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Mid-Year Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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The messengers of the Churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri met May 18, 2013, at 9:00 a.m. in the facilities of Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Sikeston.
President Claude Evans called the meeting to order and the messnegers were seated as a call was made for changes in the By-laws.

The Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Association Trustees presented changes in the By-laws for this committee which were necessitated by the incorporation of our association last year. These changes were adopted.

Bro. Don Burke was re-elected as our Recording Secretary and Bro. Dale Fish was re-elected as our Assistant Recording Secretary.
It was noted that the meeting place for our annual meeting needed to be changed and the moderator called for invitations. Bethany Baptist Church in St. Louis extended an invitation and the messengers voted to accept the invitation to meet at Bethany October 26, 2013, at 9:00 a.m.

Reports for the following entities were heard: The Kenneth E. Gibson Seminary Student Grant Fund; the Missouri Missionary Baptist paper; the Missouri Missionary Baptist Loan Committee; the Recording Secretary’s Report, and the ALIVE Committee.
The Missionary Committee met and recommended that we designate $800 of the director’s monthly salary as housing allowance. They also recommended that we give a love offering of $1,000 to each of the three missionaries who spoke ot the Missions Symposium Friday evening. Such offering was for their work funds.
Following the Missionary Committee meeting the messengers voted to approve their recommendations.

The Encampment report was given via a video presentation. Camp Evangelist for this year will be Bro. Wade Allen who is serving in the Phillipines.

The Brotherhood report was given.
All reports were accepted by the messengers.

A standing vote of appreciation was given to Bethel Baptist Church and Pastor Jerry Adams for their wonderful hospitality .
Bro Jerry Adams then brought a message that challenged us to be witness for Christ using examples of people in the Bible who let the Power of God help them witness to others.

Following the message the meeting was adjourned until October. We enjoyed a delicious meal provided by Bethel and a wonderful time of fellowship in the activity building.

Dinner & Concert

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July 13, 2013
Zion Baptist Church
3485 Baumgartner Rd. • St. Louis, MO

A spaghetti Dinner will be served from 3-5 p.m. In the fellowship hall, RSVP for the dinner would be appreciated:
Contact Janet Widger 314-566-7794 Or Connie Reifsteck 314-283-4973
The Harper Family Concert will take place at 6:00 p.m.

Love Offerings for the dinner will benefit Dalton Harper’s expenses for medical treatments.

Love offerings for the concert will benefit the Harper
Family as they minister to others through their music.

Make plans to attend and give a generous offering to the
dinner and the concert.

It will be a great time of fun, fellowship
and great music!!Harper Family

Happy Father’s Day

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We want to wish all the fathers a Happy Father’s Day. It is a huge responsibility to be a good father. Turn to God and His word for help.


Camp Garwood News – From Bro. Chris Polk

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CAMP GARWOOD SIGNI would like to thank everyone who came to the paintball retreat. It was a little cool for those not playing. But the guys, and gals running through the woods seemed to enjoy it. There were 40-50 present with around 30? playing. I didn’t get a good count.
We’ve begun work on a few things preparing for camp. There will be plenty to do as we get closer to camp. Take time now to schedule a weekend to come help. It’s not about the work as much as enjoying time at your camping facilities. Thanks to all of you who do help every year.
The theme “Heroes of the Faith” from Hebrews 11:36 spans the centuries from Creation to present. Who has been an encouragement to you and why? Tell us their story, and how they have pointed you to Jesus.
Remember to pray for camp. It’s not too soon, the ones preparing camp need safety, wisdom and patience. The speaker and teachers need wisdom and insight. The facilities themselves need protection from vandals and nature. And most importantly the lost campers need seeds to be planted now to be reaped the week of camp.

From Missionary Jones – April 2013

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Dear Friends,
God has been blessing North Lake. This last Wednesday night, during one of our LifeGroup meetings, I noticed that 7 out of the 12 people who sat in my living-room were new believers. He has plans for all 12, but it was neat to recognize those 7. Seeing how God has used them over the past couple of years has been enjoyable. We are looking forward to adding to that number of new believers in the near future.

