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Jerry Kidd

World Mission Offering is now “Jerry D. Kidd”Missions Offering

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Sue & Jerry KiddJerry Kidd has been serving the BMA for 62 years. First as a pastor, then as missionary, church planter, assistant director of international missions, director of international missions, and director of missionary care.

Known as “Pastor of Missionaries,” his pioneering spirit and faithfulness to share the gospel to indigenous people has created a legacy of multiplying disciples and churches worldwide. With Sue, his wife and ministry partner, by his side, he continues working to change lives and point people to Jesus.

With this legacy of humble service in mind, BMA Missions Executive Director John David Smith announced on October 28 that the annual World Missions Day offering is now the Jerry D. Kidd Missions Offering.

Smith presented a combat helmet to Kidd, explaining that, “This combat helmet, to countless men and women serving in world missions who have found life-saving protection in a raging battle and encouragement to fight on in a foxhole with Jerry Kidd, symbolizes his faithful life-long ministry of sharing the sufferings of fellow soldiers.”

World Missions Day 2021 is February 28, and BMA Missions invites BMA churches and their congregations to celebrate this emphasis day by showing the World Missions Day video, praying for global missions, and giving to the Jerry D. Kidd Missions Offering.