
2019 LifeWord Sunday Season

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LifeWord Sunday season is upon us! We pray your church family will plan to join the LifeWord team in a day of informing, praying and giving. October 20th (or whichever date your church may choose) is LifeWord Sunday and our desire is for your church members to understand how LifeWord helps them fulfill their Great Commission calling.
Here’s how you can participate in 2019 LifeWord Sunday

  • Register your church at lifeWord. org/lifewordsunday or call LifeWord to register at (501) 205-1127. (You’ll be entered to win an Apple watch!)
  • Be on the lookout for your church packet in the mail. Enclosed in it are two posters and a bulletin insert sample you can use to highlight the day. A short video will be available for you to download at or e-mail for a DVD. This will help your church understand what LifeWord is all about.
  • Order LifeWord T-shirts at This year our t-shirt company will be shipping shirt orders every 2 weeks, so we encourage you to place your shirt orders at least 3 weeks before your LifeWord Sunday event to ensure they arrive on time!
  • Pray for the millions who need to hear the gospel on October 20th and take a special offering for LifeWord.

Thank you in advance for your partnership with LifeWord. We appreciate you!


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First Baptist Church of Potosi , MO
announces the Ordination of their Youth and
Celebrate Recovery Pastor
Kevin Smith
August 18, 2019
2:00 p.m.
All are welcome to attend!
A Reception will follow the Ordination Service

Another Camp Completed Another Summer Gone!!

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Very Important Statistics
Professions of Faith — 15
Registered Campers — 308
Daily Visitors (not registered) — 70 – 80

Classroom attendance:
Under 5 years old — 9 students
6-7 years old — 10 students
8-9 years old — 25 students
10-12 year old girls — 38 students
10-12 year old boys — 22 students
High school girls — 64 students
High school boys — 48 students
Total: 216

BMA of MO Semi-Annual Meeting

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The Semi-Annual Meeting of the BMA of Missouri met at Grandview Baptist Church, Springfield, May 18th. One of the highlights of the meeting was the growing anticipation of a new missionary, Bro. Dustin Wisely, coming to our state to work in the Columbia area. Bro. Wisely is entering the field as a missionary commissioned by and under the immediate direction of his home church, First Baptist, Magnolia, AR. The State and Meramec Associations are cooperating with First Baptist, Magnolia, to help provide a solid foundation for this work to become well established in our state.

Saturday morning Pastor Gary Longstaff welcomed the Association to Grandview. For the morning devotional Missionary-elect Wisely picked up where he had left off the night before as he energetically spoke on Being Madmen for the Gospel. After Moderator Ben Kingston called the meeting to order,a petitionary letter was accepted from Pleasant Grove Baptist Church of Belgrade.

The Association approved the Special Missions Committee recommendation to help support Bro. Dustin Wisely’s mission work in Columbia. The Association voted to give $2,000 per month, designated for salary, beginning the first of 2020. As that work develops we will monitor the need to provide work fund support as well. In response to a question raised in October about the Association’s liability concerns, the Special Missions Committee also made a recommendation to amend our bylaws (Article VI (Officers) Section 3) as follows (underlined portion added to the existing section):
The duties of the officers shall be such as usually devolve on such officers of a deliberative body. Officers are, however, not authorized to speak or act as an authority at any time on behalf of the Association for any matter to which the Association has not directly spoken. The body approved this change. The Special Missions Committee will be continuing their work on this project.

Highlights from the various department reports included….

Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Program:
Treasurer David Griggs gave the financial report followed by President Dennis Baker’s report in which he noted the need for our church to give special offerings to the Grant Fund in order that we might be able to help churches with emergency funds when needed.

Camp Garwood:
Camp Director Chris Polk noted the camp schedule for this year and pointed out that no new projects would be started this summer due to lack of funds, but that some projects already started would be completed. He noted that much help is needed to get everything ready for use this year.

The date for this year’s Alive Conference is December 29 – 31, at Chesterfield, Missouri.

Missouri Missionary Baptist:
Editor Jim Hoffmann reported that increased monthly offerings are needed or we will have to have a special drive to raise funds in a few months as our income has fallen seriously the first part of this year.

The messengers voted to sponsor another Renewal Retreat with Bro. Ben Kingston as the leader.

After all business was completed, Bro. Ben Kingston gave the annual message, On Being a Man after God’s Own Heart, from Acts 13:22. Following the message all pastors met with missionary-elect Dustin Wisely in the altar for a time of prayer specifically for him and his missionary work in our state. We then enjoyed food and fellowship as the church provided the noon meal.

by Don Burke, Clerk

Camp Garwood Activities

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These months sure are clicking by. Your church should have received a camp packet by now. We are looking for the T-shirt order and registration form to be sent in on Fathers Day. We will not be ordering extra shirts this year so please be sure to order if you want one. We’ll have pictures of the shirts posted on the camp Facebook page soon and the camp packet is available now at

The DEWrs had a great time last weekend. We spent a lot of time at camp just hanging out. We also visited the Twin Pines Conservation center in Winona. They have a lot of information about logging in the early 1900’s an old one room school house is there also an archery range and several pieces of old sawmill equipment. Later that afternoon we took an exciting train ride and then prepared a new dish over the fire.

Now is the perfect time to be a Camp Garwood DEWr in 2020! You can start now saving and bring your DEWr funds to us at

June 2019 – Mission Director’s Report

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I am excited in the prospect of a new work starting in the Columbia, Missouri area and look forward to seeing God’s blessings upon our efforts in that part of the state. Please pray and encourage our works in that area as we see God leading in this.

Your Missionary Advisory Committee has prayed about expanding our efforts and believe this is God’s answer and that He will provide the workers and finances as we surrender to His will. Pray for Bro. Dustin Wisely and the First Baptist Church of Magnolia, Arkansas as they seek God’s guidance in this effort. And pray for all who are, and will be, affected by this mission effort. We have an awesome God who has given us an awesome task and will bless in awesome ways as we yield to His awesome
power! Let’s look forward to awesome things happening before Jesus comes.

by Jim Hoffmann, Mission Director

What a great meeting!

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The annual Missions Symposium of the BMA of Missouri met at Grandview Baptist Church in Springfield May 17th at 6:30 p.m. Pastor Gary Longstaff and Grandview Church in cooperation with our Missions Director had made preparation for this meeting and God blessed their efforts in a mighty way!
The atmosphere was comfortable, the music was uplifting, and the program participants were very inspirational. Many said this was one of the best symposiums we have had in a long time. Everyone seemed to be glad they were there. We did not count the attendance, but estimate there were 70 to 80 present from several of our churches.
Following some lively congregational singing, Pastor Longstaff extended a warm welcome to all present. Special singing was enjoyed at various times during the service and our three speakers challenged and blessed us with their excellent presentations illustrating the Symposium theme “The Privilege of Missions.”
Bro. Bill Hathaway, former missionary to Japan, blessed us with memories of planting churches in Japan for many years and how he has been “Enjoying Missions” for many years in Japan and is now enjoying working with a Japanese outreach at Grandview in Springfield.
Bro. Melvin Meade, former missionary to the Philippines, inspired us with a demonstration using some millstones he brought from the Philippines. He shared how he had many experiences in “Learning from Missions” including how the women had to daily grind corn for the meals they prepared. He gave some scriptural applications that caused us to look within ourselves and our relationship with God.
Bro. Dustin Wisely, missionary-elect to Columbia Missouri, endeared himself to us as he shared what he feels God wants him to do in Columbia as he looks forward to “Growing Through Missions” by depending on God’s faithfulness.
A spirit of renewal seemed to permeate our hearts as we left the service that night and looked forward to meeting for the mid-year meeting of the BMAMO the next morning.
Our heartfelt thanks to Grandview Church and each one who participated in the program and a special thanks to all who attended this meeting.
Let’s pray for the work of Missions in Missouri and look forward to reaping the harvest God has for us in our local churches across this state as we seek to do His Will.
Pray for the men who spoke to us about the “Privilege of Missions” as they are each still involved in the Lord’s Work!

by Jim Hoffmann, Mission Director

Camp Garwood 2019

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Our camp theme this year, “Hills and Valleys” was suggested by Stuart during last year’s DIT (Disciples In Training) meetings. Psalms 104:8 says, “The mountains rose, the valleys sank down to the place that you appointed for them.” At camp last week the creek was babbling, the birds were singing, the flowers were out, the trees were a dozen shades of green.
Whether it’s the Hills and Valleys around Garwood or the Mountains in Colorado. Sometimes God’s creation demands us to stop and worship Him.
It’s a comforting thought, every hill, every valley, is created by God. And even more so when that thought is applied to the hills and valleys of life. We all have them. Rarely is life smooth and level.
When we were talking about using “Hills and Valleys” for our theme I thought of the old Tracy Dartt song. “God on the Mountain”

Life is easy, when you’re up on the mountain And you’ve got
peace of mind, like you’ve never known
But things change, when you’re down in the valley
Don’t lose faith, for your never alone
For the God on the mountain, is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, he’ll make them right
And the God of the good times,is still God in the bad times
The God of the day, is still God in the night….

Life is easy, when you’re up on the mountain. And you’ve got peace of mind, like you’ve never known But things change, when you’re down in the valley Don’t lose faith, for your never alone
For the God on the mountain, is still God in the valley
When things go wrong, he’ll make them right
And the God of the good times,is still God in the bad times
The God of the day, is still God in the night….

Of course the DIT’s, my kids and just about everyone else
thought of the newer song “Hills and Valleys” by Tauren Wells.

I’ve walked among the shadows
You wiped my tears away
And I’ve felt the pain of heartbreak
And I’ve seen the brighter days
And I’ve prayed prayers to heaven from my lowest place
And I have held the blessings God, you give and take away
No matter what I have, Your grace is enough
No matter where I am, I’m standing in Your love
On the mountains, I will bow my life To the one who set me there
In the valley, I will lift my eyes to the one who sees me there. When I’m standing on the mountain aft, didn’t get there on my own. When I’m walking
through the valley end, no I am not alone!

You’re God of the hills and valleys! Hills and Valleys! God of
the hills and valleys And I am not alone!

Both songs serve well as reminders that we are not alone. In the good times and bad, on the mountain or in the valley there is one who has promised to never leave or forsake.

“Nothing much grows on top of the mountains, most growth is in the valleys. However, the peaks in our lives allow us to refresh our vision of our destination.”
-Matt Bolen

Whether you’re thinking of our theme with a focus on God’s Creation or encouragement for the valleys of life our prayer is that this years camp will help you grow a little closer to Jesus.

by Chris Polk

Opportunities For Service…. Your Help is Vital to the Ministry Of Camp Garwood!!

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We had such a great time at the recent Renewal Weekend. Thanks to the State and Meramec Associations for sponsoring and Bro. Ben Kingston for planning it!

We LOOK FORWARD to the upcoming Men’s retreat May 3rd – 4th. I’m sure details will be included in this edition We hope to see a good crowd. The Men’s retreat is always a lot of fun and a good time of fellowship. Also just around the corner is our DEWr’s weekend. May 30-June 1st. If you’re a DEWr be sure to come and enjoy the weekend with us. We will start Thursday night sitting around the fire sharing stories. Friday after breakfast we’re going on an adventure and will return to camp Friday evening. Saturday we will behanging around camp. All plans are not fnalized. We may have a train ride or a trip to the movies. Maybe it’ll be warm enough for Jolly Cone. If you’re a DEWr be sure to mark your calender, you don’t want to miss this weekend.

Not a DEWr? You can be for just over a Dollar Every Week. A Dewr is anyone who gives $ 75. or more to camp annually. Be a Dewr not a hearer only!

Camp week is fast approaching, we have several smaller jobs but our primary focus is on the mini golf course. Now is a good time for your group to schedule a weekend to come help get the grounds ready. There are always things to clean, paint, repair, move, trim or mow. We’re an equal opportunity camp ground. Every one has an equal opportunity to help!!!

Can’t make it to help? That’s OK, be a “pray-er.” Pray for our Evangelist Bro. Brad Banderman, our musicians, teachers, cooks, recreation help, sponsors, workers, campers, and for me. I truly need your prayers. Going to camp every weekend usually hauling something involves a lot of risk. Juggling family, church, work, camp and all the side things that comes with them becomes pretty stressful and trying at times.

Our theme this year, “Hills and Valleys” reminds us that God made the beauty around us and that He is God of the Hills and Valleys in life. We need that reminder often lest we think, “I can do this alone.”

-See ya at Camp
Chris Polk • PO Box 271 • Matthews MO 63867

Missions Symposium

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Don’t miss the Missions Symposium!

May 17th – 6:30 PM

At Glenview Baptist Church, Springfield, Missouri