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July 2016 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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We rejoice with Lindsay Lane Baptist Church in Florissant, Missouri, as they have called Bro. Brian Meade as Pastor and he has accepted their call. We pray for God’s blessings upon them as they labor together. Our hearts are saddened as we think of many of our churches who are still searching for pastors. We need to pray for these churches as they go through the difficult time of being without a shepherd and we need to pray that God will call more men who are willing to pastor His churches.

Our main responsibility in these days is to stay faithful to God and do our best to follow His will. May we encourage one another and work together for His honor and glory and work hard to reap a harvest of lost souls before it is too late. Please pray for your Assistant Missions Director and the Special Missions Committee as we meet before our annual meeting to make recommendations concerning our missions program. We need your prayerful support as we seek God’s leadership in our work in Missouri.

Do you know of someone who feels led to plant a church in Missouri or do you know of an area we need to investigate concerning
the potential of planting a church? Let me or a member of the Special Missions Committee know and we will consider your suggestions. We will be glad to interview possible missionary candidates, investigate possible fields, or do whatever we can to plant new churches as God leads.

Thank you for your support of Missions in Missouri!

Teaching Children Transgenderism Is Normal Is Child Abuse

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By Larry Page, Executive Director Arkansas Faith and Ethics Council via The Baptist Trumpet

The American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has issued a warning to educators, policy-makers and others whose work involve children. The message is simple and straightforward — do not set policy and adopt curriculum that teaches the young that transgenderism is normal.

Transgenderism is defied as “a state or condition in which a person identifis with or expresses a gender identity that
differs from the one which corresponds to the person’s sex at birth.” Since the condition of transgenderism is classified as
a mental illness, to teach it as being normal and to promote it as being a healthy alternative is child abuse, so says the ACP.

In its report, the national doctors’ organization said that, “Facts — not ideology — determine reality.” The report further explained that “No one is born with an awareness of themselves as male or female; this awareness develops over time and, like all developmental processes, may be derailed by a child’s subjective perceptions, relationships and adverse experiences from infancy forward. People who identify as ‘feeling like the opposite sex’ or ‘’somewhere in between’ do not comprise a third sex.
They remain biological men or biological women.”

When an otherwise healthy child believes he or she is a member of the opposite sex, that indicates a psychological problem requiring treatment of the mind, not the body. In other words, it is a mental issue and not a physical one. The psychological condition is known as “gender dysphoria,” once called gender identity disorder. It has been recognized as a mental disorder by the most recent edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual.

Research shows that most children who are gender confused accept their biological sex after they pass naturally through
puberty transition. However, if prior to puberty, the gender confused children are given puberty blockers to help them
mimic the other sex, the gender confusion will not only likely continue but will be further reinforced with the introduction of
cross-sex hormones during later adolescence. Those misguided professionals who want to “help” those children find their “real” identities by providing them with cross-sex hormones are consigning many of them to a life of confusion, despair and serious consequences — both physical and mental. Cross-sex hormones, such as testosterone and estrogen, must be administered regularly if any semblance of being the other sex is to be maintained. Those drugs are linked to high blood pressure, blood clots,
strokes, cancer and other serious health conditions. Also, higher rates of suicide among adults, up to 20 times greater,
are associated with the use of crosssex hormones and so-called sex reassignment surgery.

Those facts underscore the reality that gender dysphoria is a psychological issue, not a physical problem. The ACP reiterated the main point when it said, “Conditioning children into believing a lifetime of chemical and surgical impersonation of the opposite sex is normal and healthful is child abuse.” (

Fruit of the Spirit – Camp Garwood 2016 Theme

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Fruit of the spirit garwood

But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, long suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law. Galatians 5:22-23

Join us at Camp Garwood for fun, fellowship, and Worship! Register here!

“Church Health”

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Bro. Tom McCanless has been led of the Lord into a new ministry, “Church Health.” A healthy church is a more successful church in fulfilling the Great Commission: winning souls, baptizing the saved, and disciplining church members. It is estimated that over 100,000 churches in America are ailing or in the process of dying. Your church is only as healthy as each member on your church roll.

Bro. McCanless, at a church’s invitation, will help that church work through three steps that will help an ailing church. Those three steps are: Examination, Restoration, and Separation. (Ezra 10:1-8)

1. EXAMINATION – Each church member will receive a questionnaire with thirteen questions. The Holy Spirit will examine the heart of each church member as he or she answers these pointed personal questions. (Note) There will be no request for this questionnaire to be returned to the church. The Holy Spirit and the one answering the questions will be the only ones to know the response to these questions.
2. RESTORATION – After completing the questionnaire, each church member will be given a copy of the “Church Covenant” to read and asked to sign a personal pledge of re-commitment to honor this Covenant.
3. SEPARATION – For those who are on the church roll, who complete the questionnaire and will not sign a pledge of re-commitment to the “Church Covenant,” that person’s name will be removed from the church roll. (Amos 3:3) “Can two walk together, except they be agreed?”
(Note) Each church member will be required to return a signed Church Covenant pledge.

