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94th Annual Meeting

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Annual Meeting Reminder: The 94th Annual Meeting of The Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri will meet October 9, 2021 at Faith Baptist Church 2310 Muegge Rd. St. Charles, MO at 9:00 A.M.

It’s A Boy!!

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Our Missionary Family
Juan & Hannah Fernandez & Girls
are expecting a baby boy in October!
Bethany Baptist Church in St. Louis is
Planning an Associational Baby Shower
for them and would love for all our
churches in the BMA of MO and Meramec
Associations to participate.
The date is September 4 at 1:00 p.m.
They are registered at Target and on
Amazon. If you are unable to attend please
feel free to support them by sending cards, gifts,
or monetary support.
Finger sandwiches and cake will be served.
If possible, please let us know if your church or
individuals will be attending.
Mary Hoffmann • 176 Bear Creek Dr. • Wentzville, MO 63385 • 314-488-9055 •
Bertha Blanchard • 11479 Edwards Ave. •
Maryland Hgts., MO 63043-1816 • 314-800-4072

August 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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A page from my heart…

Unfortunately, I was not able to go to the national Association meeting. I’ve heard nothing but good reports from those who were able to go, and Missouri was well represented. As you know, it’s been a difficult season for meetings since Covid hit in 2020, and date adjustments made it quite difficult for many including myself to attend.

It is my understanding that we were well represented in the missions commissioning service with Bro. Juan being our representative as a national missionary to the St. Louis Hispanic people. It is so exciting to see him and his family do such a tremendous job in that ministry.

As I shared in last month’s edition, I had the opportunity to speak at Ohlman Baptist Church. This past month I was invited to share at Stony Point, where other churches availed themselves of that meeting. It’s a thrill to represent and present the work that we’re striving to do for the BMA of Missouri in the area of missions.

I have been in discussions with the advisory committee of the Meramec Association, and it is their recommendation that we not hire a missions director at this point, but see how the push for the Benchmark Assessments goes with our churches as a whole throughout the state. If the Meramec churches that also are supporting the state association throw in with their support of the Benchmark Assessment approach, we will basically be accomplishing the same thing.

Therefore, I’m asking everyone who reads this article to pray as we continue this push to get our churches to raise the bar of missions awareness, that the Benchmark Assessment will do just that, and that our churches will grow in awareness of our missions program, and we will become better missionaries and see more churches planted in the state of Missouri. That is the end goal that we are hoping to accomplish.

The finished product of the Benchmark Assessment test and pamphlet will be ready by the annual meeting.

I will be contacting those churches that let me know at the mid-year meeting that they would be interested in the pilot group. If you are one of those churches I would appreciate a text or an email to help my memory. I hope to prepare those churches with exactly what they need to do by the annual meeting in October.

Thank you again for this opportunity. May the Lord bless you as you strive to reach others for Him.

PS: A note to Meramec churches: White Oak Grove was the intended destination for this year‘s annual meeting September 24, 2021 but they are not going to be able to host that meeting, so it will be at Bethel Baptist Church on that same date and will begin at 10 AM. We will send a letter to all the MLBA churches, but please help us spread the word.

Bro. Ben Kingston

BMMA IN ST LOUIS: Hispanic Missionary Outreach 7/2021 “Belen”

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May 31st during our home Bible discovery time, the man of the house, Nahum Jeronimo, expressed his desire to be born again. We have started with our second stage of discipleship process, PRAISE THE LORD! Please keep Mrs. Jeronimo, that she follows the lead of the Holy Spirit and the example of Nahum to also become a new born again person. On 6/19/21 a Tree fell on the roof of their mobile home, God protected them, the local fire department had to come and rescue them since the doors were unable to open because the frame received severe damage.

English as Second Language in Bethany Church in Overland: Completed 80 hours.

We celebrated the completion of the first trimester of English Class. We enjoyed the addition of a new tutor for the class in Bethany, sister Sandra. The students Omar, Cecilia and Janeth presented improvement of their language in front of the fellowship and company of Bethany church with Brother Hoffmann & Sister Mary, Sister Tiny, Sister Darlene and Fran & Jeremiah. We enjoyed an authentic Salvadorian delicious meal in the fellowship hall at Bethany.

