
Attention All Ladies!

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Attention All Ladies!
The Washington County District WMA will meet on Saturday, March 8, 2014 at Landmark Baptist Church in DeSoto, MO. The meeting with start at 10:00 a.m. After a very brief business meeting we will have a special speaker discussing working with our youth. ALL MISSOURI LADIES ARE INVITED!
Our Guest Speaker is Mrs. Sherry Laminack. Sherry is the National Sunbeam Promoter. Her home church is Denver Street Baptist Church in Greenwood, AR. Here is some information that she shared about herself:
“I am married and have one daughter, son-in-law, and 2 WONDERFUL grandchildren. I am a retired administrative assistant. I have taught Sunday School, WMA, GMA’s and Sunbeams. I currently serve as church clerk, assistant church treasurer, local WMA President, Sunbeam Director and teacher, State and National Sunbeam Promoter, and District WMA Second Vice President.”
The topics to be discussed are:
The Importance of Teaching Children
Methods of Teaching Children
Rewards For Teaching Children

Ladies, you do not need to be a member of WMA … if you work with young people and would like to get some new ideas, helps and encouragement in working with your young people, please come. We invite you and are anxious for you to come and listen to Sherry Laminack share her heart.

February 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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Six of our pastors met in St. Clair, MO for a joint prayer retreat between the BMA of Missouri Special Mission Committee and the Meramec Landmark Baptist Mission Committee. We discussed various facets of church planting and what steps we need to take to help our churches be more involved in the process. There is more work and praying for us to do, but the committees came up with the following action steps:
1. First Baptist, Potosi, will be hosting a workshop entitled, “Using Home Bible Studies to Plant Churches.” This workshop will answer the questions: Who can host a Bible Study in their home? What will he do? How can I facilitate a Bible Study? How does this kind of study lead to a new church plant? The date is Saturday, February 22 @ 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Lunch is provided.
2. Host a Coaching Workshop at Friendship Baptist Church, St. Clair on March 28-29, 2014. This workshop will equip lay leaders and pastors to listen better, ask the right questions, build awareness, and to move others forward in completing their goals.
3. In the near future (TBA), after a group of leaders are identified who are committed to beginning a new church plant, we will host a “Church Multiplication” training that will prepare them for the work and preparation of church planting.
Everyone is invited to attend any of these training and the committees feel that the trainings will help us to move forward in the planting of new churches.
We do have a change of location for our mission symposium and mid-year meeting in May. Pastor Justin Arender of Faith Baptist asked me to find another church for the meeting due to some concerns he had about the meeting dates and the church’s schedule. I asked Pastor Drew Sawyer and the Lindsay Lane Baptist Church if they would host the meeting, and they have agreed to do so. Thank you, Lindsay Lane, for stepping up at the last minute and serving our association! The dates are May 16 -17 so please mark your calendars.
I have a special prayer request. I will be traveling to Bolivia on February 24 – March 8 and making a 450 mile trip on the MSS Arrington River Boat. A group of 8 BMAA men are traveling to the River Bible Institute and will attempt to complete the construction of classrooms, kitchen, and dormitory space. We will host church services each night and I will serve as one of the evangelists. Pray for our safety, our labor, and for souls to be saved.

byDanny Kirk

January 2014 – Mission Director’s Report

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The Special Missions Committee met at Perryville, MO last month and the meeting provided an opportunity for great discussion on current mission works and plans for the future of church planting in Missouri. Below is a synopsis of a few of the actions taken at this meeting:

1. An offering of $1000 was approved to be given to the Refuge Work Fund in Nixa, MO. All agreed that John and Alisha Herring are doing a great job in establishing a new work and our state missions program can and should provide financial assistance.

2. Our Mission Symposium emphasis offering is designated to the Missouri Baptist Paper. Our state paper is one of the finest within the BMAA and is in need of financial support if it is to maintain its current format. We hope every church will consider giving a special emphasis offering in May, 2014.

3. Our Missions Director will host a 2-Day Prayer Retreat with both the missions committees of both the BMA of MO and the Meramec Association. During the retreat we will consider and discuss the practical step-by-step plans for church planting found in the book “Missional Journey” by Robert Logan and Dave DeVries. Both of these authors are recognized experts in the field of church planting and now they have provided a wonderful guide on how to make disciples, that will in turn, plant churches. From this retreat, we will put together further action plans that move toward more churches being planted. Pray with us that God will provide wisdom and courage during the retreat: January 27-28, 2014.

