
How Shoe Boxes Help Our Pastors

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By Angela Rice

Do you ever wonder what happens when our missionaries receive Everlasting Smiles Shoeboxes? Let me share this exciting news with you:
The first shipment of shoeboxes arrived in El Salvador to Pastor Rigoberto Cruz on December 18. The very next day, Pastor Rigoberto and his team began loading trucks and distributing boxes to the different mission churches in their areas of ministry.

Then the churches hold special children’s events for the community where they give them out. Although the shoeboxes bring people to the programs, the pastors focus on the plan of salvation for the children families that come.

December 22, Pastor Rigoberto gathered together his own community of Montelimar for a children’s event to give out shoeboxes. With over 1,200 people in attendance, there was standing room only. The event included clowns, fun games, music, and a drama portraying the life and death of Jesus. The finale was a message of the good news of Christ, and several people accepted Jesus. A fireworks display ended the evening.

While I was celebrating Christmas with family and traditions, Pastor Rigoberto and his team were out in the community each day of the holiday season spreading the love of Christ with the shoeboxes you sent.
Police and delivery truck drivers were given gifts for their children. Gifts were given to children on the streets and to more than 300 children who spent Christmas in the children’s hospital. Nurses and doctors there received gifts for their children and the team spent time in prayer with families of the patients. Gifts were given in mission churches and areas where churches are in the process of being planted.

Every day I received a report of how the ministry was going and how God was blessing the people of El Salvador through your generosity.
5“We are reaching places where the children have never been blessed in such a great way as today” is how Christmas Day was described. “The smiles of the children are priceless.” Our pastors and leadership team in El Salvador spent time in a small village that most would consider poor. They walked from house to house to deliver gifts to the children and to spend time getting to know families in the community better.

Pastor Rigoberto said, “We do not have a church in this area, but we have had professions of faith because we have been visiting for a few months. We want to use the toy boxes and the medical brigade (BMMI) to establish the mission.”

So what happens for our missionaries as a result of giving out boxes? On the Sunday following shoebox distribution, Pastor Rigoberto’s church in Montelimar was packed with people sitting in chairs outside the church. Many new relationships were made, and with each box containing the plan of salvation, people were pointed to Christ and to our churches.

Whether from our friends who packed them in the States or the ministry team that delivered them in El Salvador, each shoebox was given with love and showed the love of Christ to others. Please pray for the pastors in El Salvador as they continue to serve the people in their communities and follow up with those who have begun attending their churches.

Drink The Melted Ice Cream…

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I’d like to tell you our story from the first week of February.
Friday, 7th, Deekota didn’t have a good ob-gyn visit.
Saturday, 8th, After leaving the Trail Life derby races the church van was rear ended while sitting at a stop sign. While at the hospital, Caleb developed complications. A tic that affected his speech.
By Sunday, 9th, Caleb’s condition worsens to the point his “tic” is non stop. So we spend all night in Cape ER.
We get home 5 a.m., Monday 10th, to find the refrigerator had quit and everything was melted. We had planned to go with Kota to her return ob-gyn visit but Children’s hospital called and scheduled Caleb at the same time as her appointment.
Tuesday, 11th, Caleb’s condition worsens because the meds make him so dizzy he can’t stand up. Through the whole process Caleb is not as worried about his condition as he is of going to the Dr. and hospitals.
Wednesday, 12th, Caleb’s Dr. at Children’s hospital says he will improve but it will take a while. A long while, 3 months would be an optimistic recovery time.
While we were in St. Louis receiving fairly good news with Caleb, Kota in Conway was not. Sadly she lost the baby.
At this point we recognize, OK this is a rough week. But, God is in control. We know this. We never wavered in this. There is much comfort knowing that in all this madness God is in control.
Early in the week there were some posts on Facebook that made it sound like we were struggling. The posts were intended to help and had our best interest at heart, the wording just made it sound like we were loosing it. But we really hadn’t. Oh we’ve cried. We hugged. But we also talked with each other more than we have in a long time.
The week before this all started we had a study on prayer. We certainly prayed that week. We prayed over Caleb like never before. And still my prayer life needs improvement. But our faith has never wavered.
When we got home at 5 a.m. and found water everywhere from the refrigerator, we got a couple hours sleep. Then, when we got up we drank the melted Ice cream for lunch. That night Laura made meatloaf, Caleb’s favorite, with the thawed meat for supper. Looking into the refrigerators problem we unplugged it and plugged it back in and it’s been working ever since. Thank you Lord!
Caleb and I have played video games together. I’ve missed so many opportunities to spend time with him over the years, But, Not that week. He’s not out of the woods and I’m not done spending time with him.
When these things happen in life we can shake our fist at God, or we can look for what God is doing. We don’t always get answers, but, it’s not enough to simply say, sometimes the answer is no. Because, God is always in control whatever is going on is a plan, It’s God’s plan. Not mine, not yours, HIS.
History, In world events and in the events of your life, is HIS story.
Romans 8:28 “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.”