5th Annual Men’s Spring Retreat

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Twenty men attended the 5th Annual BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Men’s Spring Retreat, held on a beautiful spring weekend at Camp Garwood, Friday evening May 13th and Saturday morning May 14th. The Friday evening menu included fried fih, hush puppies, and alligator. This was my fist time to eat alligator, and yes it did taste like chicken but a little tougher to chew. Saturday morning for breakfast we enjoyed eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, and pancakes.

Bro. Roy Callahan did a great job with the program. The theme was on “Hope in Jesus Christ.” The presentation included video songs to support the theme. I had the opportunity to share my life testimony. I shared my experience of having the blessing of growing up in a Christian home and having parents who showed their love for the Lord by being an example before their children. They showed theirlove for the Lord’s church by driving 100 miles one way every Sunday. Truth of the Scriptures was important to
them. They loved lost souls and were willing to have Bible clubs and women’s Bible study in their community. I shared my salvation experience of how I thought I was saved at a young age, but because of the example of the young lady I was dating, (who is now my wife of 48 years), and preaching of God’s Word by her father (Noel Gibson), I realized that I had never asked the Lord to be my Savior. I remember dreaming about death and going to hell. I have never dreamed that dream again since asking Jesus to save me. I shared my experience of God calling me into the ministry as a student at Central Baptist College. I reached my fist sermon in December 1966 at Campbell’s Island Missionary Baptist Church located in Moline, Illinois. The length of the sermon was a total of fie minutes. I shared how that God had blessed my family in both good and bad times.

Bro. Joey Duckworth gave a wonderful devotional Saturday morning. The Turkey Shoot was divided into two groups. The young men (10 and under) shot three rounds of three shots each with 22 rifles at still targets. Bro. Lucas (Luke) Polk had the best score and received a frozen turkey. The older men did skeet shooting with shotguns and shot three rounds of three shots each. Bro. James Callahan had the best score and received a frozen turkey for his efforts. Bro. Don Adams did a fantastic job as Safety Officer for the shooting events.

The 5th Annual Spring Men’s Retreat was a wonderful time of spiritual renewal, fellowship, and good food. I would encourage the men of our churches to make plans to attend the 6th Annual BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Men’s Fall Retreat. Watch for future
articles in the Missouri Missionary Baptist for the date.

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President

Do YOU real like Camp Garwood??

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I am sure the answer to this questions is a resounding YES! for most of us. We like the beautiful setting and the green grass
and trees, the fresh air, the upgraded dorms, and cool, spacious dinning hall and kitchen and all the other great things that make up Camp Garwood, not to mention the great fellowship, activities, and worship services that are ours to enjoy!

But are we doing our part in making sure things are ready when Camp Week arrives? It takes a lot of work to keep up the grounds and buildings and each of us that are able should help keep them in good condition. Contact Bro. Chris to see what needs to be done and to arrange a time for you to get a group together to go to Camp and help in the preparation that is taking place in the next few weeks before Camp. Thanks for helping! Contact Chris!

How Can A Christian Know When He is Doing God’s Will?

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Colossians 3:15

And let the peace of God rule in your hearts, to the which also ye are called in one body; and be ye thankful. The answer is the peace of God in the heart and in the church. When a believer loses his inner peace he knows he has in some way disobeyed God.

Paul encourages the believer to “Let the peace of God rule in your hearts.” The word “rule” is an athletic term, which means, “to preside at the games and distribute the prizes.” In the Greek games, there were judges or umpires who rejected the contestants who were not qualified, and who disqualified those who broke the rules. The peace of God is the “Umpire” in the believer’s heart and in the church. When we obey the will of God, we have God’s peace within, but when we step out of His will (even unintentionally), our hearts will be troubled and not at peace with God.

We must beware of a false peace in the heart. Jonah deliberately disobeyed God, yet he was able to sleep in the bottom of the ship in a storm. Jonah 1:5, Then the mariners were afraid, and cried every man unto his god, and cast forth the wares that were in the ship into the sea, to lighten it of them. But Jonah was gone down into the sides of the ship; and he lay,
and was fast asleep. Just to say “I have peace about it, is not sufficient evidence that you are in the will of God. We must
pray, surrender to His will, seek His guidance in Scriptures.

The peace of heart alone is not always the peace of God. Another evidence of peace involves peace with others in the church. The nature of our relationship with God involves other believers. If we are out of the will of God, we are certain to bring discord and disharmony in the church. Jonah though he was at peace, when actually his sins created a storm! When a Christian loses the peace of God, he begins to go of in directions that are out of the will of God. He will turn to the things of the world and the flesh to compensate for his lack of peace within. He will try to escape, but he cannot escape himself! It is only when he confesses his sin, claims God’s forgiveness, and does God’s will that he experiences God’s peace within.

