
The Hales’ June Newsletter

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We are moving! I got a call from our landlord informing me that when the contract for our house comes up for renewal the frst of August, he’d be more than doubling our rent. I promptly told him that we’d be moved out by the end of July. I knew it could be difficult to find another good, safe, a?ordable home in the area we needed, but I also knew that if God was in it, He would provide. Well, He has provided and we are making plans to move the middle of July.

That’s good news, but this is better news: Colton has been saved! He came to us several months ago and told us that we had realized that he was a sinner during nap time and had asked God to forgive him. His story hasn’t changed and we are now 100% convinced that his experience is real.

After finding the new house we were blessed with a visit from Bro. David and Sis. Shelley Dickson. Bro. David encouraged the pastors here with a study on how to avoid having a stagnant church. Mrs. Shelley met with the ladies from 4 of our churches and spoke on the role of women in the church. It was so refreshing to have them here.

Jesse & Rebecca Hales

Hales’ Prayer Requests:

  • For the team from our sending church as they come to help.
  • That we’ll be able to navigate the craziness of this summer well.

July 2018 – Mission Director’s Report

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Please note the two “Thank You Notes” elsewhere on this page expressing appreciation to our churches for the financial help recently given to one of our churches and one of our pastors by our association. I am thankful to be a part of an association that wants to help others.

The two missionary families which were at our Mission Symposium are scheduled to move to their fields of service this month. The Walkers are due to arrive in Manila July 5th and the Woods will be leaving for Ukraine July 31st. Please keep these families in your prayers as they follow God’s leadership in their lives.

I encourage all our churches to continue in prayer for God to open doors and call ministers to plant new churches in Missouri and to fill pulpits with strong leaders for those churches seeking leadership at this time. Every week I get calls or emails asking for help in finding men to lead churches. God knows these needs and is able to supply what we need. Let’s pray for sensitivity to God’s leadership in doing our part in keeping church doors open and planting new work across our state. We live in exciting times but often get discouraged as we focus on the bad going on around us instead of trusting The One who is GOOD and FAITHFUL. God is still on the throne and is working in and through His people every day. May we be found faithful to Him every day and do our part in reaping the harvest in the “fields that are white unto harvest.”

Thank you for you faithfulness in supporting the work of the Lord and in working faithfully through His churches throughout
Missouri. Let’s keep up the good work! By the time you receive this paper our State Camp will be ready to get underway and the last minute details will be taking place. Let’s pray each day up to the day our camp starts (July 30th) and every day camp is going on for those who attend and for those who are leading in all aspects of what needs to be done. Pray for souls to be saved and for everyone involved to be renewed in spirit through this great ministry. After camp, pray that those
who have been touched by the Lord through the camp will go home and grow stronger and more dedicated to the Lord. Pray that what happens at camp will have a positive e?ect on the lives of many people.

Thank you for the prayers for my wife and I as we work among our churches. We want to be a blessing and encouragement to all who are serving the Lord and it is a blessing to see what is going on across Missouri. Thank you for letting us be used as God leads in our lives and ministry. You are a blessing to us!

Thank you!!

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Bro. Jim and the BMA of Missouri Missions:
On behalf of North Lake Church in Smithville, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. A gift like your’s is not only a wonderful and godly blessing, it’s an answer to prayers! Though we may be a young church, we are excited for the future of our ministries. We are strong believers that the Church of Jesus is the people, but we also see the great need for a good building for the church to do gospel ministry and worship. This gift puts us a HUGE step closer to our goal. Thank you!
In Christ,
Jared Kathcart
North Lake

My Deepest Appreciation

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I would like to thank each church and individual that gave to my love offering for the mid-year Mission Symposium of the BMAMO. Your Christian love will be remembered forever. This offering is a great help on my medical bills. Since the May meeting I have received my leg. I have now moved back home after 11 months of being with family. The therapy is going along
good. The journey has been a long one but I know the Lord has been and will continue to be with me all the way. Again, I thank each and everyone for the prayers, visits, and encouragement from my brothers and sisters in Christ. God Bless all of you.
David Griggs,
Emmanuel Baptist Church

Missouri Fellowship Choir Reunion

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A reunion pot-luck dinner is being planed for all former members of the Missouri Fellowship Choir.
August 11, 2018 at 3:00 p.m. at Ozark Heights Baptist Church, Potosi!

Bring a dish. Visit and sing. Lets have a good turnout and a great time together!
For more information call: David Griggs 314-724-4204

Will I See My Loved Ones Again Who Have Died and Lie Buried?

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Job 19:26-27 – “And though after my skin worms destroy this body, yet in my flesh shall I see God; Whom I shall see for myself, and mine eyes shall behold, and not another; though my reins be consumed within me.”

