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James Hoffman

October 2020 – Mission Director’s Report

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A Page From My Heart…

This will be the new article tag from me from this point forward while I am your missions director.

Saturday October 10th at Zion Baptist Church in St. Louis at our annual Baptist Missionary annual meeting of the State Association the churches approved the recommendations of the Special Missions Committee to hire me as their Missions Director. And believe it or not, the vote passed.

I have had a burden for this ministry since hearing that Bro. Hoffmann was going to resign.

I Do not, in any level, feel qualified but I do feel called and yes, I am depending on the age old cliché that God qualifies the called!

I have a burden for our missions effort throughout the state and have a tremendous desire to see our churches once again answer the call to plant churches.

We have set aside the next three months for training and will be getting to you the address for where to send your missions offerings. (It is on Page 1 of this issue.) But my first challenge is for each church to make a special effort to lift up the Director and Direction of Departments of our state work, and to specifically ask God to direct us to who our first mother church and church planter will be.

Our nation could be forever changed by a church planting revival and we could be one of God’s tools to accomplish this.

May the Lord richly bless and direct us in this effort.
Bro. Ben…

From Our Former Missions Director…

I hope you are as excited as I am as you read the above note from Bro. Ben! I look forward to seeing what God will do as we refocus on His commission for us in the world today. God has been working even though we have had some discouraging things happen during this year, and I want to emphasize the blessing that the Special Missions Committee has been to me even though we could not meet and get “our plans” put into action at the time and in the manner we wanted. God has been using this group of men to encourage me as we sought God’s will in our recommendations not only in this past year but the entire time I have served as Missions Director. Thank you brethren for your patience, love, devotion and dedication as we have served together. Bro James Hoffman