English as Second Language in Faith Baptist Church in St Charles.

We started with one of the students, Maria who gather 6 more people to become students and potential contacts for our mission in this area of Missouri. We are planning, God willing to resume class on Monday and Friday of the months of August to November. Looking forward to have tutors join us in this mission outreach. We are so thankful for the Hospitality from our fellow brothers in Christ at Faith.

“Pray without ceasing…” every day of the week 12:00 p.m. join in prayer for this mission.


We are praying for God’s direction and provision of ninos and ninas to come and learn about Jesus, how to read the Bible, how to sing songs and discover their abilities to create crafts and play with us. There are two opportunities we have in mind: reaching out children in Chesterfield trailer park and the neighborhood in Overland MO. We are planning to determine whether we will be in both places or just one depending on parents’ interest and commitment to join for our prayer and discovery Bible time on Sunday 12:00 p.m.


We had the privilege to bring a ministry update and a message encouraging our brothers and sister to pray for the advancement of the Gospel among our hispanic Families in the area. We had also an opportunity to join Lindsay Lane in the Sports Camp summer event. Victoria our oldest daughter made new friends and become aware of belonging to a team…her team…the blue team. Also I had the privilege to teach a lessons about Jesus and His work among us before during and after his death and the great commission to go and make disciples to all nations.

Baby’s Arrival 10/23/2021

We continue preparing our home for our baby boy to join our family. He is expected to be born by the 3rd week of October. We ask each one of you in our BMAA family of churches to pray for the following:

  • Pray for health and peace for us, especially for Hannah during this preparation and baby growth period.
  • Pray for the place were baby will be born.
  • Pray for Salvation in each contact we connect on a daily basis.
  • For ESL outreach Fall students and tutors to be ready to develop healthy relationship for eternity.
  • Pray that Nahum and Ermilanda complete each one of the steps for a healthy biblical Spirit-led discipleship and each one of their family member’s salvation.
  • That daily prayer time and discovery Bible study continues to be available and a blessing for those who need to hear the Gospel in Spanish.
  • For ESL Fall Outreach, students and tutors relationship for eternity.

Dios le bendiga!
God bless you!

Thank God for His blessings upon this ministry and for those who are willing to give of their time and effort to reach those who need the Lord. Pray for Bro. Juan and his family as they labor among the Hispanic people.

We have met some great people who are searching for peace and joy that is only found in Christ!

Contact Us
Facebook Page: Belen en Overland or Juan Fernandez/ Hannah Fernandez
Telephone:(618) 581 8056

July 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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Dear churches of the state Association of Missouri,

Well, we are roughly three months removed from the semiannual meeting and missions symposium, and a third of the way through summer break. My, how life flies by!

Dawn, Molly, and I were with Ohlman Baptist Church last Wednesday, June 23, with Elaine Stricklin representing Mt. Olive Baptist Church that evening also. The meeting was well attended. I have known Ohlman’s pastor, Bro. Terry Sharpe, for many years and appreciate His love for the Lord’s church and His heart for missions.

I have an appointment set up for July 14th at 7 p.m. at Stoney Point Missionary Baptist Church in Potosi. Any and all churches are invited to attend this ‘Missions Rally.’ Being a full-time pastor and wearing many other hats as well, it is such a blessing if these opportunities can be availed to by more than one church at a time. I have a few more open dates left this summer if you would like to have me come and present our state missions effort. I would also invite you to look at next summer and get an appointment on the calendar.

I relish the opportunity to cover several churches next summer, hopefully rejoicing over what God is doing with our BMAMO benchmark assessment effort to raise the bar of missions awareness and missions effort in our churches.

I would also like to take this opportunity to remind our pastors to please reserve and protect the dates of March 25-26 for our Renewal Retreat at Camp Garwood that had to be cancelled because of COVID last year. More details as it gets closer.