Camp Garwood Activities in 2020:
Pastors & Leaders Retreat • March 27th-28th
Paintball • April 17th-18th
DEWr Retreat • June 19-20
State Camp • July 27-31 – History is HIStory; Cor 1:16

Chris Polk, Camp Director • PO Box 271 • Matthews MO 63867
Phone: (573)380-1975 • e-mail:

From God’s Word & My Heart

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by Pastor Ben Kingston • Bethel Baptist Church • Lonedell, MO

“Where no oxen are, the crib is clean: but much increase is by the strength of the ox.” Proverbs 14:4

If you’re reading along on these articles, hopefully you dealt with “bitterness” in January and achieved an attitude of “forgiveness” in February.

Now, I’d like to add some practical advice in life and church life in particular. I hope you will allow me some latitude here, and know that there is no better, nor more dedicated cheerleader of Brad Banderman than myself.

With that said, I have publicly stated many times that 20 years ago when Brad started out, his personality and antics, shall we say, rubbed a few people the wrong way – in particular a few of my pastoral friends. More than once they would say to me “Boy, I am glad you have him.” They would chuckle, of course, and I knew they were not complimenting me or Brad.
But here was the truth: as “obnoxious” as Brad could be, he was an amazing Youth Director. So, after a few years of listening to that and the annoying chuckle that followed, I chose to respond to one of them and I said “I am glad also, because if you had him you would have ruined Him.” Needless to say, that ended the conversation. To that gentleman’s credit, after working closely with Brad a few years later in an associational ministry, he told me, “Ben, I was wrong about Brad; that guy is something and the Lord has blessed you with a real treasure.”

In speaking with my former Pastor, John Smith, he revealed that he had been told the same thing about me years ago. I guess the apple doesn’t fall too far from the tree!

Now, what is the point of all this? Look at the verse again: No ox = clean crib; ox = no clean crib. But, did you catch it? There is much strength by the ox…… wait for it….. To get the strength of the ox you must put up with, and yes, shovel some manure.

There it is! One of the most amazing spiritual truths I have ever realized and put to work in the ministry!

It doesn’t matter who they are, if they are a human (ox) they are a sinner and have nuances and hang ups and quirks that will drive you batty on occasion. They also have a spiritual gift: the Holy Spirit, the Word of God, a God-given personality, and a God-given burden for their church and ministry. If we will disciple them, lead them, guide them, and get out of their way, they will grow a great work for and through God.

So, the next time you think, “I am going to ring that monkey’s neck,” remember the verse. Gotta shovel some poop to get the hard work that only the ox can do. May your fields be fruitful and your cribs…well, you get the idea.

BMAA Meeting/Ballot Information

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Baptist Missionary Association of America

The BMA of America national meeting has been canceled. However, we need our churches to vote even though we are not meeting as usual. You can find the ballot and more information at

March 2020 – Mission Director’s Report

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It was a joy to be invited to be with the First Baptist Church of Matthews on World Missions Sunday and to also be able to join them for the Camp Garwood Breakfast Fundraiser that Saturday. It was a blessing to see several from other churches, even as far away as St. Charles, attend the breakfast which raised $1,704 for camp.

My wife and I enjoyed the fellowship and hospitality of the folks at Matthews and were impressed with their generous support of Missions as they gave their entire offering that day to BMA of America Missions.
I also had the privilege of attending the meeting of the Meramec Association missions committee at Westview Baptist Church in Jefferson City February 29th. Host Pastor Mike Hearst and the entire committee made me feel welcome and asked me to give an update on BMAMO Missions and the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper.