I am very grateful to the pastors who serve on our missions committees. They tirelessly give of their time and energy to seek out new mission fields, assess worthy missionary candidates, and provide me with wise counsel. When I think about the past few years, I wish that more churches were planted. Yet I know that these men have followed God’s leading and have done the very best job with the opportunities that God has presented.

Danny Kirk

It’s Time!

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To Make Your Reservations for the 2014 BMAA Meeting in Lilttle Rock, Arkansas!

The 2014 session of the Baptist Missionary Association of America will meet April 28-30 at the beautiful Statehouse Convention Center in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Bro. Pastor, we need your help. When the BMAA Committee on Arrangements contracts with a convention center to host our annual meeting, the rental fee is normally tied to the number of hotel rooms we expect our attendees to use during the meeting. The rental fee in Little Rock is contingent upon our use of rooms blocked at the designated hotels. The rental fee will increase by the daily cost of each room not used.

The Committee on Arrangements has negotiated terms in Little Rock that will allow the conference center space to be rent free if we use the total number of rooms blocked at the Marriott and two overflow hotels. Please help us fill the Marriott first to cap the cost of the rental space and then the overflow rooms will help us get the meeting space rent free.

Our association has had to pay extra in the past years because many of the blocked hotel rooms were not used. Please help us avoid a situation like that this year.

We appreciate your help.

Charles Attebery, Leon Carmical, James Ray Raines
BMAA Committee on Arrangements

December 2013 – Report from North Lake Church

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Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas!
We enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving celebration in Smithville, MO this past month. Several guests and friends attended our services and celebrated with us on November 24th. We had plenty of food and fellowship, and as always, it seemed to bring lots of smiles and happiness to the hearts of people in attendance.

Our planting process continues, and I trust that your prayers do as well. I ask that you pray about these goals that we recently set for North Lake to meet over the next few months: 1) That we would “Live Sent,” 2) That we would strive to be a “Healthy Church,” 3) That we would become “Good Financial Stewards,” 4) That our worship service attendance would increase to 70. 5) That our LifeGroup attendance would increase to 70. 6) That we would remain engaged in our community by participating in a monthly cause for Christ.

Most of these don’t really need defining, but some of you may be wondering what it means to “Live Sent”. Simply put, “we want each person to be living God’s mission for their life”…. not their own mission, or a part of God’s mission, but really living God’s mission for them. God’s mission is my mission when I live the great commission, live by Kingdom values not cultural values, and I strive to do it the way Jesus taught us to do it. I am realizing that talking about “Living Sent” and actually doing it are two very different things. “Living Sent” requires obedience to God’s Word, and a sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading. I pray that God teaches North Lake to “Live Sent” in the coming months.

Thank you all for your prayers and support of God’s work in Smithville, MO.

Pastor Jamie Jones

December 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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Help Me…I’m Stuck!
I remember a time last year when there were some new things happening in my life and ministry. I felt blessed, challenged, passionate, and excited because it seemed that God was up to something big in both my life and my wife’s life. Yet despite these wonderful experiences, I just felt “stuck”, unable to make the decisions that would affect our future. It was a paralysis of my own making as I contemplated different case scenarios, failures, consequences, and unknown factors. Eventually, I would bring this situation to my coach who would help me get “unstuck” and move forward. I came to realize that every pastor or leader needs a coach How did my coach help me?

    Let me share with you what happened to me through my coaching relationship:

  1. With the right questions, my coach helped me prioritize my activities. There were several “good things” I could be doing, but I had to process and focus on what was important to our family while the rest could simply wait.
  2. My coach helped me clarify what God was up to in my life. I had a vision of what I felt God wanted me to do, but I could not articulate it. Once I was able to put into words exactly what it would look like to accomplish the goal, hesitation on my part began to dissolve.
  3. Sometimes, I can convince myself there is only one way to do something. My coach was great at challenging my assumptions and helping me to think “outside the box.” Other viable options and possibilities grew out of our conversations.
  4. We all have blind spots and as I entered into the possibilities of this new transition, I did not want to make a decision based on something I could not…or refused to see. My coach helped me consider the things that were real, but not on my radar at the moment.
  5. As I answered my coach’s questions and created a step-by-step action plan, the Holy Spirit began the work of affirmation in my heart. I speak of affirmation that comes from prayer, clarification and prioritizing of the goal, addressing blind spots, and considering multiple possible options. As my coach led me through this process, I became “unstuck”, taking the final steps to move forward and submit to God’s leading.

