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Silence no more

Silence No More!

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In a world that becomes more diverse and more global each day, Christian believers must face the toughest of questions from the existence of hell, to the evil of evolution, to the common objection of Christianity, and especially the moral
lifestyle of born again believers. God’s people cannot remain silent of Bible truths. “Silence no more” is the Moral Action

Jude 3 sounded out the alarm: “Beloved, when I gave all diligence to write unto you of the common salvation, it was needful for me to write unto you, and exhort you that ye should earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto
the saints.” The words “earnestly contend” mean to give a determined, intense struggle to defeat the foe. God wants us
to valiantly strive for the faith. Born again Christians are to defend Bible-living styles. Our morals have to be upheld and
lived by joyfully.

Simon Peter in I Peter 3:15 gave a command also, “But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear.” A ready answer is needed to share why we morally live as we do! A good verbal defense refuting the claims of the destructive critic is needed.

Silence no more, as we seek to defeat humanism. Humanism has drastically affected the basic morality of the United States and the world. It is a subtle philosophy and it is often undetected by those not aware of it. Humanism is that old struggle of man’s will against God’s will. It is not new. A true humanist believes in himself rather than God.

Silence no more, as we combat disrespect for authority. Humanism affects children in many ways and in this children
are taught that whatever you choose will be right for you because you choose it. Romans 1:30-31 declares that they are
“Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents.” We must teach respect for those in authority.

Silence no more, as Christians seek to change the decline in discipline. Since children are taught that they are their own
authority, they want to do their own thing. They will ignore the leadership of parents, teachers, law enforcement and others in authority over them. The verse of Romans 1:30 uses the words “despiteful and disobedient”.

Silence no more, as Christians desire to stop the decline in school/college academics. We call it the dumbing down
of American children. When discipline deteriorates, learning also deteriorates. Teachers are not able to teach if
they do not have the attention of the children. Romans 1:31 declares they will be “without understanding”.

Silence no more, as God’s churches refute total sexual freedom. Humanists want to “liberate” our children from sexual inhibitions. Often their sex education programs are nothing more than academic pornography. To combat this humanistic
philosophy, children need to be trained from the Bible in church, in school, and in the home. We have Bible reasons
why we must defend our morality. Dr. Charles Swindoll gives Christians ways and reasons to stand against the wiles of the devil:
Number one: know where you stand. You cannot afford the luxury of being ignorant or ill-informed when it comes to biblical truth and faith. So educate yourself in the common areas that come under attack: the Bible, the Trinity, the person and work
of Christ, and the means of salvation.
Number two: know where the enemy stands. Learn the tactics of those who oppose the truth. Satan is wily and is as “crooked as a dog’s hind leg.”
Number three: know the Scriptures consistently. The Bible is the only tangible, offensive weapon the Lord has given us in our battle against falsehood; the apostle Paul called the Word of God “the sword of the Spirit” (Ephesians 6:17). Learn to wield it with skill and wisdom.
Number four: stand alone if necessary. We need more men and women like Esther, who risked her life to save a nation…like Daniel, who refused to compromise his principles…like Paul, who, though condemned to death, stared in a madman’s eyes and preached the gospel.

Silence no more!
God’s Son will give us the
courage we need.

by Dr. John M. Adams • Executive Director – Moral Action