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April 2022

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February 2022 – Mission Director’s Report

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Churches of the BMAMO:

I hope you have enjoyed this Christmas and New year season. It is hard to believe that we have already put a month into the books of 2022.

I want to encourage you to pray for our national Missionary Bro. Juan Fernandez, I know He does His own article, but as your missions director, it is imperative that I encourage you to lift him and his family up, not just for the ministries that He is conducting, but on every level.

One of the most disturbing principles in Scripture is the Golden Rule. Think about it, “do unto others as you would have them do unto you.”

If you were Bro. Juan would you just want someone to pray for you occasionally and then only that you succeed as a missionary? No! You would want the people that populate the churches that support you to pray for every facet of your life. Such as: Finances, health, leisure, family, friends, spiritual health, possessions, as I like to say every facet of life. I know Bro. Juan and his family will be forever grateful if we pray like this for him.

Now what I have just illustrated is the very reason for the benchmark assessment, the assessment addresses how well you as an individual and a church are achieving this type of praying, and the pamphlet that accompanies it helps us get this lifestyle into a discipline. Please use the pamphlet weekly to help you accomplish this discipline. If I can help in any way please let me know.

Pastor, if you would like me to come this summer on a Wednesday, please contact me and we will set it up. May the Lord richly bless you all.

Again pastors please plan to come and bring your men with you to the Renewal Retreat at Camp Garwood March 25 – 26, 2022!

The Retreat is free but you need to register all that are coming from your church with me at 636-629-2526 or by email . We need to hear from you by right away.

Bro. Ben Kingston

BMA Seminary Dinner

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March 2022

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February 2022

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Youth Alive 2021

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The Youth Alive Conference 2021 was a great success! Central Collective lead our worship with Bro. Tony Crocker delivering our messages. He challenged us about the Holiness of God and our need for a Savior!

This was a great experience for our Youth and the fellowship was great among the 250 in attendance. Many of our churches have commented about how their Youth seemed to grow spiritually as they praised the Lord and enjoyed His Word and learned how to apply it to their lives.

Thanks to all the sponsors and to the planning committee for taking the time to make the preparations for the Youth to have a great time of being together!

May God bless our churches with strong, dedicated Youth who will grow up to be great leaders in out churches in the years ahead!

Promotional Guide For World Missions Day

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BMA Missions is thankful for your partnership. Together we see God blessing with more missionaries in more countries making more disciples and planting more churches than ever before. World Missions Day is February 27, 2022, and we are hoping it is an impactful day at your church. Here are some ideas to help you prepare.


World Missions Day is an opportunity to rally your church around the purpose for which we exist – to fulfill the Great Commission. During your World Missions Day celebration please include:

  • a reminder that we have a Great Commission mandate both locally and globally
  • a celebration of how your partnership with BMA Missions is changing lives around the world
  • a time of prayer for our missionaries and missions efforts around the world
  • a chance to give to The Jerry Kidd Offering, which goes to supports the continued efforts of furthering the gospel


To assist in preparing for your event, the following resources are available to every church:

  • Printed materials – donation envelopes, bulletin inserts, and posters
  • Video, digital and printable resources that includes promotional videos, logos, and images
  • Apparel – BMA shirt for every pastor who registers and T-shirts available for purchase
  • Guest speaker – Invite someone from BMA Missions to speak to your church.

Contact Sidney Vines – Items available at or contact Sidney Vines (, 501-358-3848).


Here are some ways to plan ahead, create awareness, generate excitement, and engage people.

  • Set and promote an offering goal for your church through bulletins, announcements, social media platforms, etc. and provide donation envelopes in bulletins, foyers, pews, and classrooms.
  • Create a missions board in high traffic areas with verses, printed materials, missionary pictures, offering goals, etc.
  • Create visibility by hanging posters in high traffic areas and using logos (available for download) in your bulletins, worship visuals, websites, social media, and other printed materials.
  • Distribute bulletin inserts, play promotional videos, and ask your pastor to reference them in services.
  • Present a missions sermon series that culminates on World Missions Day.
  • Incorporate music and songs with a missions theme to compliment your missions emphasis.
  • Contact Sidney to invite a BMA Missions staff member to speak at your church.
  • Promote a week or month of prayer using prayer guide handouts, emails, or social media to guide daily prayer.
  • Have small groups/classes research a country or missionary for a presentation (info on
  • Use quotes or testimonials from church members who participate in or have a special heart for missions.