One thing that has been very noticeable as I have visited these meetings and filled pulpits over the last few weeks is there seems to be an increased interest in reaching others with the Word everywhere I go. Especially is this evident in various meetings among our churches in Missouri.

It was encouraging to sit in an impromptu meeting following the Meramec Association meeting in Jefferson City, about the possibilities of Bro. Matt Barker being led of God to plant a new work within our state in the near future.

Perhaps this is the year we will see a vibrant new work in our state! Everyone seems ready to see this become a reality.

In view of this, I encourage Pastors and Staff Leaders to make plans to attend the Renewal Retreat at Camp Garwood March 27-28, and the Missions Symposium and Mid-year meeting of the BMA of MO at New Testament Baptist Church in Sullivan May 15-16.
Each of these meetings can and will be used of God to increase our interest and burden to do more for God!

These are challenging yet exciting times in which we live and we should cultivate an attitude of joyfully serving God and looking forward with excitement about what He is doing in and through His churches around the world. Please pray that we will experience a revival among our churches and departments that will have a God-honoring effect in our State and bring glory to God for years to come!

The Missouri Missionary Baptist Paper:

When invited to speak about the paper at the meeting in Jefferson City I shared that our finances continue to be a great concern, but 3 different experiences this past month have given some encouragement.

• A church that has been without a pastor for a couple years sent 2 checks: 1 to missions and 1 to the paper. Each check was marked “offerings for 2018-2019. They had been setting aside their offerings while having no pastor and since they now have one they sent the entire 2 years at once!
• Another experience was a couple that live in the northern part of our state for the last 17 years, where there are no BMA churches, noted that they had not renewed their subscription since 2003 and sent a check for $170 to cover the 17 years they were behind.
• The special offering of the Meramec Association, for which I am deeply grateful, was another encouragement.

When I told this story using the first two experiences at the meeting in Jefferson City I ended it by saying, “Go thou and do likewise!”
I appreciate all the support that keeps this ministry going Thanks for supporting with finances, prayers, and actions!

2020 Missions Symposium & Mid-Year BMA of MO Meeting

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New Testament Baptist Church in Sullivan, MO has been blessed with the opportunity to host the 2020 BMA of Missouri Mission Symposium & Mid-year meeting on Friday & Saturday, May 15th &16th. We hope that you will make plans to join us!

The theme for our Mission Symposium will be “Helping Our Churches Excel.” This theme is based on I Corinthians 14:12b- “…seek that ye may excel to the edifying of the church.”

Come hear how God is using the New Testament Baptist Church and Missionary, Stan Scroggins to plant the New Testament Tigbawan Baptist Church in Tigbawan, Southern Leyte, in the Philippines and be challenged as we seek to work together to see our current BMA churches in Missouri excel and see new churches planted in Missouri in the future for the glory of God.

The Missions Symposium will be at 6:30 p.m. Friday, May 15th. There will be testimonies from Pastor Josh Wright, church member Mae Lahmann, missionary Stan Scroggins, and church planter JayR Suico. As well as congregational singing, special music and a challenge from Pastor Josh.
The Mid-Year Meeting will be Saturday morning at 9:00 a.m. Missionary Stan Scroggins will be preaching and a meal will be provided following the meeting in the church fellowship hall.

Here are a few area motels that would be suitable for your stay during the meeting:
Comfort Inn • 736 S Service Rd. W, Sullivan, MO 63080 (573) 468-7800
Baymont by Wyndham • 275 N Service Rd. W, Sullivan, MO 63080 (573) 367-2211
Budget Lodging • 866 S Outer Rd., St. Clair, MO 63077 (636) 629-1000. Please make your reservations as soon as possible while there are plenty of rooms available.

We look forward to seeing and enjoying our fellowship with many pastors, deacons, and church members of our BMA of Missouri churches. Please feel free to contact New Testament Baptist Church with any questions you may have about these meetings: (573) 468-3334.

WORLD MISSIONS DAY February 23, 2020!

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by John David Smith

World Missions Day is a significant event for BMA Missions as churches around the association pray and give a special offering to support our partnership in global missions. Pastor, this year I am personally asking if you will lead your church to prayerfully support global missions on World Missions Day with a special offering. BMA Missions – Your PARTNER in global missions. In the New Testament we get a picture of the early church and a multiplication movement that was fueled by missionary endeavors supported through the partnership of local churches. Partnership is at the heart of our missions philosophy. Here’s how it works: Local Churches are both the source (sending) AND the goal (planting) of missions.

