Camp Garwood News – From Bro. Chris Polk

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CAMP GARWOOD SIGNI would like to thank everyone who came to the paintball retreat. It was a little cool for those not playing. But the guys, and gals running through the woods seemed to enjoy it. There were 40-50 present with around 30? playing. I didn’t get a good count.
We’ve begun work on a few things preparing for camp. There will be plenty to do as we get closer to camp. Take time now to schedule a weekend to come help. It’s not about the work as much as enjoying time at your camping facilities. Thanks to all of you who do help every year.
The theme “Heroes of the Faith” from Hebrews 11:36 spans the centuries from Creation to present. Who has been an encouragement to you and why? Tell us their story, and how they have pointed you to Jesus.
Remember to pray for camp. It’s not too soon, the ones preparing camp need safety, wisdom and patience. The speaker and teachers need wisdom and insight. The facilities themselves need protection from vandals and nature. And most importantly the lost campers need seeds to be planted now to be reaped the week of camp.