Preparations For Camp

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by Chris Polk • Camp Director

It’s hard to believe it’s already June. There’s only a few weeks left until camp week. Be praying for our speaker, Bro. Wade Allen; the Harper Family leading us in song; the Kitchen staff preparing the grub; and the teachers for our class sessions.
Speaking of teachers we need some for these age groups 8-9, 5-7, 3-4, 0-2 year olds.

But, also be praying for the church sponsors and campers that God would move in their lives in a mighty way.

The theme this year, Hero’s of the Faith, “…of whom the world was not worthy.” Hebrews 11:38, is a very broad theme. There are many men and women who have been faithful to serve, have endured many trials and who’s lives and experiences are encouraging to us in our everyday walk. When we think of Christian hero’s most of us have someone come to mind as having influenced our lives in some manner. Earlier this year I asked for some of your hero stories. This month I received a couple that I would like to share with you.

Rebekah Son wrote: There are many great heroes of the faith. One that stands out to me is Esther. No, Esther was not perfect. The Bible does not say any of her sins, but God alone is perfect. Esther faced certain death to try and save her people. She was brave when she went before King Ahasuerus to ask for a banquet. She was especially brave in pointing out who was trying to kill her people, God’s chosen. Esther to me is far more than a girl who won the world’s first known beauty contest. She is a woman who saved her people with her bravery.

Micah Son wrote: My Hero of faith is the Biblical character Joshua. Joshua’s faith began under Moses when Joshua was commanded to search out the land of Canaan. He came back with the same report as the other eleven men, but his faith prevailed above the ten other men. One other by the name of Caleb was willing to have a strong faith along side of Joshua.

When Joshua began to lead the children of Israel, he was commanded by God to take courage. It takes great courage to have great faith. One cannot abide without the other. God was commanding Joshua to take courage to step out by faith. Joshua became the leader into the conquest of Canaan because of his great faith. Every man, woman, or child who is a child of God must have this amazing faith in God Almighty.

Thanks guys for thinking about and praying for camp! We are working hard at getting things ready to go. And looking forward to a great time of worship, fellowship and fun.

We’ll see you in about 6 weeks.