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Stan and Donna Scroggins

Latest News from the Philippines

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by Missionaries Stan & Donna Scroggins

While things seem to be opening up, we are still not able to return. We pray our visa type will be next on the list.

It has now been three months since our first departure back to the Philippines was canceled. Donna and I are doing our best to stay in contact with all our ministry partners in the Philippines and teaching “on-line” classes each week. We will keep everyone updated as to our status. As soon as the door opens to return we are “out of here!” We are receiving encouraging “notions” that doors will open soon for our return. Pray with us that it will not be too long.

We received word from the Bible College of the need to help with providing food for students during the weekends. Due to the lock-down students are not able to go to their respective weekend work locations and are quarantined on the campus. Thank you, Northview Baptist Church and Pastor Mike Cantrell for helping us with funds to purchase food to feed our students over the weekends.

The Ati People

The Ati people are an indigenous group of tribal people living in the mountains of our island Negros Occidental. These are groups of indigenous tribes isolated in the mountains and islands throughout the country. These people predate modern “Polynesians” Filipinos and genetically are related to Australian Aborigines. The Philippine government protects the culture of these tribal people by restricting outside contact with them. Access is by invitation only. About two years ago Donna was invited to do ministry with the tribe and we began a work with them. The BMA of America Missions department supports a Filipino missionary who works directly with the tribe. We now have a church in their village and our first Ati student, Roter Enario, at the Bible College. During the lock-down, and because of their extreme isolation, word was sent out of starvation and famine conditions in the tribe affecting some 40 families. Thank you to Pastor Eric Goble and Brister Baptist Church, Pastor Randy Murphy and First Baptist Church and Pastor Dan Wisely and Kewanee Baptist Church who have helped us get food to the tribe.

Let me introduce to you our newest hero.

Pastor John Rey Vallejera, (Pastor JoJo), is a graduate of our Bible College. He is also our BMAA Filipino missionary serving as church planter in Hong Kong. Recent unrest in Hong Kong forced him and his family to return to the Philippines. Because of the lock-down in the Philippines Pastor JoJo has not been able to return to Hong Kong. With that being said his delay has allowed him to serve as a conduit to distribute food to the Bible College students and to the Ati Tribe in the mountains of the Philippines. Also, Pastor JoJo has been able to get a travel pass which allows him to freely travel across quarantine lines. Thank you, Pastor JoJo, for your love of your people and for working to help us get food to them.