Help For Struggling Churches

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God Repositioning His Resources for Future Growth

BMA of Missouri Loan Committee Providing financial assistance to the churches of the BMA of Missouri.
As a department of the BMA of Missouri it is our desire and goal to partner with the various departments of the association to support the churches of the BMA of Missouri in their effort to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We respect and honor the authority and autonomy of the local church in their effort to follow the
leadership of the Holy Spirit in their ministry. The leadership of the local churches and the leadership of the various departments of the BMA of Missouri are a team that God has assembled and is using to be a witness to a state that needs the gospel.

One of the services of the Loan Committee is to assist churches whose membership has dwindled and are struggling to the point that their future is uncertain. The church may have a concern that someone who does not value the doctrinal beliefs and articles of cooperation of the BMA of Missouri, comes in and votes them out taking over the property.

Recently, a BMA of Missouri church has taking advantage of this service provided by the Loan Committee. The process included an agreement signed by the President of the Loan Committee and the trustees of the church. The agreement provided for transfer of fifty percent ownership of the buildings and property to the BMA of Missouri. The BMA of Missouri is not responsible for any upkeep on the property, buildings, equipment, payment of insurance, and building or liability claims. The BMA of Missouri is shown as joint-insured on liability and property insurance policies. The agreement also allows for transfer of ownership back to
the church if the church presents a written request stating that in regular business conference two-thirds of the church membership present voted that they support the Doctrinal Statement, Statement of Principles of Cooperation, and By-Laws of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri. Also, the property shall be
released back to the church only after all financial obligations to the BMA of Missouri have been paid in full. The church also included in the Quit-Claim Deed that if the church ceases to exist as an active congregation that the whole ownership will be passed to the BMA of Missouri. The Loan Committee appreciates this church for their trust in our commitment to serve their financial needs. We are thankful for their desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of Missouri, regardless of the uncertainty of their future.

Our hearts are saddened when we hear of churches, that have a long history of being faithful to the cause of Christ, struggling to the point that their future is uncertain. But instead of classifying this as defeat or failure lets be positive, God may be repositioning His resources. Were in this together!

If this service is something that your church might be interested in, please contact me for more information. I will be happy to meet with you and try to address any questions and concerns your church may have. My phone number is: 636-461-1625. My E-mail is:

Dennis Baker, President
BMA of Missouri Loan Committee