II Samuel 12:22 – “And he said, while the child was yet alive, I fasted and wept: For I said, who can tell whether God will be gracious to me, that the child may live? But now he is dead, wherefore should I fast? Can I bring him back again? I shall go to him, but he shall not return to me.”

John 11:23-24 – “Jesus saith unto her, thy brother shall rise again. Martha saith unto Him, I know that he shall rise again in the resurrection at the last day. “

Acts 1:3 – “To whom also he shewed himself alive after his passion by many infallible proofs, being seen of them forty days, and speaking of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God.”

I Thessalonians 4:13, 17, 18 – “But I would not have you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning them which are asleep, that ye sorrow not, even as others which have no hope…. Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. Wherefore, comfort one another with these words.”

We are permitted and encouraged by the Holy Word to anticipate reunion with our loved ones who have died in the Lord.
Submitted By: Charity Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, Bismarck, Missouri

Need a project for vbs?

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First, Matthews GMA’s Receive Awards

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Our GMA girls at Matthews received awards on 3/28/18. The girls are shown here reciting the Aim, Allegiance, and Watchword. The girls have been working hard on their steps and memorizing scripture. We work with a group of girls in New Madrid on Tuesdays and at Matthews on Wednesday nights. The girls are also getting ready for national camp this summer in Texas.

Matthews GMA’s Reciting the Aim, Allegiance, and Watchword

Matthews GMA’s Reciting the Aim, Allegiance, and Watchword

Lila Echert receiving her GMA award from Shelia Polk and Karen Magee

Lila Echert receiving her GMA
award from Shelia Polk and
Karen Magee

Missions Symposium & Mid-year Meeting

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May 18th at 7:00 p.m. • May 19th at 9:00 a.m.
Zion Baptist Church • St. Louis
Offering, Designated as a love offering for Bro. David Griggs. Come and meet 2 new foreign missionaries

April 2018 – Mission Director’s Report

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Last Reminder ••• in the March issue I wrote about the states where we have churches working together in disaster relief and the need for our churches in Missouri to get involved in establishing a data base of our people who are willing to help when
natural disasters occur. Thus far I have had two ladies contact me showing an interest in helping get this started.

I am asking again anyone who would like to help in getting this started to please contact me between now and our Mid-year meeting. All I am looking for at this time is people who are willing to help establish this data base. Later we will be searching for those who are willing to go when help is needed. Sometime after our midyear meeting we will contact those who have notified me and try to get organized in this e?ort. Thanks in advance for your cooperation. Don’t Forget ••• to make
plans to give a love o?ering (as an individual or a church) for Bro. David Griggs and bring it to the Missions Symposium at Zion Baptist Church in St. Louis May 18, 2018. If you do not plan to attend the symposium but want to help with this love
o?ering please mail it to:

BMAMO Missions
176 Bear Creek Dr.
Wentzville, MO 63385

Please make your check out to BMAMO Missions and designate it for “David Griggs Love Offering.” Bro. David has been a
faithful pastor of churches in Missouri for many years and has gone through several hospitalizations, therapy sessions and other procedures since last summer. This offering will help him with expenses and let him know we love and appreciate him.
If you have any questions please contact me by e-mail ( or by phone (314-277-8644)
Please Attend ••• the BMAMO 2018 Missions Symposium May 18, 2018. This year we will have two Missionaries and their families with us to present the work God has laid on their hearts. This will be a great opportunity to meet Bro. Larry and Sis. Tammy Wood and hear about their desire to work in Ukraine. Also, Bro. Jimmy and Sis. Julie Walker and their 5 children will be
with us and share their hearts for the work on the island of Negros, Philippines. This should be an exciting time for all of us!

Show Your Willingness ••• to get acquainted, cooperate, fellowship and enjoy our brothers and sisters in the other churches of the BMA of Missouri as we gather May 19, 2018 at Zion Baptist Church in St. Louis for our mid-year meeting. We need
to get to know each other better, to work together to further His Kingdom, and to encourage one another as we seek His Will in what we do all across the State of Missouri and surrounding areas.

We will hear reports from the various departments of our work, make decisions that will a?ect our actions, and take time to worship our great God. The directors and committees of our various departments will offer ideas and recommendations that pertain to their work and ask for your permission (as representatives of your churches) to do what needs to be done. We NEED YOU to come and help us in this meeting!

Come praying for a harmonious meeting and expecting blessings as we fellowship with each other. We look forward to seeing you at Zion Baptist Church.

Symposium – Starting Time • 7:00 p.m. Friday
Mid Year Meeting – Starting Time • 9:00 a.m. Saturday