  • For evangelism and discipleship to take root in our churches
  • For pastors as they lead our churches during this difficult time in our country
  • For BMA Missions leaders who train, support, and invest in missionaries and missions efforts around the world
  • For North American church planters, which includes U.S., Hispanic, Arabic, and other non-English speaking church plants as well as chaplains ministering to our military personnel
  • For U.S. missionaries overseas that they will be effective in making disciples and raising leaders to carry on the work in their own countries
  • For national ChangeMaker missionaries who are planting churches in their own countries
  • For God to call new missionaries and open doors to new countries and people groups
  • For the people affected by the challenges created by Covid-19 all around the world
  • For the increasing oppression of the gospel at home and abroad

More information on specific missionaries and countries can be found at

World Missions Day 2022 Jerry Kidd Missions Offering • February 27, 2022

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Pastors: To find more information, register your church, and get a “Missions” T-shirt go to:

Everyone: Read the following articles, and Promotional Guide as you prepare for this special day and Pray for our Missionaries!

January 2022

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Christian Founders of America

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Proverbs 1:7 “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge; but fools despise wisdom and instruction.”

by Dr.John Adams, Executive Dir. Moral Action

The blessing of wisdom is the blessing of God. The invitation of wisdom is the invitation of God. Many believe that God invited the early American founders overwhelmingly to raise Christ as the Leader of America.

That mindset was held by George Washington, John Adams, Daniel Webster, Benjamin Rush, Samuel and on and on.

The Bible

The American Frontier opened up between 1776 and 1850,American colonists first expanded out as far west as Appalachia, then pushed the frontier to the Mississippi River. By 1850, American pioneers pushed the edge of settlement to Texas, the Southwest, and the Pacific northwest,
seeking cheap land and inspired by the belief that they had a “manifest destiny” to stretch across the continent…The Patriot Bible. In 1835, Alexis de Tocqueville, a French historian, traveled America as it was coming is own as a nation. He wrote down his observations in Democracy in America. This classic book provides unique insights into what made America such a rapid success which he clearly believed to be Christianity and the Bible.


In a great culmination of writings and historical opinions, American
schools, colleges, and universities loved the Word of God. Harvard University, founded in 1636 by the Puritans adopted the “Rules and Precepts” of the university that stated: “Let every student be plainly instructed and earnestly pressed to consider well, the main end of his study to wit to know God in Jesus Christ which is eternal life. John 17:3, “And this is life eternal, that they might know thee the only true God and Jesus Christ whom thou hast sent.” Most of America’s oldest universities were started by preachers and churches. Harvard, William and Mary. Yale, Princeton, King’s College, Brown, Rutgers, and Dartmouth were founded by Christian preachers and church affiliations. Yale College was established in 1701 with a stated goal that “every student shall consider the main end of his study to wit to know God in Jesus Christ and answerably to lead a godly, sober life.” William and Mary was founded in 1693 to supply the church of Virginia “with a seminary of ministers” that the Christian faith may be propagated.” Princeton had as one of its founding statements:
“Cursed is all leaning that is contrary to the Cross of Christ.”

To be open and correct, all the Founding Fathers of America were not Christians (true believers in Christ): they were not. But the Christian teachings from the Bible were great influences on the culture. Christ’s words had a profound effect on the homes, families and political leaders of
that day.

The Baptists sent out their “farmer-preachers.” As was true of the Mryhodistsk the Baptists developed systems that made it easy for committed lay people to enter the ministry and to be deployed quickly where the greatest opportunities were. Most of their preachers had little education and were poorly paid, but they were in touch with the pioneer’s lives.

With an emphasis for a personal conversion and salvation from sin through faith in Jesus Christ, these ministers spread the Gospel far and wide.

This conviction today that I attributed to Patrick Henry, Governor of Virginia is so needed today:

“It cannot be emphasized too clearly and too often that this nation was
founded, not by religionists, but by Christians; not on religion, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.”