Camp Garwood Update

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With school starting and Fall coming on strong, I’m sure camp has become a distant memory to most of you.  It’s been a great camp year. Once again we made a lot of progress on upgrading our facilities. We had a lot of fun with no serious injuries. Okay, maybe some wounded pride from the ball game. But it was all a great time in the Lord!

I’d like to remind you about the Fall Retreat. October 17-18. Sure, we play paintball. But it’s still a great opportunity to visit and enjoy one last trip to camp in 2014.

I would also like to remind everyone to help camp with the background check expenses. If you filled out a worker application it cost us $15.

Please pray for us as we prepare for Camp ’15 it’s gonna be awesome!
Do the DEW!
Chris Polk, P.O. Box 271
Matthews. MO 63867