Two Petitioning Churches Received at Annual Meeting

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Saturday, October 26, 2013, forty-five messengers representing eighteen churches along with several visitors gathered in the facilities of Bethany Baptist Church in St. Louis for the 86th Annual Meeting of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri. Another thirty-eight churches represented by letter only.

Moderator Claude Evans asked Bro. Harrison Soldona from Lindsay Lane Baptist Church in Florissant to lead the opening song. He was accompanied by Sis. Ladonna Baker at the piano.
Bro. James Hoffmann extended a warm welcome to everyone present before he introduced the new pastor of Lindsay Lane, Bro. Drew Sawyer, who brought a challenging devotional about letting our Light Shine as Jesus instructed us in Matthew 5.
Two petitionary letters were read.

The West Doniphan Baptist Church, Doniphan, MO, and the Abundant Life in Christ Church in Charleston, MO petitioned for membership in the BMA of MO. A motion and second passed to accept these churches into the Association. Bro. James Hoffmann welcomed those present from Abundant Life in Christ into our association. No one was present from West Doniphan.

Bro. Evans pointed out that there needs to be some clarification regarding two statements in our By-Laws which cause some confusion. These statements are found on pages 10 and 11 of the 2012 Minutes.

Under Article IV – Meetings, Section 1, part A, it says “The host pastor shall be in charge of planning the worship service” for the Annual Meeting.

Article VI – Officers, Section 5 it says “The messengers shall, in annual session, elect a speaker and alternate to bring the annual message the following year.”

A motion and second passed to remove Section 5 from Article VI which gives the responsibility of selecting a speaker for the worship service in the annual meeting to the host pastor.
The following reports were given at various times during the meeting:

The ALIVE report by Brad Banderman; Brotherhood report by Dennis Baker; WMA Report by Terri Adams; Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Association Report by Dennis Baker, Ted Hurley and David Griggs; the Kenneth E. Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund Report by James Hoffmann; the Publications Committee Report by James Hoffmann and Jim Ford; The Encampment Committee Report by Chris Polk; the Clerk’s Report was read by Assistant Clerk, Dale Fish; the Missionary Committee Report by Wayne Gibson, Brian Meade, Danny Kirk, and Jamie Jones; and the Resolutions Committee Report by Tom McCanless.

The following were elected to serve in their respective positions with their term ending in ( ): Chris Dicus – ALIVE Committee (2017); Loan Association Officers – all six re-elected (2018); Jim Ford – Publications Committee (2016); and Dan Wisely – Encampment Committee (2018).

Wayne Gibson was re-elected as Chairman of the Missionary Committee along with Dennis Baker as Assistant Chairman and Jerry Adams as Clerk. Ray Thurman was elected and Assistant Clerk.

Claude Evans was re-elected as President of the BMA of MO and Ray Thurman was re-elected as Vice President.

James Hoffmann was elected as Editor of the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper and Don Burke was re-elected as Assistant Editor. It was noted that the paper is in need of special offerings or increased monthly support as adequate funds are not coming in each month. A motion and second passed to give $800 from our Mission Treasury to the paper in order to pay the editor the Christmas bonus we voted to give him last year. Expenses for the last two years have been about $300 a month more than income and our balance in getting very low.

Chris Polk was re-elected as Camp Superintendent and Treasure with Jerry Adams re-elected as Assistant in both positions.

Danny Kirk was re-elected as Missions Director with James Hoffmann as Assistant Director.

Tom McCanless, Rodney Dunlap and Wayne Gibson were appointed as the 2014 Resolutions Committee and Russell Chitwood, Denver Page and Matt Bolen were appointed as the 2014 Enrollment Committee.

A total of $2,250 was received for Minute Fund and Clerk Hire. The Clerk’s salary was set at $1,125 for this year.

The 2014 Annual Meeting will be at Landmark Baptist church in DeSoto, MO and the 2014 Mission Symposium and Semi-annual Meeting will be at Faith Baptist Church in St. Charles, MO.

We were honored to have the following representative of our National Association departments present to give reports of their various areas of labor: DiscipleGuide – Mike Jenkins; BMAA Missions – David Norvell; BMA Seminary – Van Widger; and National WMA – Janet Widger.

