Other News

The 2014 BMA of Missouri Mission Symposium and Mid-Year Meeting

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Friday evening,May 16, 2014, approximately 25 people from BMA Churches across Missouri met at Faith Baptist Church in St. Charles for the annual Mission Symposium. A very interesting program was presented by Missions Director Danny Kirk featuring Missionaries Jamie Jones and John Herring along with BMA of America Director of Church Planting Larry Barker.

Bro. Kirk led in a question and answer session giving each of these men an opportunity to answer questions regarding missions and how they go about planting churches, making disciples, and building a work for the Lord. It was a time of learning as we focused on the work that these men are doing.
Following the question and answer portion of the meeting, Bro. Larry Barker brought a challenging message about Our Vision based on Nehemiah chapter 2. He pointed out that Vision is usually born in the heart of an individual, 2:1-6; Vision grows with the help of many, 2:7-9; Vision dies because of a few, 2:10, 19; and Vision succeeds because of the faith of all, 2:20.

Each person attending went away with a greater appreciation for those who are planting churches for the Lord.
Several churches contributed offerings at the symposium for the goal which was the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper. You can see the report of offerings received before, during, and after the symposium on page 6. Thanks for the great support!

Saturday Morning, May 17, 2014, a larger crowd gathered for the mid-year meeting of the BMA of Missouri. President Claude Evans was well prepared and did a great job leading this meeting. Host Pastor, Justin Arender, brought a challenging devotional based on I Chronicles 12:18, which was followed by the seating of the messengers.

Bro. Don Burke was reelected as Recording Secretary with Bro. Dale Fish being reelected as Assistant. Bro. Wayne Gibson was elected to fill the term of Bro. Ted Hurley (who has moved out of state) on the Loan Committee.

Following each report a prayer was offered in behalf of that department or committee and the ministry represented.
During the Mission Report it was noted that Bro. Jamie Jones had come to the end of his five year support and was transitioning the mission to self-support. We voted to continue financial support for this work by sending them $500 a month designated for “rental or payments” on a place to meet. This support will be reviewed at each association meeting. The work in Smithville is progressing well.

A motion and second was passed to express our appreciation to Faith Baptist Church and their pastor for their hospitality by a standing vote of appreciation.

The business portion of the meeting was adjourned and a message, entitled “Giving Up or Looking Up” based on Luke 18:1-8, was delivered by Bro. James Hoffmann.

We then enjoyed a delicious meal provided by the host church, and visiting with each other before departing for home.

Our annual meeting will be at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto, Missouri, October 25, 2014. The starting time is 9:00 a.m. Please mark this date and make plans to meet in DeSoto.

Brotherhood Spring Retreat

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The BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Spring Retreat was a great blessing! The weather was ideal and eighteen men studied the Scriptures, fellowshipped, and of course enjoyed great food prepared by Bro. Lucas Polk.
Bro. Roy Callahan prepared a wonderful devotion entitled, “Are you ready?” Bro. Callahan’s devotion focused on “Are you Ready” to serve the Lord when you face adversity in your Christian journey. Following our devotion time, we enjoyed personal testimonies from several of the men. It was wonderful blessing listening to their experience of salvation.

After breakfast on Saturday the men enjoyed the Third Annual Turkey Shoot. Jeremy Nettington and Roy Callahan were the winners of the Turkey Shoot.
There was a three-way tie between Brian Whitlock, James Callahan, and Don Adams in the Skeet Shoot with six of nine hits.

I would like to encourage the men of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri that do not have an organized brotherhood, to start a brotherhood within your local church. The purpose of the brotherhood is to promote Christian fellowship, biblical leadership education, and mentoring.
This ministry depends on the financial support of the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri. We want to encourage your church to support this ministry.

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President

Women’s Missionary Auxiliary of the BMA of America 2014 Resolutions

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WHEREAS, we live in a society that is moving further and further away from the concepts of God and His Word, we shall resolve to:

  1. Be more committed to our own personal study of God’s Word, spending time in prayer and preparing ourselves to be better fit for His service.
  2. Be available and willing to work and serve in each of our own local churches and strive to help make a difference in our communities.
  3. Be faithful and supportive in our State Associational work.
  4. Join together nationally, with urgency as we realize the soon return of our Savior, to help the Baptist Missionary Association of America keep the Great Commission and carry the Gospel to the world.

