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Spotlight on Missons

Jesse & Rebecca Hales BMA of America Church Planter at Anchor, Austin, TX

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A lot has happened these first 4 months of 2020! No, I’m not just talking about the world shutting down. We started our first small group Bible study in January with a total of 13 people. The group has grown close over these months and we are blessed to see people growing closer to God in discipleship. We have continued to reach out into the community through any open door we can find, trying to build as many personal relationships as possible in hopes that those will turn into changed eternities. We have had to change our methods as the world has changed, but I think the virus has actually opened more doors for us than closed.

A New Partnership

At the end of February our 6-month internship with Antioch Georgetown ended and we met with the leadership of both the BMA of Texas and the National BMA. They were excited to see what God has been doing. With that, they shared the same main concern we have had from the beginning which is our lack of another missionary family to partner with in this ministry. It’s not impossible for one family to start a church on their own, but history and scripture show that it is much preferred to minister with a partner. We’ve been praying for such a partner since we first felt God leading us here.

The leadership of both associations agreed to continue to support us with the understanding that we would keep praying and actively seeking such a partner in ministry.

They also asked if we would be willing to pray about the possibility of merging our ministry and partnering with Chris Mindi, another BMA church planter 9 miles away in Leander. Chris and I went through assessment together and moved to the same area at the same time with the same purpose to start a new church and see people saved and growing in God. We have both been praying for a long time, asking God to give us a ministry partner. As they asked if I would pray about it, they made sure I didn’t feel any pressure from them to answer one way or another but simply pointed out from their observations that we seemed to be a great match for each other. I told them I would pray about it.

After having several meetings with Chris and Sarah and reaching out to several of our closest prayer warriors, we spent time waiting on God and praying for clear direction. After about a month and a half I felt that God had clearly knit my heart together with Chris’ and made it clear that we were to join them in ministry.

We are all very excited to see what God is going to do with this new partnership. I’m sure as I have time and space in the future to share more with you about this, you too will see how incredible God is in the way He has brought us and fit us together. He never ceases to amaze me.

Although this will be a big change for us there are a lot of things that will not change. We have made a lot of great contacts here in Round Rock and fully plan to continue to grow those relationships. Nothing is changing about our support or how to send that in. Our dependence on your prayers certainly doesn’t change either, nor does our commitment to starting a church to see people saved and growing in discipleship. What does change is now we have a partner and can do that much more effectively. Thank you, and we will do our best to keep in touch more regularly.