The Youth at North Lake who did the service project

My new associate missionary, Jared Kathcart led a successful “Disciple Now “weekend this last month. Our youth partnered with another church to complete a service project for a daycare in town. They painted, rearranged an office space, and studied Romans 12:1. We are seeing some new teens and ask that you pray for the salvation and discipleship of these young people.
This past Sunday we celebrated Easter. Our attendance was up, as we were blessed with 10 guests. The service was lively and smiles were adorning the faces of people who experienced some great worship through music, preaching, and fellowship. We worshiped a King who is alive!
Thank you to all who keep up with us, pray for us, and support us. We are blessed! We would like to ask that you diligently pray for us over the next six months. God is moving us forward toward His vision for North Lake and we have set several goals.
• Please pray that God would use us in His process of saving souls here in Smithville.
• Please pray for spiritual passion to increase among our people.
• Please pray for our Sunday morning worship gatherings to increase in attendance and fellowship.
Thank you and God Bless!
Jamie Jones

April 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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The other day I was in a conversation with a church planting strategist when he asked me a question about the number of churches we were planting in Missouri. I explained our past efforts, failures, and successes. His next question was this: “What do you need from the BMA of Missouri to start another church plant this year?” I had to pause for a couple of minutes and think about that question before I could answer. I responded with the following 3 needs:
1. I need a church planter and his family whom the association could recommend and approve of their election. I think it would really be great if we could raise-up a planter from our own BMA of Missouri “family.” They would already know the culture, the demographics, and the needs of our state. Less time would be needed for them to immerse themselves into the culture and community of the “Show-Me State.”
2. I need 3 to 4 churches who would serve as “partner churches” to the new plant. Of course we need a “Mother Church” or “Sponsor Church,” but we also need the extended family to come along side of and help with the initial start up efforts and costs. Partner churches might provide people, funds, equipment, prayers, mission teams, etc. The more involved in the process the greater the momentum and growth.
3. I need our churches to increase their missions giving. I have heard the argument that if we had more church plants going, then our churches would rise to the challenge and increase their giving. I don’t believe that is the reason for decreased giving. I do believe that many of our churches are in a “survival mode,” rather than a “let’s expand the Kingdom mode.” When churches begin to feel a financial crunch, the first thing that is cut out of the budget is mission giving. I would be hard-pressed to favorably explain that line of reasoning to the Lord (2 Cor. 8:1-5). We need more money to support planters!

As your state director of missions, I have prepared myself to assess, train, and coach church planters. It is my part-time job within the BMA of America missions department to do these things all across the world. I am ready and willing to do the same here in our state, but I need your help. If the above three things could happen, then we could get started with one more church plant this year.

Please pray with me to this end.

Bro. Danny Kirk

March 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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In February I was blessed to be invited to two churches to speak about World Mission Sunday and to preach God’s word. My wife and I enjoyed the worship service at North Lake Church in Smithville, MO. The mission at Smithville is celebrating the good news that Jared and Nikki Kathcart are being sent as an associate missionary to assist Jamie Jones. Jared and Nikki have already been hard at work since last fall working with the youth. This couple is excited with what God is doing in their lives. They are expecting their first child in May and have purchased their first home.

The following week, I was with the Ozark Heights Baptist Church and Pastor Brian Meade to represent missions as they celebrated World Mission Sunday. Bro. Meade allowed me the privilege of preaching as well to this wonderful congregation.

Please mark your calendars for our annual Mission Symposium to be held May 17th with the Bethel Baptist Church in Sikeston, MO.

Bro. Danny Kirk

Freedom in Christ

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Galatians 5:1-10
by Pastor Roy Callahan
London Hill Baptist Church, Fredericktown, MO

Paul tells the Galatians in verse 1, “Stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage.” What a wonderful message.

Paul is reminding them of a very important part of a Christian’s life, and that is FREEDOM. We also, need to be reminded of our freedom in Christ. Satan is in the world today, just like he was during Paul’s day. Young and old men need to take notice of what Paul was reminding the Galatians. He knew personally about the freedom that Christ brings to our lives. He had experienced the saving power of Christ, and the peace that Christ brought to his life. He told them that Christ gave himself for our sins, and that he will deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father. (Gal. 1:4).

Christ said in John 14:27,”Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you; not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.”

