June 2022 – Mission Director’s Report

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Dear BMAMO churches,

I hope all is well for you this month of June. I am sure you are aware of our need to lift our editor, Bro. Jim Hoffman up in prayer for his recent health concerns, I am grateful to the Lord for answered prayer for two successful procedures.

Also, please continue to pray for Bro Juan Fernandez’s father, who has had serious health concerns. I am also grateful for answered pray for Juan’s father and safe travels for the Fernandez family.

This is the first article since our missions symposium and mid-year meeting at Bethel. Everyone was so gracious of our attempt to treat you well. Special thanks to the folks of Bethel for rising to the challenge. I was especially appreciative of your acceptance in the late change of the program due to Bro. Larry Woods’ news about His wife’s health concerns. Bro. Juan brought an energetic and exciting message and update from His field. I also want to thank Bro Claude for his report on how Stony Point has responded, and as a result been blessed by raising the bar of awareness of missions in their local church. Again, I do not see the BMAMO assessment as a necessity, but as a tool that God can use to raise the bar of awareness in your local church. I am very excited about a meeting I have tonight with a professional in the area of evaluating businesses to see what improvements can be made in the assessment itself.

If I may, I would like to take this opportunity to share how the Lord put this all together. This professional, you see, is not meeting with me in his professional capacity. Instead, he’s meeting with me because he and his partner help charitable organizations with their tools and evaluating systems. I met him at a wedding reception through our mutual friend, Dr. Gavin Hooks. We started with small talk at the reception, and I basically asked his profession. When he shared it with me, I asked if he would mind reviewing the assessment to get his opinion if it is hitting the mark. He scrolled through the assessment, looked at me and said, “This is what I do! I can absolutely help you and let’s meet soon.” About two or three months ago I got the news from Gavin that Joe had had a devastating stroke and the doctors did not think he would make it through the night. Joe is a believer. Praise God, Joe did survive the night and in fact did much better than anyone expected, but he was still “not out of the woods.” So, on my tractor a few days after the stroke I just said, “Lord, You know what this man’s plans are, and You know what Your plans are. If You still have plans to use him I pray that he will recover completely. I know that I was not the only one praying, but I’m telling you God has answered those prayers! So much so that about two weeks ago out of the blue I get a text from him, “Hey brother Ben, do you still want to meet?” I said, “Joe, I’m just thrilled to hear from you!” His response was hilarious: “Well, I knocked on heaven’s door and they said not yet, so I’ve still got to work to do.” I just wanted you, the BMA churches of Missouri, to be aware of how God is working! I praise Him for it! You’ll probably be hearing the continuation of this conversation in next
month’s article.

Lastly, I would like to follow up on my challenge from the Missions Symposium. How is your tomato doing? If you’re reading this and you were not at the symposium, I will explain! I had several tomato plants laid in my lap right before the symposium, so I decided to share this caveat with the
people that were in attendance. I asked if they took a tomato plant, to transplant it and take care of it and try to bring it to full fruition. Then, save a few seeds from one of the fruits and then plant another plant the following year. This is essentially mirroring the discipleship process. God has not just called us to win people to Christ. He’s called us to win people to Christ AND TRAIN them to win people to Christ to train them to win people to Christ, etc. The ultimate goal of any seed is not fruit for that season. The ultimate goal is seed for the next season, and so on, and so on. As a result, I challenged the people that night to take that tomato plant home and do just that, All along, asking God to teach them lessons of discipleship as they care for this tomato plant. I’ve already had some interesting conversations with people and I’m excited about what God‘s going to do in teaching us how to truly reproductively disciple others.

May the Lord richly bless you is my prayer.
Bro. Ben Kingston

PS this from Bro Larry Wood about his wife’s current health situation: After a series of tests and scans the doctor decided to do a biopsy this past Saturday. The results will take 7 to 10 days. We are rescheduled to fly out on June 28 and will keep this schedule if everything is good. If not, we will adjust our plan. If the biopsy is good, then her issues can be treated with medication. If not, she will have to have surgery and possibly some type of treatment.

So please add these needs to your church’s prayer list.