Resolutions Committee
Jodi Rhea – Oklahoma
Debbie Clark – Oklahoma
submitted by Norma Womble, Reporter

Mid-Year Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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The messengers of the Churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri met May 18, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. in the facilities of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Sikeston.
President Claude Evans called the meeting to order and the messnegers were seated as a call was made for changes in the By-laws.

The Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Association Trustees presented changes in the By-laws for this committee which were necessitated by the incorporation of our association last year. These changes were adopted.

Bro. Don Burke was re-elected as our Recording Secretary and Bro. Dale Fish was re-elected as our Assistant Recording Secretary.
It was noted that the meeting place for our annual meeting needed to be changed and the moderator called for invitations. Bethany Baptist Church in St. Louis extended an invitation and the messengers voted to accept the invitation to meet at Bethany October 26, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Reports for the following entities were heard: The Kenneth E. Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund; the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper; the Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Committee; the Recording Secretary’s Report, and the ALIVE Committee.
The Missionary Committee met and recommended that we designate $800 of the director’s monthly salary as housing allowance. They also recommended that we give a love offering of $1,000 to each of the three missionaries who spoke ot the Missions Symposium Friday evening. Such offering was for their work funds.
Following the Missionary Committee meeting the messengers voted to approve their recommendations.

The Encampment report was given via a video presentation. Camp Evangelist for this year will be Bro. Wade Allen who is serving in the Phillipines.

The Brotherhood report was given.
All reports were accepted by the messengers.

A standing vote of appreciation was given to Bethel Baptist Church and Pastor Jerry Adams for their wonderful hospitality .
Bro Jerry Adams then brought a message that challenged us to be witness for Christ using examples of people in the Bible who let the Power of God help them witness to others.

Following the message the meeting was adjourned until October. We enjoyed a delicious meal provided by Bethel and a wonderful time of fellowship in the activity building.


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The missions simulcast is over but you can access the recorded sessions at

100 Churches in 3 Years
Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 10:00am – Noon
This simulcast will cover how to build a multiplication process in your church and give you more information on how to involve your church and churches in your area in church multiplication.
Special Note: From 11am – Noon we will be discussing the integration of BMA Missions and Lifeword.

Make plans now to take part in this live simulcast from Lifeword Studios at one of the following locations:

  • Oasis Church, North Little Rock, AR
  • Springdale Baptist Church, Springdale, AR
  • Garrett Memorial, Hope, AR
  • First Keltys, Lufkin, TX
  • New Harmony, Tyler, TX
  • First Baptist, Galena, KS
  • Vardaman Street, Wiggins, MS
  • Fusion Church, Fountain, CO
  • Majestic View, Kiowa, CO
  • Southgate Baptist, Moore, OK
  • Temple Baptist Church, Jonesboro, AR

Other host sites may become available or contact me (larry@bmaam.com) if you are interested in being a host site.

A recording of this simulcast will be available for viewing later on the BMA Missions website.

February 27, 2013
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Learn about Multiplication Centers
If you’re interested in being a host site please contact me at larry@bmaam.com
Invite your friends to watch with you

Remember, 100 Churches in 3 Years!

Thanks again,
Larry Barker
North America Director of Operations
Baptist Missionary Association of America
9219 Sibley Hole RD
Little Rock, AR 72209
501-455-4977 (Office)
501-766-2606 (Cell)

Wow, What a Place!

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Forty years ago my wife and I took our young family to a famous vacation spot. We could not afford the trip, but we went anyway. Wow! What a place! It had everything imaginable for us to vacation with our family. This past week my wife and I returned to the famous resort. Forty years of work had transformed it beyond “wow,” and it was now more than wow. The only reason we checked out of our room was because a man with a pistol came to our room, forced us to leave for other guests had reservations in this same room. I left reluctantly. Forty years of human imagination, planning, execution, vision, and lots of money had made this place even more a superlative vacation spot.