BMA Missions provides the assessment, training, and support missionaries need for effective global ministry. U.S. Missionaries spread the gospel, make disciples, and plant churches around the world. ChangeMaker Missionaries are the product of our missions partnership. They are local missionaries planting churches in their native countries. We want to be YOUR partner! Will you help us send more missionaries to develop more disciples and train more local ChangeMaker missionaries to plant more churches so more people will hear the gospel? Register your church for World Missions Day 2020 at worldmissionsday/ and we will send your pastor a FREE rain jacket! (Read ChangeMakers story on Page 5.)


December 2019 – Mission Director’s Reprt

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My wife and I wish each of you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year as you serve the Lord and look forward to His blessings each day.
Thank you for your support of our Mission Program and the Publication Ministry of our association with which we have been associated for over 30 years.

Please join us in prayer as your Special Missions Committee searches for a new Missions Director and the Publications Committee seeks a new editor and as both committees seek God’s direction in planning the future of these departments.

Please pray for God to lay these opportunities on persons who are qualified and dedicated to the task of serving in each capacity. Remember – the deadline for receiving resumes is January 1, 2020! (Note the information on page 1 of this issue.) This deadline will only be a few weeks away by the time you receive this paper.

Our offerings for Missions are holding steady and are ample to cover the expenses as we are operating at the present, but we hope to have at least one missionary to consider supporting in the next few months and this will require additional funds coming in each month.

At this time we are barely keeping our Publication Funds in the black and if things do not pick up soon we will have to appeal to the churches with a “Special Emphasis” to build our bank account to be adequate for the transition to a new Editor. Please pray about helping with this need without us having to make a “special” appeal. Thank you for considering this.

Another matter of prayer that I call to your attention is the need of more preachers (pastors) coming to work with the churches in Missouri. It seems over the last several years we have had more leave our state than we have had coming to work with us. This is a cause of concern for many I have talked to this past year and we need to pray that God will lead some more workers to come and work with us. When we visit other states we need to let people there know we would welcome them to come and join us in this area.

As we look forward to the year ahead we should do so with anticipation about what God can and will do if we pray, seek His face, and do the work He has given us to do.

There are lost souls wherever we are and we need to ask God to make us “conscious” of the opportunities we have to tell them about Jesus. God is still saving souls and we are still commissioned to take the message to them, so let’s rededicate ourselves to carry out His program for reaching those who need Jesus before it is too late.

As we think of gifts at Christmas let’s remember that the greatest gift a person can receive is JESUS and the greatest gift a Christian can receive at Christmas is to know their family and friends have received the Gift of Eternal Life through Jesus!

7 New Year Resolutions for Christians

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As we approach the end of a year we often hear the expression, “It’s out with the old and in with the new!” Here are seven things that many of us need to replace in our lives.

  1. Replace Pride with Humility.
    “But He gives more grace, therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.’” James 4:6
    “He leads the humble in what is right, and teaches the humble his way.” Psalm 25:9
  2. Replace Anger with Self Control.
    “An angry man stirs up dissension, and a hot-tempered one commits many sins.” Proverbs 29:22
    “The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” Galatians 5:22-23
  3. Replace Unbelief with Faith.
    ““See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.”
    Hebrews 3:12-13
    “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” John 3:16
  4. Replace Revenge with Forgiveness.
    “Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody. If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written: ‘It is mine to avenge; I will repay,’ says the Lord.”
    Romans 12:17-19
    “Do not repay evil with evil or insult with insult, but with blessing, because to this you were called so that you may inherit a blessing.” I Peter 3:9
  5. Replace Complaining with Praise.
    “Do everything without complaining or arguing.”
    Philippians 2:14
    “Through Jesus, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise — the fruit of lips that confess His name. And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased.” Hebrews 13:15-16
  6. Replace Wicked Thoughts with Pure Thoughts.
    “The things that come out of the mouth come from the heart, and these make a man ‘unclean.’ For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander.” Matthew 15:18-19
    “Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think on such things.” Philippians 4:8
  7. Replace Gossip with Encouragement.
    “Without wood a fire goes out; without gossip a quarrel dies down. Proverbs 26:20
    “Do not let unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen. And do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption. Get rid of all bitterness rage and anger, brawling and slander, along with every form of malice. Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:29-32

Journey to a Quiet Time in 2020

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Dear churches,
As I have stated in the past I have a goal of submitting an article each month just to do my part in helping Bro. Jim fill out this paper and he has regularly encouraged any of us to do just that, submit an article. So here we go! I would like to share with you my journey to a quiet time and what God orchestrated to what I still do today after about 30 years.