Bro. Russell Chitwood brought an inspirational message using Matthew 28:18-20 in which he emphasized that our Master, Mission, Message and Method never changes as we carry God’s Word to the World.

A rising vote of appreciation was given to the host church for their hospitality and the closing prayer was offered as all preachers present formed a circle and held hands in the altar.

November 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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I enjoyed the hospitality of Pastor James Hoffmann and the Bethany Baptist Church as they served us during our annual association meeting this past month. I appreciate the confidence of our churches as you reelected me to serve again as your Director of Missions. Our advisory committee and myself will be meeting next month to strategize on how to begin some new church planting efforts.

I am happy to say that my interim pastoral work at Faith Baptist in St. Charles has ended. The church as called Bro. Justin Arender from Louisiana to become their new pastor. Bro. Justin and his wife, Angie, have 4 beautiful children and have recently returned from the Philippines where they had served as missionaries. I am once again available to serve as pulpit fill and to speak about the work of missions at your invitation. Below you will find my annual report to the association:

BMA of Missouri
Missions Director’s Annual Report
October 26, 2013

Our partnership work with the Meramec Association and the BMA of America continues to be blessed of God this past year. Several were saved and baptized while others have stepped into positions of leadership at North Lake Church in Smithville, MO. The mission came very close to leasing a church facility in Smithville, but the owners backed out at the last minute with a leasing agreement beyond the financial means of the mission congregation. Let’s continue to pray for the Jones family as they take another big step toward self support in the coming year.

Once again, Pastor Jerry Adams and the folks at Bethel Baptist Church in Sikeston, were gracious and generous hosts for our annual Mission Symposium and mid-year meeting. We began the symposium on Friday evening with pie and ice cream in the fellowship center as we visited and talked with our missionary guests. We were honored to have Bro. and Mrs. Doyle Moore from the Philippians, Chris Huson, missionary elect to Ecuador, and John Beinlien, missionary to the deaf community in Swartz Creek, MI. Each one of them spoke of their vision and passion for reaching the lost in their respective fields. Bro. Moore finished out the evening with a message from God’s word. The total Symposium offering received was $3,054 for Camp Garwood. Our association blessed each of the visiting missionaries with a $1,000 love offering for their work funds. Thank you for caring for missionaries who serve far beyond our state borders!

A few days after our midyear meeting, tragedy struck the community of Moore, OK as a Category F-5 tornado tore through the neighborhood. During our national meeting in April I was privileged to visit two BMAA churches in Moore. Realizing that many of our BMAA families were affected by this storm, I asked our special mission committee to consider giving an offering to help with relief. The brethren authorized me to send a check for $5,000 to Pastor Doug Brewer and the Southgate Baptist Church to help them to minister to those in need. Thank you again for caring for those in desperate need of help.

On a positive note, there was an increase of $6,000 in church offerings over last year’s total. Please continue to support your state missions program with your prayers and offerings. Thank you for allowing me to serve you as your Director of Missions for the past year.
Respectfully submitted,
Danny R. Kirk

BMA Ministers To Syrian Refugees

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By Veteran Middle East Missionary (via Baptist Trumpet)
Tell me, what would you do if 675 refugee families crashed the door of your church because they
were needy and hungry? I agree, it is a good problem, but it is a problem, none-the-less.

These families came from areas where you and I could never go. Then God, in His time and through sad circumstances, brings them to us. Can we sit idly by and not help them? This is not an easy question to answer when you do not have a continuous flow of support to help these families. And even if we did, is it our goal only to feed them?
I have always been a fan of the sovereignty of God. I like to be responsive to His moves, especially when they relate to the affairs of nations and men. I like to see every event as a platform for sharing the gospel. I like to be used of God to snatch people from the fire.

This pretty much tells you where we stand in relationship to the Syrian problem we are facing. Though I despise war, I can always see God’s hand as it allows me to share the gospel so that refugees who have seemingly lost everything can be saved for eternity.

This week, we made the decision to stop registering more families on the relief lists because we are running out of funds, space and personnel. Our team is visiting every family to map their needs and then decide what type of assistance would be best. The visit is always an opportunity to share Christ.
In the last week, we have had revival meetings at our refugee center east of Beirut and hundreds attended. Many stayed afterward to pray and seek the Lord.

