5th Annual Men’s Spring Retreat

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Twenty men attended the 5th Annual BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Men’s Spring Retreat, held on a beautiful spring weekend at Camp Garwood, Friday evening May 13th and Saturday morning May 14th. The Friday evening menu included fried fih, hush puppies, and alligator. This was my fist time to eat alligator, and yes it did taste like chicken but a little tougher to chew. Saturday morning for breakfast we enjoyed eggs, bacon, sausage, biscuits, gravy, and pancakes.

Bro. Roy Callahan did a great job with the program. The theme was on “Hope in Jesus Christ.” The presentation included video songs to support the theme. I had the opportunity to share my life testimony. I shared my experience of having the blessing of growing up in a Christian home and having parents who showed their love for the Lord by being an example before their children. They showed theirlove for the Lord’s church by driving 100 miles one way every Sunday. Truth of the Scriptures was important to
them. They loved lost souls and were willing to have Bible clubs and women’s Bible study in their community. I shared my salvation experience of how I thought I was saved at a young age, but because of the example of the young lady I was dating, (who is now my wife of 48 years), and preaching of God’s Word by her father (Noel Gibson), I realized that I had never asked the Lord to be my Savior. I remember dreaming about death and going to hell. I have never dreamed that dream again since asking Jesus to save me. I shared my experience of God calling me into the ministry as a student at Central Baptist College. I reached my fist sermon in December 1966 at Campbell’s Island Missionary Baptist Church located in Moline, Illinois. The length of the sermon was a total of fie minutes. I shared how that God had blessed my family in both good and bad times.

Bro. Joey Duckworth gave a wonderful devotional Saturday morning. The Turkey Shoot was divided into two groups. The young men (10 and under) shot three rounds of three shots each with 22 rifles at still targets. Bro. Lucas (Luke) Polk had the best score and received a frozen turkey. The older men did skeet shooting with shotguns and shot three rounds of three shots each. Bro. James Callahan had the best score and received a frozen turkey for his efforts. Bro. Don Adams did a fantastic job as Safety Officer for the shooting events.

The 5th Annual Spring Men’s Retreat was a wonderful time of spiritual renewal, fellowship, and good food. I would encourage the men of our churches to make plans to attend the 6th Annual BMA of Missouri Brotherhood Men’s Fall Retreat. Watch for future
articles in the Missouri Missionary Baptist for the date.

by Dennis Baker, Brotherhood President