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Benjamin Kingston Ordained as Pastor of Landmark, DeSoto

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Benjamin Kingston

What a privilege it was to share in the blessings of the Ordination of Benjamin Kingston at Landmark Missionary Baptist Church. It was May 16th, 2021, the church was filled with friends, family and many ordained men who were there to encourage and support this church and their Pastor.

Landmark Missionary Baptist Church opened the meeting requesting the ordination of Benjamin Kingston and a Presbytery was formed. We are thankful for Bro. John Dover as he was elected as our Moderator and did an excellent job in helping us organize the service. Bro. Brad Banderman presented Benjamin by sharing stories of Benjamin’s involvement in Youth Ministries at Bethel Baptist Church and the strong character and example we have witnessed in this young man’s life. Bro. Ben Kingston lead in the examination by asking questions of doctrine and Benjamin’s understanding of God’s calling upon his life. Also, others of the Presbytery examined Benjamin and with unanimous consent it was recommended to continue the ordination. Following, each of the Presbytery came to pray and give words of encouragement to Benjamin.

Following was a powerful message given by Bro. Mike Hearst, Pastor of Westview Missionary Baptist Church in Jefferson City, MO. The message was, “What is Our Part” with the text taken from Ezekiel 37:1-14. A phrase Bro. Mike used that has stuck with me was, “we must do what we can do, but we cannot do what must be done.” What a challenge for us to do our part in service, in ministry and in prayer, but we know that only God can do what must be done in the hearts and changed lives of the individuals to whom we are ministering. May God richly bless Bro. Benjamin in ministry, in his personal life, and in future endeavors. We pray God’s blessings upon Landmark Missionary Baptist Church.

We thank you for inviting us along in this journey as God continues to use us as His Churches and as an Association of Churches.

Your Fellow Servant in Christ,
Brian Meade, Pastor of Lindsay Lane Missionary Baptist Church of Florissant, MO.

Jeff Moorman’s Ordination

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June 27th 2:00 p.m.
Central Missionary Baptist Church, Union MO.


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First Baptist Church of Potosi , MO
announces the Ordination of their Youth and
Celebrate Recovery Pastor
Kevin Smith
August 18, 2019
2:00 p.m.
All are welcome to attend!
A Reception will follow the Ordination Service