Jesus told us He was going to prepare a place for His kind of people. He told us he was coming again to take us there. It is a place in His Father’s community. It is a more than a “Wow!” kind of place. It is a place beyond human planning, vision, and yes, ability to construct. It is a place of perfect residence for those who love Him and look for His appearance. It is a place unequaled in human thought-“more than we could think.”

If very bright humans can build and continue to improve a famous vacation spot over forty years, imagine what the Son of God- the Creative Element of the universe, the Force that holds creation together- can do in His preparing a place for those who are His followers. He has been working on it more than forty years!

I do want to return to the famous vacation spot I left last week. I will have to reduce some credit card debt before I do. The “Wow!” place Jesus has for us is free. He asks me to put my life into His care, believe Him, trust Him, repent of my sins, and turn to Him for life—that is life of the same quality God Himself has. He wants to share the “Wow!” place with you and me. “Come with me to my Father’s house where there is joy, joy, joy.”

by Tony M. Cleaver

Paul Harvey’s America

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by Dr. John M. Adams • Executive Director – Moral Action

Paul Harvey (1918-2009) transformed radio by inspiring a nation to listen to common sense. This man was unique not only in radio voice but in timely sayings.

The brutal murder of his father shaped Paul Harvey’s life and career, howbeit, through many tears. He had a wonderful high school teacher who helped launch his career into radio. He became a champion for God, His church, those serving in uniform, and our American nation.

Paul Harvey wrote and quoted a prayer that he wrote in 1952. It was a plea for God to raise up a certain type of President for our country. The following is that excerpt:

“Almighty God, send us a leader.
A man with his feet planted firmly in American tradition.
A tall man…with his head above the fog of selfish interests.
Not a common man.
This time, God, send us an“Uncommon man”…a statesman.
We don’t deserve him, but send him anyway.
And hurry, please. The hour is late.
The candle of freedom burns low.”

In the foreword of the book by Stephen Mansfield and David Holland, Paul Harvey’s America, is presented the fact that Paul Harvey understood that America is unique in human history, a nation founded in a vision of freedom that was new in the world at that time.

Harvey wanted Americans to never forget the price our forefathers had to pay for freedom. He would give us the “Rest of the Story” series to teach us what little we knew of our Founding Fathers and Mothers. They were stalwart souls who paved a great path for each of us.

So, that is the reason that at the peak of his radio talk it was estimated that 24,000,000 people a week listened to his inspirational presentations of hope and love.

One of his greatest speeches was given on April 3, 1965. It is as follows:

“If I were the Devil…I mean, if I were the Prince of Darkness, I would of course, want to engulf the whole earth in darkness. I would have a third of its real estate and four-fifths of its population, but I would not be happy until I had seized the ripest apple on the tree, so I should set about however necessary to take over the United States. I would begin with a campaign of whispers. With the wisdom of a serpent, I would whisper to you as I whispered to Eve; ‘do as you please.’ ‘Do as you please.’ To the young, I would whisper, ‘The Bible is a myth.’ I would convince them that man created God instead of the other way around. I would confide that what is bad is good, and what is good is ‘square.’ In the ears of the young marrieds, I would whisper that work is debasing, that cocktail parties are good for you. I would caution them not to be extreme in religion, in patriotism, in moral conduct. And the old, I would teach to pray. I would teach them to say after me: ‘Our Father, which art in Washington…’

“If I were the devil, I’d educate authors in how to make lurid literature exciting so that anything else would appear dull and uninteresting. I’d threaten T.V. with dirtier movies and vice versa. And then if I were the devil, I’d get organized. I’d infiltrate unions and urge more loafing and less work, because idle hands usually work for me. I’d peddle narcotics to whom I could. I’d sell alcohol to ladies and gentlemen of distinction. And I’d tranquilize the rest with pills. If I were the devil, I would encourage schools to refine young intellects but neglect to discipline emotions…let those run wild. I would designate an atheist to front for me before the highest courts in the land and I would get preachers to say ‘she’s right.’ With flattery and promises of power, I could get the courts to rule what I construe as against God and in favor of pornography, and thus, I would evict God from the courthouse, and then from the school house, and then from the houses of Congress and then, in His own churches I would substitute psychology for religion, and I would deify science because that way men would become smart enough to create super weapons but not wise enough to control them.

