Great MidYear Meeting at Stony Point! 150 150 Danny Kirk Danny Kirk year we have had two major projects underway: the church planting effort in Smithville, MO and the church revitalization project at Stony Point Baptist.
Let me begin with the church revitalization project. Our support ends this month toward the salary support for Stony Point Baptist Church because the church feels it has real self support status with their pastor, Claude Evans. I received a letter from the church and it reads as following:
April 28, 2010
Dear Brethren,
Stony Point Missionary Baptist Church wishes to thank the Churches of the BMA of Missouri for the financial support for the past year.
We believe that the time has come for us to assume the full financial responsibility of pastoral support. Your help has enabled us to reach this point much sooner than we could have on our own.
It is our prayer and hope that this program will be the instrument which will allow other churches in the BMA of Missouri to reach full time support for pastors.
We ask that you remember us in prayer as we work in the Master’s vineyard.
In His Service,
Pastor Claude Evans
We rejoice with Pastor Evans and the good people of Stony Point Baptist for God’s blessing upon their ministry here in Mineral Springs.
The North Lake mission project in Smithville, MO continues to be blessed of God. Jamie and Rebekah Jones are doing a great job in reaching out to their community and disciplining the families that God has given them. Our mission advisory committee along with members of the Meramec Association advisory committee made a trip to Smithville this past month. We were impressed with the progress that is being made and were made to realize that this is truly a field ripe unto harvest. Let’s continue to pray for the Jones family as God works through them.
Our finances continue to hold steady. Our average monthly offering since October has been $3173 while our average expenses have been $3913 per month…a $740 deficit. We are appreciative of the special mission offering this year and ask that your church would consider increasing their offering to state missions.
Pastor Evans and the good folks at Stony Point Baptist did a wonderful job hosting the mission symposium and the midyear meeting. During this meeting, the association voted to help out two of our missionaries. A $1000 love offering was given to Missionary Sam Hussier to assist him with personal family/medical expenses. We also approved a $2000 offering to Bro. David Dickson for his work fund. The Mission Symposium offering for State Missions has reached nearly $2600. Thank you for your love and care for missionaries who serve both us in Missouri and for those who serve elsewhere. May God be glorified.