Camp Garwood 2012 Summed Up In One Word ….. WOW!!

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Saved at 2012 Camp

We had 352 registered campers and 46 professions of faith. Twenty-six were saved on Thursday evening, and the evangelist, Bro. Dustin Wisely, did not even preach!

The Harper’s led in the music for camp and did an outstanding job of leading us in praise and worship. Thursday night Bro. Dillon Harper gave a report of his mission trip to Ukraine and God used his testimony in an amazing way. He closed his testimony with an invitation and with the first notes of the music the altar began to fill up. People were counseling those who came forward at the front of the tabernacle and outside on both sides of the tabernacle.

When that was winding down Bro. Dustin spoke for literally just a minute or two and church groups were gathered around the tabernacle discussing the spiritual and emotional impact of that service. Just one word…WOW!

Wednesday, the campers were challenged to invest in Camp Garwood. We are looking for 350 people to commit to giving one dollar a week for the next 50 weeks. Hands went up all over the tabernacle. As of Monday, August 6, 2012, 66 people had already made the commitment.

by Claude Evans