Finally, when a believer is happy he will be thankful. The believer out of God’s will is never found giving sincere praise
to God. When David covered up his sin he lost his peace and praise. When he confessed his sins the joy of his salvation returned. Psalms 32:1-5, “Blessed is he whose transgression is forgiven, whose sin is covered. Blessed is the man unto whom
the LORD imputeth not iniquity, and in whose spirit there is no guile. When I kept silence, my bones waxed old through my roaring all the day long. For day and night thy hand was heavy upon me: my moisture is turned into the drought of summer. Selah. I acknowledged my sin unto thee, and mine iniquity have I not hid. I said, I will confess my transgressions unto the LORD; and thou forgavest the iniquity of my sin. Selah.”

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President

National WMA News

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Women’s Missionary Auxiliary President Ruby Poteet reported that there were 141 messengers and 40 visitors present for their annual meeting on Tuesday. The program included a devotional by National Miss GMA and Amanda Hall, and prayer by National Junior Miss GMA Lydia Dunlap. Dr. Ralph Izard, director of Baptist Medical Missions International, encouraged the ladies to help with the Christmas Shoebox project.

Missionaries Doug & Diane Lee thanked them for helping with major renovations, expansion and furnishing of the existing buildings at the BMA Bible College in Negros Occidental, Philippines through their 2015-16 project. After the installation of offirs by Jodi Rhea, the program included special music by the Lees and featured speaker, Fran Hoover.

For more information on National WMA, visit their web site at

May 2016 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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I was physically unable to attend the National Association this year but rejoice in the good reports I am hearing about the meeting. I hope you enjoy reading the report of the National Meeting that fellow editor Don Brown of Mississippi has shared with us. Excitement is building as we approach our Missions Symposium and Midyear meeting later this month. Pastor Claude Evans and Stony Point Church are making preparations and I know we will be welcomed and treated royally. Pray for Bro. Jeff Swart and come prepared to be informed, inspired, and encouraged by God’s Word.

As we gather for our Midyear meeting on Saturday may we do so with a prayer that God will revive His work in Missouri and that we will be sensitive to His leadership in the decisions we make. I look forward to fellowshipping with our brothers and sisters throughout Missouri in this meeting.

Faithful Servant, Son, Husband, Father, and Friend called Home

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Lanny Dale May son of Juanita Lanham May and Larry Earl May Sr. was born in Salem, Missouri, on January 1, 1984. He departed this life in Shannon County, Missouri, on March 18, 2016, at the age of 32.

On September 21, 2002 in Salem, Missouri, Lanny was united in marriage to Dottie Burgdorf and to this loving union four children were born. Lanny was a member of the Ohlman Missionary Baptist Church and the Missouri Forest Products Association (MFPA). He was a Certifid Master Logger and he enjoyed boating, camping, coaching basketball, baseball and going shopping. Lanny’s greatest love was spending time with his family especially his wife and children. Lanny and Dottie are faithful workers at Ohlman Missionary Baptist Church.

Lanny is survived by his parents. Larry and Juanita May of Bunker, Missouri; wife Dottie May of Bunker, Missouri; three
sons: Easton Thomas, Bryson Dean and Alton Dale May of Bunker, Missouri; one daughter, Paisley Fayth May of Bunker, Missouri; his grandmother, Lorene Lanham of Bunker, Missouri; two brothers: Larry May Jr. and wife Cari of Bunker, Missouri, and Michael May of Jackson, Missouri; two sisters: Ginger White and husband Undre of Rolla, Missouri, and Angel May of Bunker, Missouri. Lanny will be deeply missed by a host of relatives including many nieces, nephews, friends and the entire community of Bunker.

Visitation was held Monday, March 21st 10 a.m. at Bunker R-III School Gym with the Funeral Service following at 1 p.m. with Pastor Terry Sharpe officiating. Burial was at Corridon-Reynolds Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Jake May, Garon May, Garrett Gore, Allen Ritter, Scott Lanham Jr., Lucas Ritter, Hank Belk, Michael May and Dalton Harper.
Honorary Pallbearers: Trey Quick, Kirk Martin, Undre White, Andy Gromer, Dusty Ritter, Jeff Burgdorf, Rob Harlow, Ty Locklear, Holden May and Brady Lanham.

An Added Note sent in by Janet Widger….
After receiving inquiries of how we can assist them, I spoke to their pastor’s wife as well as a family member.
First, lift the family and church up in prayer, as many have been doing. Second, if you wish, make a financial contribution to assist with immediate needs as well as long term needs for this young family.

You can make check payable to:
Ohlman Missionary Baptist Church
“Lanny May Memorial”
and mail to: 10186 Hwy 72, Bunker, MO 63629