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Mission Director

July 2020 – Mission Director’s Report

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October 10, 2020, We hope to be able to have our Baptist, Missionary Association of Missouri annual business meeting at Zion Missionary Baptist Church which will start at 9:00 a.m. Until then we need to be praying that all our churches will make plans to have three messengers attend this meeting to help make plans for the work we need to do in 2020-2021.

We need this time of planning, worshipping and fellowship to draw us closer as we face the year ahead determined to do our best for the Lord.

Among the business that day will be hearing the reports of our various departments, electing officers and other committee members, electing a new Missions Director, enjoying special singing and a special time of worship, and enjoying the opportunity to get to know each other better.

As you can see in the financial report for the month of June (above) our financial picture is good and from what various pastors are saying we are anxiously waiting to find the man the Lord has for us to plant a new church in Missouri and the surrounding area! Let’s pray that we can announce plans to get started soon!

Please let nothing you can help interfere with your being present at this meeting. Zion Baptist Church is located at 3485 Baumgartner Rd, St. Louis, MO 63129.

From Our Editor…
As we have started the last quarter of this associational year, we are somewhat disappointed in that we do not have anyone to nominate as a new editor, as we had hoped earlier this year. I have told the Publications Committee that I am willing to continue as editor at least for another year since no one else has applied. Let’s pray that someone feels God leading them to this ministry during the next year!

I call your attention to the Third Quarter financial report of the Missouri Missionary Baptist at the end of this page. It reveals the fact that we will be out of funds before July is over unless we get some Special Gifts soon!

Please prayerfully consider giving a special offering to the MMB this month or lead your church to start supporting the paper on a regular basis.

I realize many of our churches are having financial problems at this time and some may not be able to give any extra. But I encourage those who can to help us out.

We have many church reporters who are faithful to send their news reports each month and other pastors and leaders who contribute material for publication monthly or from time to time during the year and I appreciate all these who help in this way.

But if we do not have an increase in income we will not be able to publish the MMB for an extend amount of time.

The monthly average to keep this ministry going is nearly $ 1,600 so you can see that we are needing help soon.

Thank you who are supporting this ministry with your finances, prayers, encouragement, comments and suggestions. I am truly grateful for each of you.

If you have any ideas that can help improve this ministry please let me know and let’s work together to make it a project that will bring glory to God and strength and encouragement to each other.

May God bless each of our churches in the BMA of MO!!