The theme and speaker is Dr. Gavin Hooks on the The Core Principle.

May the Lord richly bless you is my prayer,

Bro. Ben Kingston, Director

BMA of Missouri Mid-year Meeting Pictures

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Beware of Empty Philosophies

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Colossians 2:4-7
by Dennis Baker, President of BMAMO Brotherhood

There was once a pastor who was concerned about some unsavory businesses that had opened near a school. His protest led to a court case, and the defense attorney did all he could to embarrass the concerned pastor.

“Are you not a pastor?” the lawyer asked. “And doesn’t the word pastor mean ‘shepherd’?”

To this definition the pastor agreed.
“Well, if you are a shepherd, why aren’t you out taking, care of the sheep?”
“Because today I’m fighting the wolves!” was the pastor’s quick reply, and a good answer it was.

Because of the enemies that were attacking the church in Colosse, Paul offered encouragement that would help them overcome their enemies. He encouraged them to continue making spiritual progress in their Christian life.

There is a need for spiritual progress because Satan is deceptive. Satan uses enticing words to lead believers astray. Satan is a liar and by his lies he leads believers down the wrong path. John 8:44, “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.” In order for the believer to have spiritual discernment, it is important for the believer to continue to grow in his knowledge of biblical truth.

Paul used several vivid pictures to illustrate spiritual progress. In verse five the words “order” and “steadfastness” are military terms. They describe an army that is solidly united against the enemy. “Order” describes the arrangement of the army in ranks, with each soldier in his proper place. Not everybody can be a general, but the general must have an army to fight the enemy. “Steadfastness” pictures the soldiers in battle formation, presenting a solid front to the enemy. Christians ought to make progress in discipline and obedience, just as soldiers on the battlefield.
The Christian life is compared to a pilgrimage, and believers must learn to “walk.” We are to walk in Christ the same way we originally received Christ-by faith. The false teachers wanted to introduce some “New truths” but Paul encouraged them to continue in Christ. The only way for a believer to make spiritual progress in his Christian life is by faith. Hebrews 11:6, “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”

The word “rooted” in verse seven is an agricultural term. The tense of the Greek word means “once and for all having been rooted.” Christians are not to be tumbleweeds that have no roots and are blown about by every wind of doctrine. Ephesians 4:14, “That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive.” Nor are we to be transplants that are repeatedly moved from soil to soil. Once the believer is rooted by faith in Christ, there is no need to change the soil! The roots draw up the nourishment so that the tree can grow. The roots also give strength and stability. The words “built up” is in the present tense: “being build up.” When we trust Christ to save us, we are put on the foundation; from then on, we grow in grace. Continual growth should characterize every Christian’s walk with Christ.

It is the Word of God that builds and strengthens the believer. Christians who study the Word become established in the faith. Satan has a difficult time deceiving the Bible taught believer.

The word “abounding” pictures a river overflowing its banks. The believer’s first experience in the Lord was drinking the water of life by faith. The well should become a river of living water, which gets deeper and deeper as we grow in our spiritual life. John 7:37-38, “In the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried, saying, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.”

“Thanksgiving,” a thankful spirit is a mark of Christian maturity. When a believer is abounding in thanksgiving, he is really making spiritual progress!

By reviewing these pictures of spiritual progress, we see how the growing Christian can defeat the enemy and not be led astray. If his spiritual roots are deep in Christ, he will not want any other soil. If Christ is his sure foundation, he has no need to move. If he is studying and growing in the Word, he will not be enticed by false doctrine. And if his heart is overflowing with thanksgiving, he will not even consider turning from the fulness he has in Christ. A grounded, growing, grateful believer will not be led astray.

Benjamin Kingston Ordained as Pastor of Landmark, DeSoto

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Benjamin Kingston

What a privilege it was to share in the blessings of the Ordination of Benjamin Kingston at Landmark Missionary Baptist Church. It was May 16th, 2021, the church was filled with friends, family and many ordained men who were there to encourage and support this church and their Pastor.