Those of you who follow my Facebook page are staying up-to-date on what’s going on here. We have given out 250 blankets, and mattresses are on order. We have set aside $14,000 for mattresses and clothes.
When you look at the faces of these dear people and see the broken pride and the tears of loss and bewilderment, you wonder what tomorrow will hold for them. I saw one Muslim lady in one of the services who dealt with that question by singing, from the bottom of her heart, “I know who holds tomorrow.”

Another gentleman came to me, weeping, after hearing the message. “They killed my brother before my eyes,” he said. “Can I take revenge?” Then he broke down because he knew he had to wait on the Lord, forgive and be a peacemaker. He also realized that this can only happen if his own sins are forgiven and Christ is the Lord of his life. With tears streaming down my face, I laid my hand on him and led him in prayer.

These stories are only a sampling of what we encounter every day here.

In America, we are so far removed from the sights and sounds of war. But here we see families that are torn apart, children are killed and mothers raped. And, in many cases, it falls on the shoulders of missionaries on the field to care for them, pray with them and for them and show them the way to Jesus.

“Joujou,” who is in her thirties, is the leader in one of our Bible study groups. She has always been wheelchair bound and had been limited in what she could do here. But she loves the Lord and His Word, and now, for the first time in her life, she is able to share her faith with others and help them study the Word.

We are up to three Bible study groups, with an average attendance of 15 in each one. With the way things are going, next time you read an update there will be more.

Our refugees are learning English, and we are up to two classes. Would you like to teach? Would you like to share the gospel in English, then give them homework to memorize John 3:16 in English and explain it? Doors are open, would you join our team?

I am ecstatic that churches of the BMAA have taken interest in what is going on here. Now is the time to show the love of Christ in action. Not only do we need funds, we need people who are willing to serve among the refugees and share Christ with them.

Let me close with two urgent needs.
Prayer — There is resistance and opposition that we cannot talk about openly in this context. Prayer can break down the barriers.
Funds — We need plenty! In the past, our churches have responded with generosity, and I am grateful. Would you do that this time also? I would like to raise $100,000 for this project. I know we can do it. If 100 people or churches each gave a $1,000, we could raise that amount in one day. I believe God and I have confidence in His people.

Thank you for trusting me to be your missionary in this part of the world. It is probably the toughest, and most dangerous, field on our missionary map. Your ongoing prayers and continued support have produced fruit for eternity. Please help me continue the work.
Please send all gifts clearly designated for Syrian Refugee project to:
BMAA Missions Department
P.O. Box 30910
Little Rock, AR 72260.

October 2013 – Report from North Lake Church

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Bro. Jones requested we print the following report from his Associate Church Planter as a report this month.
My name is Jared Kathcart, and for the last year I have had the great opportunity of serving the community of Smithville, MO at North Lake Church. As Associate Church Planter, God has put many great opportunities in my path, and I am humbled by His willingness to use me. Ever since my high school years in the tiny Ozark town of Richland, MO, I have had a heart for student ministries. Camp, mission trips, weekly Bible study, lock-ins, and much more had such impact on my life, and I didn’t want the fun to end. When I felt God calling me to ministry, it only seemed right to pursue the call in the form of student ministries.

This decision lead me to Southwest Baptist University in Bolivar, MO, where I completed a Bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies with a minor in Youth Ministry. After graduating in 2009, I wanted to continue my education in a Seminary setting, so I enrolled at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary of Kansas City. After four more years, and a May graduation, I can confidently say that I think I am done with college. It was finally time to put all this passion, education, and experience to work.

After joining North Lake Church in the summer of 2012, their emphasis on Authenticity in Christ became very evident. Jamie Jones, the Head Pastor and Church Planter, has embodied this concept consistently, and has been a great example for me and his flock. When coming on board as the associate pastor and planter, Jamie asked me to develop and lead the student ministries of North Lake. This last year has been challenging and rewarding. Our 12 months have included a retreat, lock-ins, camp, community service, a new weekly discipleship for 3rd-5th graders, Backyard Bible Clubs, and the miracle of three salvations. Disciples are being formed at North Lake Church, and I am excited to be used by God.

During my time in college and graduate school, I met, dated, and married the love of my life. Nikki Mereghetti (now Kathcart, thanks to the wonderful vows of marriage) and I met at Youth Front Camps in the summer of 2008. This last May, we welcomed Andie Grace to our family. I know I’m biased, but God has blessed me with what I believe to be the two most wonderful girls a man could ask for.

by Bro. Jamie Jones