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January 2016 – Assistant Missions Director’s Report

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“The rains came down, and the floods came up” in many areas of our state during the last week of 2015. As far as I
know none of our church properties around the state suffered major damage, but I am sure there was some wet basements
and perhaps some services canceled as many folks could not get the their church buildings because of the flooded roads.
The ALIVE conference dismissed early and several groups had long trips home due to the different routes they had to take
because of flooded roads. From what I hear everyone made it home safely and we praise God for that.

One thing we were reminded of with the flooding is that man cannot prevent some things and must trust the Lord to
help in difficult times. Wouldn’t it be great if we could see the Spirit of God “rush” into the churches of the BMA of Missouri, as flood waters came around our state with “power and force,” making changes in the lives of us Christians that would convict and change our hearts and bring revival in our land!

God is able to do what needs to be done and wants us to trust Him and yield our lives to Him.

Just as most of us here in Missouri and Illinois focused on the weather so much it changed our lives for a few days, the Spirit of God “flooding our hearts” would help us focus on what God is doing, can do, and wants to do through us and many souls would be saved.

Our prayer for 2016 should focus on God and what we are willing to let Him do through us. We need to surrender to God’s calling no matter what He calls us to do or where He leads us to go. We should be serving,praying, witnessing, planting
churches being obedient to Him.

James Hoffmann

Alive Student Conference 2015

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December 29 – 31, 2015

Double Tree by Hilton Hotel, Chesterfild, MO

It’s not too late to sign up! We have a great event planned for you! For schedule, program, hotel reservation forms, and other forms and more information go to: