Brotherhood: Men’s Fishing Tournament 150 150 admin admin
Greetings Brethren,
Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for the brethren to dwell in unity! The Brotherhood is growing strong and more active in the Lord.
On September 17th, the Brotherhood held its first annual fishing tournament. The men had a great time fishing and good food afterwards. Bro. Butch Wilkinson (Ozark Heights) took 1st place, Bro. David Hays (First Baptist, Potosi) took 2nd place, and Bro. Hunter Moorman (Central Baptist) took 3rd place. Congratulations to the winners! I suppose I didn’t have enough faith in us so I brought fish to cook for the men. Thank you to Bro. Chris Dicus for helping cook all of that fish for the men and to Bro. Don Burke for coming out to take pictures. We were able to raise some money for missions and enjoy time together.
We are already looking forward to the next tournament, and we are looking forward to other fellowships as well. Some things in the works include: a spring fishing tournament, the Brotherhood retreat, and a fall golf tournament.
Please pray for the Brotherhood as it grows. Remember, your church does not have to have a local Brotherhood to participate. Let us encourage and pray for one another to be the men God has called us to be.
Your humble servant in Christ,
Brotherhood President, Bryan Buckley