Featured Articles
Jeff Moorman’s Ordination
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Central Missionary Baptist Church, Union MO.
Invitation for Churches to Join us for World Missions Day • February 28, 2021
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We pray that each church will use this time not only as a reminder of our purpose but also as an opportunity to give to the Jerry Kidd Missions Offering.
Funds given during World Missions Day are used to support over 500 national ChangeMaker missionaries who are making disciples and planting churches in over 71 countries.
Register your church today at www.bmamissions.org/worldmissionsday and receive free promotional materials and a free polo for your pastor!
“Gratitude is the Attitude of Giving Thanks”
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I Thessalonians 5:18
Our Father has blessed us by forgiving our sin and promising us eternal life and it is our privilege to remember to thank Him everyday for all His blessings. We need to cultivate the attitude of gratitude and express our thankfulness continually. As we enter this “Thanksgiving Season” remember that we need to praise Him, not only with our voices, but with our thoughts, actions, words and deeds.
A good way to cultivate the attitude of gratitude is to start each day thinking about how Good God is to us and thanking Him all day long as we experience His mercy and grace.
This will be an especially joyful Thanksgiving because we have the attitude of gratitude!
The Master’s Builders Work in Arkansas
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93rd Annual Session of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri
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Please read “From Our Moderator” • “From Our Host Pastor” • “From Our Clerk”!
There have been some changes made that need everyone’s attention.
National Senior Adult Conference
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2020 Camp Garwood Canceled
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We discussed options on serving food. Options on thinning the tabernacle. But the real problem comes down to the packed dorms. If we are still trying to practice social distancing we can’t pack the dorms full of kids each night.
We discussed options to thin the camp numbers, but that presents its own set of problems.
Another problem in the decisions of this year are with food availability and costs. I know this decision is not what you guys were hoping for. It’s not what we want either. But at the end of our discussions and our desires. We had to decide we will err on the side of caution. We all agree that no publicity is better than bad publicity.
We have already talked with Bro Dustin Wisely and he is planning to be with us for next year’s camp. We are going to keep the same theme, and we are hoping the guys in the band can be with us for camp in 2021. Which will be July 26-30th.
Some have asked about t-shirts. We are not going to have t-shirts made for the DEWrs or for camp this year. Just to avoid the cost and hassle. There is a bright side even though you may need to strain to see it. If our regular contributions continue without the expenses of camp week. We will be able to completely pay off the camp loan. We are doing some minor repairs and will be working at camp. In fact the DEWr retreat June 19-20th will basically be a work weekend. So if you’re a DEWr be sure to come help. A DEWr is anyone who gives $75 per year to camp. We will be cooking outside to avoid congestion in the dining hall.
The MO state GMA’s are also planning their annual retreat to be held at camp July 10-11. We are permitting their retreat because they typically have fewer than 30 in attendance which can be safely spread out through multiple dorms.
Again, We did not make this decision lightly. It saddens me to write this. Last year we celebrated 50 years, this year no camp. We are only comforted by knowing that our LORD will work even this out to be good.
It is HIS history. HIS story.
Chris Polk, Camp Director
BMA of the Philippines Disaster Relief Fund
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December 2, Typhoon Kammuri brought damaging winds and heavy rain to the Philippines after making landfall in the Bicol region, about 240 miles southeast of Manila. The Category 4 storm affected approximately 250 families from BMA Philippines churches in that region. Widespread power outages have displaced storm victims and resulted in a lack of work that is affecting their livelihoods.
BMA Philippines and local BMA churches in Bicol are helping coordinate and carry out the response to the affected area. If you would like to donate to these individuals and families in need of assistance you may give online at bmamissions.org/disasterrelief/ (Designate “Philippines” in “add a message.”) or send to BMA Missions, P.O. Box 878, Conway, Ark. 72033. Thank you for your steadfast support of BMA Missions!