Paul wants them to remember. There are times when we need to remember where we have come from, in order to appreciate what we have. Paul wants them to understand that God does not concern himself with the earthly divisions of race or status. He is concerned with your soul. Paul tells them that all the works that they may do, will never be enough to meet God’s standard of righteousness. It is by faith in Christ that allows us to meet God’s standard. Paul tells the Ephesians, “For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast.” (Eph. 2:8-9).

We need to tell our young men of this great freedom that was brought to us through Christ Jesus. Anyone can come to know Christ. It doesn’t matter where you come from, or your position in life. The World, thru Satan, tries its best to hold us back from this simple, easy, truth Christ died for all!

Finally, Paul wants them to stand fast in commitment to Christ. Many times in our lives we can get discouraged, but we can be lifted up by the confidence that others place in us.

The church at Galatia was having a rough time, and Paul wanted to encourage them. He knew that it only takes a very small problem for people to lose commitment. Paul was convinced that by pointing this out, and with prayer, the church would get back on track.

So, what does all of this have to do with the Brotherhood? We must be like Paul, and remind each other to stand for Christ. Through Him we are saved, and secure, and have peace that the world cannot give. We have a great message that needs to go to everybody, not just those we think are good. Christ can change the hardest heart.

Our young men need to know that they are not alone, and that we, like Paul, are here to help them.


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The missions simulcast is over but you can access the recorded sessions at

100 Churches in 3 Years
Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 10:00am – Noon
This simulcast will cover how to build a multiplication process in your church and give you more information on how to involve your church and churches in your area in church multiplication.
Special Note: From 11am – Noon we will be discussing the integration of BMA Missions and Lifeword.

Make plans now to take part in this live simulcast from Lifeword Studios at one of the following locations:

  • Oasis Church, North Little Rock, AR
  • Springdale Baptist Church, Springdale, AR
  • Garrett Memorial, Hope, AR
  • First Keltys, Lufkin, TX
  • New Harmony, Tyler, TX
  • First Baptist, Galena, KS
  • Vardaman Street, Wiggins, MS
  • Fusion Church, Fountain, CO
  • Majestic View, Kiowa, CO
  • Southgate Baptist, Moore, OK
  • Temple Baptist Church, Jonesboro, AR

Other host sites may become available or contact me ( if you are interested in being a host site.

A recording of this simulcast will be available for viewing later on the BMA Missions website.

February 27, 2013
10:00 am – 12:00 pm
Learn about Multiplication Centers
If you’re interested in being a host site please contact me at
Invite your friends to watch with you

Remember, 100 Churches in 3 Years!

Thanks again,
Larry Barker
North America Director of Operations
Baptist Missionary Association of America
9219 Sibley Hole RD
Little Rock, AR 72209
501-455-4977 (Office)
501-766-2606 (Cell)

February 2013 – Mission Director’s Report

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Three Preachers at North Lake Church

It was my joy this past month to attend the morning services at North Lake Church in Smithville, MO. Pastor Jamie Jones reports that 2012 had been a good year for the church as they witnessed 12 salvaions and 10 baptisms. The new church plant has also been blessed in many others way with new Life Groups and leaders stepping up to serve. One of the greatest blessings has been the addition of a new staff member, Jared Kathcart and his wife, Nikki. Jared, while completing his seminary training this year, is doing a great work with the youth ministries of the church.

In addition to the above blessings, the North Lake church family witnessed a young man surrender his life to preaching the gospel. Matthue Parker, a 16 year old student, preached his first message on the Sunday morning that Carolyn and I were present. It seemed appropriate when Matthue preached his first message on the subject of “change.” Certainly the unchanging Savior is changing Matthue’s life in a wonderful way.

We mourn the passing of a great servant of God, Bro. Dale Blount. Bro. Blount was a preacher and pastor who exemplified a gentle and encouraging spirit. I have marveled at the strength and endurance that Bro. Dale enjoyed in the latter years of his ministry. He is now enjoying face to face fellowship with the Savior that he preached about so faithfully.

I enjoyed a great time of worship with Bro. Jim Ford and the good people at Charity Baptist Church in Columbia, MO. Pastor Neil Bowers preached a great message on the importance of finishing our race well. Bro. Ford allowed me a few minutes to share about the work of missions and they rejoiced with what God is doing in Missouri.

by Bro. Danny Kirk