biblical model. As a result, the world wrongly sees churches as holy ATM machines where anyone in financial straits just drives in, “pushes all the right buttons,” and help is automatically dispensed.

This view of the church stands in sharp contrast to its intended family nature where a person continually invests himself (relationally and financially) as he is able, then when there is a legitimate need he receives back from those he previously invested in. I must wonder if our practice of constantly giving to those who have not invested themselves in the system has undermined one of the intended draws of the church-family life.

Ministering by these guidelines will not be easy — but it is what God instructs churches to do. Abandoning them for a less demanding and less intrusive approach has caused great misconceptions and misuse of churches’ help. To continue on that easy road will further complicate the ministries for tomorrow’s congregations, overburden today’s resources and hobble many of the poor we wish to help. However, patterning our ministries to the Biblical model will be a benefit to all.

July Mission Director’s Report

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Last month I had the privilege of traveling through the state of Missouri with John and Alisha Herring as they began the search for the next chapter of their life. They were searching for God’s place in Missouri where He wanted them to plant a church. We looked at the several cities and it seemed that God was drawing them to the city of Nixa, just south of Springfield. John and his family made a second trip to Nixa to confirm God’s will. The following is a blog that John posted:

We had the opportunity last week to drive back to southwest Missouri and look around the area. We drove throughseveral towns and spent most of our time in Nixa, MO. God has actually brought this city to our attention since we first started searching for direction. On our first trip through Missouri, this was also the city that stood out to us as a place withnot only a lot of potential, but a lot of need. When we returned this last week, God confirmed in our hearts that this is the place He would have us to be.

Based on the recent census, only 36% of the people in Nixa claim to be associated with any church. That leaves almost 2 out of every 3 people in desperate need of a Savior. The city has also grown by just over 60% in the past 10 years and is projected to see the population grow by another 15,000 people by the year 2025. This places Nixa as the 4th fastest growing city in the state of Missouri. Additionally, a study by the American City Business Journal in Buffalo, N.Y. shows Christian County (this is where Nixa is) as one of the top metropolitan counties in the country for growth potential.

Prayer Points

  • We would ask that you would continue to pray for us as we begin to put together a timeline to move to the field. There are manythings that will need to take place before we can go. We are praying that God would take care of all of the details for us.
  • Also, pray that God would raise up a team of people who would join us in the journey. We know that we can’t do it apart from God, but we also know that we can’t do it alone.
  • Pray that God would begin to open the doors to ministry partners and support for this mission.


I will be asking our Special Mission Committee to meet with Bro. Herring and interview him as a candidate for our state missions work. Please be in prayer for this process and the Herring family. I am excited that God has brought this young man and his family to our state. Let’s praise the Lord together!

2012 Garwood Camp – July 30 – August 3

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at Camp Garwood, Garwood Missouri

starting with supper Monday at 5:00 p.m. and ending after Breakfast Friday
Camp Theme: “Finishing Strong”
Job 27:6 “My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.”
Camp Evangelist: Dustin Wisely
Camp Music Leaders: The Harper Family

Harper Family

Jesus Camp 2012 Photo Gallery

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The Meramec Association of the BMA of Missouri has had a great time at Jesus Camp this week in Richwoods, Missouri!

Campers enjoyed delicious food, fellowship, worship in the outdoor tabernacle, an obstacle course including a climbing wall, softball, water games, puppet shows, and many more great times.

Don’t miss the photo gallery!