Servant Leadership 150 150 admin admin Dennis Baker, President, BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Auxiliary
Ephesians 3:1-13
Paul’s letter to the church of Ephesus demonstrates that the purpose of the Lord’s New Testament Church was the inclusion of all nationalities in the proclaiming of God’s eternal plan of redemption to all of humanity. Paul’s personal testimony concerning his role in God’s mission of sharing the unsearchable riches of Christ with the Gentiles exposes some important principals relating to servant leadership.
- Servant leadership focuses on God’s plan. V 2,”Dispensation of the grace of God,” denotes an arrangement or plan. Paul states the he “was made a minister, according to the grace of God, V7.” Paul was not selected by his own choosing but was entrusted to proclaim the Gospel to the Gentiles. Paul viewed his calling as a privilege and sacred trust. Paul was divinely appointed by God, his apostleship was nothing less than the result of the working of God.
- Servant leadership involves stewardship. Paul’s stewardship of grace has particular reference to the inclusion of all people groups in God’s mystery of redemption. The inclusion of all nationalities into the “family of God” and the Lord’s New Testament church was revealed in the Old Testament, but what was not foreseen in Old Testament times was the fact that God’s promised blessings would incorporate the Jewish and Gentile believers on the common ground of Divine Grace. God’s favor is not to be enjoyed as a private luxury but shared with others.
- Servant leadership has a purpose, V. 8. “Unsearchable riches of Christ,” reveals a missionary purpose. It refers to the boundless resources of Christ for meeting the needs of sinful humanity, V. 9. “Make all men see” has reference to a theological purpose. God’s intention has always been to offer redemption to all nationalities, but for all practical purposes that intention lay unrevealed until the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ was revealed to the world.
Since the letter was written to the church of Ephesus these principals have application not only to ministers but every member of the Lord’s New Testament church. Servant leadership involves your role in God’s mission, of sharing the unsearchable riches of Christ. Remember it is nothing less than the working of God. Servant leadership involves stewardship. God’s favor is not to be enjoyed as a private luxury but shared with others. Servant leadership has a missionary and theological purpose.
It is encouraging to know that God has a role for each of us in His Divine Master Plan. There are no second-class citizens in God’s kingdom. We are all equals.
published in January 2012 issue of the Missouri Missionary Baptist Paper