Now I know that quiet times can be about as different and personalized as finger prints and as long as they are God honoring they are not wrong. Let’s first answer the question, “What is a quiet time?” Simply put, it is spending time with God, having a personal daily worship time with God. It also envelopes the term discipline, and putting God First, etc.

So let’s make some assumptions: These are not deal breakers but preferences for sure.

The place you have your quiet time needs to be quiet. It needs to be a place and time that you can enter into solitude. Being alone with God.
Now let’s answer some questions: “Why a quiet time?”
God has clearly delineated in His word that this is His desire! He wants all of you all the time but work, family, and life’s demands have to be experienced, so He desires at least “some” daily moments.
David said, “Early will I seek thee…. in a dry and thirsty land where no water is.” (Psalm 63:1) “Seek ye first the kingdom of God…. and all these thing will be added unto you.” (Matthew 6:33)

And, we seek God because “man doth not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.” (Matthew 4:4)
When? I think we have already answered that! The morning, if possible. But, if the morning is a no go a quiet time at night is better than no quiet time at all.
Where? Again probably already answered that, somewhere where you can focus. I know a lot of people who have their quiet time in the car on their way to work.
That’s alright!
So lastly, How? Because you know The Who?

So here’s my story: I went to college never hearing the term “quiet time,” but it seemed that in the internal fraternity of Christian colleges, this was a sacred rite and practice in which only rank heathen did not participate..
Therefore I quickly adopted the language and gave tepid practice to the discipline of spending a daily quiet time with God; but if the true story is to be told it wasn’t until a year or so into my youth director job at Bethel that Keith Ragsdale approached me to participate in a study on how to have a structured quiet time.
Needless to say it changed my life for good and for God.

So I am going to end this article with the actual verbiage that I pray each day and, no it is not a ritualistic prayer as much as my daily discipline in approaching God in a time of solitude.
The basic approach is that you have two types of prayer. You first respond to God’s holiness with confession, God’s attributes with Praise, To God’s Glory with worship, To God’s blessings with thanksgiving, Then you ask God, as your Father, what you need for that day, and then you ask God, as your Master, for the kingdom needs.

Here is my rough outline that I use each day:
I respond to His Holiness with confession. Dear Father if there is any unclean way in me please forgive me and cleanse me….
I respond to His attributes with praise. I praise you for being all knowing, all powerful, ever present, sinless, immortal, unchanging, wrathful, just, merciful, kind, compassionate,…
I respond to His Glory with worship.
I worship you…. Worship is the response of an adoring heart to the magnificence of God in the highest sense of the word. It is the occupation of the created with the creator. It is the pure joy of knowing that you’re worshipping the One who’s name is above every other name, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord.

I respond to His blessings with thanksgiving. I thank you Lord for Jesus your son, our Savior; your Spirit; and You! Your heaven – your Word – your armor – your people – purposes – your ways – (the church) – Your wife, Dawn – your daughter, Molly – your son, Benjamin – your son, Tony – your salvation health and personality – Your future salvation – health and personality – your clothes – food – cars – trucks – vans – riches – houses – and lands…

Now I ask Him for what I need since He is my Father. I ask you to fill me with your Spirit, conform me to your image, please put on the armor – Your helmet of salvation, it is your salvation – The breastplate of righteousness, it is your righteousness – The girdle of truth, it is your truth – The shoes of the preparation of the gospel of peace, it’s your gospel and your peace, and peace with you – The shield of faith It’s your faith (Ephesians 2:8,9) – The sword of the Spirit, it’s your Word – And with all praying for all saints
Then I ask Him as my Master for what I need to accomplish His kingdom work. Dear Father, help us to know you – Let us in on your kingdom work – help us to bear your fruit in Jesus name, I pray amen.

May the Lord bless you as you seek His face each day.If you do not already, please find what works for you and seek Him daily.

by Ben Kingston, Pastor • Bethel Baptist Church, Lonedell, MO