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From Our Brethren…Ben Kingston, June 2017

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Greetings to the Churches of the State Association from Ben Kingston:

I have challenged all the Brethren to send Bro. Jim articles for the paper, so here I am, practicing what I preach (to which
my wife might add, “its about time”). This article is going to be basically a ‘shotgun approach’ at several subjects and a generalized getting a bunch of positive things o? my chest.

First of all, thanks again to all the Pastors that were able to attend our renewal retreats. I hope and pray that they are
the beginning of a revival that will sweep our Association and beyond. Let me list the changes that have been made personally
since our meetings. I have made a concentrated e?ort to stay in touch with all the Pastors (for whom I have a contact number) within my local association each Sunday morning. If you are reading this and are not getting this text each Sunday and
you are in the Meramec Association, then I do not have a contact number for you. Please contact me at (636) 629-2526 and
I will be glad to add you. If you are in another local association, please take it upon yourself to start this. It is a simple way to encourage each other on our most important day of the week.

Secondly, I have recommitted myself to make as many association meetings as possible. I could only make the business portion of the missions symposium, but I rearranged my schedule so I could do that.

Third, my family attended one service of a sister church’s revival two weeks ago.

Fourth, Bethel’s staff is making a greater e?ort to pray for our state, local, and national association to see a revival again sweep our association and our nation.

Now I know, I know, many of you are saying you want a bone or a biscuit? Biscuit please! No, in all seriousness, none
of this is to impress or brag, but to candidly share with you that I have felt led to give greater e?ort to our association and ultimately the kingdom of God. All I am asking is that we all prayerful seek God’s face in how we can mobilize this mighty
army known as the Church of JESUS CHRIST.

Many of you have encouraged us all by your support and effort. I am asking God to bless you all for that. I do not know what and who all have received checks, but I want to publicly thank the former Springdale body for their funds to the Meramec Retreat Center and to the Meramec association. Please pray with me for wisdom on how to best use these funds for the glory of God.

Bethel and the Franklin county churches have a very unique opportunity coming up on August 21. The solar eclipse will
occur that day and some have estimated that 40,000 guests will be in St. Clair alone trying to view said eclipse. What a
soul winning opportunity. Please pray with us that we properly plan for this occasion and see a great harvest of souls and
seed planting.

So, there you have it. Again, men, please support the paper with your articles. I would love to hear the positive things
God is doing in your life. I am excited to hear of God’s blessing in His churches and Camp Garwood and Jesus Camp at
the Meramec Retreat Center!

Contact Ben Kingston