“If I were Satan, I’d make the symbol of Easter an egg, and the symbol of Christmas, a bottle. If I were the devil, I would take from those who have and I would give to those who wanted, until I had killed the incentive of the ambitious. And then, my policestate would force everybody back to work. Then, I could separate families, putting children in uniform, women in coal mines, and objectors in slave camps. In other words, if I were Satan, I’d just keep on doing what he’s doing.”

Paul Harvey, Good Day.

I recommend for enjoyable reading the patriotic common sense book, Paul Harvey’s America, written by Stephen Mansfield and David Holland, Tyndale House, $19.99.

2012 Garwood Camp – July 30 – August 3

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at Camp Garwood, Garwood Missouri

starting with supper Monday at 5:00 p.m. and ending after Breakfast Friday
Camp Theme: “Finishing Strong”
Job 27:6 “My righteousness I hold fast, and will not let it go: my heart shall not reproach me so long as I live.”
Camp Evangelist: Dustin Wisely
Camp Music Leaders: The Harper Family

Harper Family

Garwood camp director’s report – April 2012

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I would like to say the Paintball Retreat was again a great time for everyone who attended. We had 35 players and close to 20 non players present. There are pictures and a video on Facebook in the Camp Garwood group. If you haven’t seen them check it out! Thanks to everyone who helped support this retreat.

Don’t forget about the Men’s retreat May 4-5th and the GMA retreat July 13-14th. Both are going to be great weekends.

On June 9 & July 7th we will have cleanup/work days. Try to set one or both of these weekends aside to bring your youth to camp. There are a few light construction tasks that can be done along with regular grounds clean up and maintenance. Of course my family and I will be at camp on many other weekends. If neither of these dates work for you contact me and set up your own time to help.

Though we don’t have a lot of funding for major projects this year. I’m working on a couple new recreation activities to keep everyone cool and hav’n fun. Along with a few low budget upkeep projects. I’m excited about camp and hope you are too. Please join us in praying for The Harper Family, Bro Dustin Wisely, our class teachers, the cooks, and each soul that will be at camp this summer.

And, Invite someone to Camp Garwood July 30- Aug 3rd!
Chris Polk

Me, the Leader??

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by Don Burke, PotosiPastor@gmail.com

They just stood there – staring. Twenty-four fourth-grader eyes, and all of them looking right at me. Any other time I would just be another ten-year-old in the group. But this recess was different – and the pressure was on. Oh my…, what have I gotten myself into?!  The story began with my bright idea that it would be great to have a club for my friends and me. So I told the guys in class that I was going to start a club during the afternoon recess. They must have also thought it was a good idea because about a dozen guys showed up. This was so cool! …well, it was cool until we got to the part where everyone was looking at me, wanting to know what we were going to do in this club I just started. That’s when I discovered a major oversight in my plan – it never occurred to me that starting a club meant that I would need to provide some leadership in the club. And since I wasn’t prepared to give that leadership, you won’t be surprised that the club didn’t last any longer than that one fifteen-minute recess.  Okay…, lesson learned, right? Well, maybe not as much as I’d like to think. The truth is, in these years since that fourth grade experience I’ve also seen the same questioning look in other eyes – and even in my own. There was the time some fifteen years later when I married the girl that I loved and that loved me…, and soon afterwards I’m looking at myself in the mirror wondering how I’m supposed to be the leader of our new family. Or later when I accepted a promotion at work because of the new opportunities that came with it, only to soon find myself at the head of the conference table at a department meeting – my department meeting – with all eyes upon me and I had no clue what to say. And I know that many men find themselves in the same situations at times. Is there anything that can help us know how to better handle our roles as leaders?  Actually, the Bible speaks to this issue, and in one particular case shows how God fashioned a remarkable leader from a very reluctant man. The man’s name was Gideon, and you can read his story in Judges 6-8. Here are some principles his story teaches us about our role as godly leaders – even when we’re not expecting or prepared for the role.

Don’t expect much help from the world around us. In Gideon’s day the enemy was poised to intimidate and even crushany leadership that would arise among God’s people. And it’s no different in our world today. What percentage of the sitcoms you’ve seen lately showed a reasonable and responsible man in

the role as the real head of his family? The typical commercial portrays men as the duffus – the man is the goofy one buying a falcon (or wishing he had), while his “normal” and in-charge wife is the one talking rationally to the insurance agent. Men, the world is out to downplay and undermine our leadership role. Don’t let the world set or suppress your pattern for leadership.

A timid start is better than no start at all. However, we must ultimately make a confident stand as we follow God’s clear directions. Gideon’s worked on his first assignment as leader in the middle of the night because he was afraid – which doesn’t exactly make him the poster boy for brave, bold leadership.

But at least he was willing to start in the right direction.  Then before long he was leading with greater boldness. If you are not used to taking a stand for God in your role as a leader, do what you can (asking God for help). It may be baby steps at first, but as you continue to follow Him you will grow in your ability to confidently stand for Him.

Start by addressing the problems closest to home.  So often we think of leadership as just pointing out things that others need to do. Yet Gideon’s first job as leader was not about directing others, but about taking care of a problem closer to home – he had to remove the family idols. This example illustrates that before we are in a place to lead other and point out what they need to do, we must first make sure that we are attempting to live as we should – which includes addressing the sin that is in our own life and in those for whom we are responsible. Are there sins in your own life that you haven’t repented of? Are there issues in your family that you have failed to lovingly yet unflinchingly address? Leadership starts with how we deal with issues within ourselves and those situations closest to us.

Our directions must come from God. Gideon was able to lead only as he followed the directions that God gave him.  If we men are to be godly leaders, we must know and live by what the Bible says. This means we need to make a habit of sitting under good Bible teaching and preaching. It also means that we need to personally read God’s Word regularly and live by what we learn from it.

Be ready to do the unthinkable.  Contrary to what most military strategists would advise in such situations, God chose to par down the size of the Israelite army before they faced their enemies. “This is absolutely crazy,” the people – including Gideon – possibly thought. But the plan worked.  And so will whatever God leads you to do as you follow His direction…, even if everyone (including you) thinks that it is crazy.

We must find strength in God’s calling, not our circumstances or natural abilities. Gideon argued that he was poor leadership material – that he was the last man that anyone would choose for the job. I’ve felt that way…, and I imagine most of you men have, too. But God has given us the roles of leadership in our families, our churches, and other places; and since He has called us to these roles, we can find the strength we need in Him.

Be careful that you don’t distract others from focusing on God. The Bible shows that Gideon was both a success and a failure in this area. On the one hand, he refused to let the people make him king, telling them that they instead needed to focus on God as their king.  Yet on the other hand, he made an ephod for himself. (It seems that this type of ephod was a special garment designed by God to be worn by the priests, and one of its purposes was to reveal His will in special circumstances).  The ephod that

Gideon made became a distraction for the people, drawing their attention and commitment away from God. As God uses you as a leader, be careful to try to avoid those things that will cause others to be distracted from their focus on God.

 God will provide assurance as you are faithful to him. At various times (including the dew on the fleece, the enemy’s dream) God gave Gideon assurance that he was on the right track. My experience is that God still does the same thing today to those who are genuinely committed to Him. If you are committed to follow Him and need a little assurance of His help or His directions, just ask. I am no longer in the fourth grade, but the pressure is still on – it’s on me, and it’s on you, too. All eyes are upon us.  Others are looking to us to step up and provide the leadership in our families, at our jobs, in our churches, and more. Has God given you a role as leader – maybe a role that you feel as unfit for as Gideon did? The lessons of Gideon give us confidence to shoulder these God-given roles and become the leaders that God calls us to, and that the people in our world desperately need us to be. Men, may this be our challenge to man-up to the leadership roles God has given us – and may we “act like men” (1 Corinthians 16:13) in accepting this challenge.