Landmark Missionary Baptist Church opened the meeting requesting the ordination of Benjamin Kingston and a Presbytery was formed. We are thankful for Bro. John Dover as he was elected as our Moderator and did an excellent job in helping us organize the service. Bro. Brad Banderman presented Benjamin by sharing stories of Benjamin’s involvement in Youth Ministries at Bethel Baptist Church and the strong character and example we have witnessed in this young man’s life. Bro. Ben Kingston lead in the examination by asking questions of doctrine and Benjamin’s understanding of God’s calling upon his life. Also, others of the Presbytery examined Benjamin and with unanimous consent it was recommended to continue the ordination. Following, each of the Presbytery came to pray and give words of encouragement to Benjamin.

Following was a powerful message given by Bro. Mike Hearst, Pastor of Westview Missionary Baptist Church in Jefferson City, MO. The message was, “What is Our Part” with the text taken from Ezekiel 37:1-14. A phrase Bro. Mike used that has stuck with me was, “we must do what we can do, but we cannot do what must be done.” What a challenge for us to do our part in service, in ministry and in prayer, but we know that only God can do what must be done in the hearts and changed lives of the individuals to whom we are ministering. May God richly bless Bro. Benjamin in ministry, in his personal life, and in future endeavors. We pray God’s blessings upon Landmark Missionary Baptist Church.

We thank you for inviting us along in this journey as God continues to use us as His Churches and as an Association of Churches.

Your Fellow Servant in Christ,
Brian Meade, Pastor of Lindsay Lane Missionary Baptist Church of Florissant, MO.

BMMA IN ST LOUIS: Hispanic Missionary Outreach 6/2021 “Belen”

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… “brethren pray for us, that the word of the Lord may run swiftly and be glorified, just as it is with you”… 2 Thessalonians 3:1

There is joy in heaven, after several visits to our 1st home Bible study and presentation of the gospel with care and clarity in Chesterfield, MO, Nahum Jeronimo confessed and trusted in Jesus for forgiveness and salvation for eternity, this past Monday, on memorial holiday. We are continuing to meet at his home Sundays at 4:00 pm. Will start now a discipleship and will baptize him soon. Pray for his wife to follow Jesus as well and become a faithful laborer for the kingdom.

Praise the Lord for new contacts in the Hispanic community, new doors open to hear the gospel and participate with the Great Commission. A Family friend of our ESL students expressed a desire to start attending to the building at Bethany for Bible Study at 12:00 noon on Sundays.

We praise the Lord for you, and your family that support our Prayer Network in daily prayer to strength and help present the gospel to each one in our community.

For a new room available to reach our community in Faith Baptist Church in St Charles. We are having an ESL outreach in the building, we have new students arriving every Thursday and Friday from 4:30-6:30 pm.

In May we gladly participated in the following events:

  • New Testament Baptist Church: Missions Symposium updated on ministry and shared a devotional on how prayer leads Gods work for Salvation.
  • Bethany Baptist Church: Fill in the pulpit in two occasions with message of Abrahams life transformation into a friend of God.
  • Lindsay Lane Baptist Church: Presenting ministry update and Sharing the importance of Prayer Support for the Gospel to be presented.

This month of June we pray the Lord continues blessings us with:

  1. A Healthy baby into our family. June 9th we will know whether it is a boy or girl. Thank you for praying for Hannah’s health during these first months.
  2. Ceremony of Trimester Completion of our students in ESL Class. Each one of the students will have 1-3 minutes to introduce themselves and speak about their
    activities in English. After, the ladies will prepare traditional authentic Salvadorian food to share with families and guest who wish to join us.
  3. We are joining Lindsay Lane Baptist Church during their Sports Camp Summer event to reach out to Hispanic Families in the area.
  4. Will continue Prayer Network and Bible reading every day at 12:00 noon in Bethany Baptist Church in Overland, MO.
 The Hispanics who attended the first ESL Class Fellowship at Bethany
The Hispanics who attended the first ESL Class Fellowship at Bethany
Group speaking in English to show what they have learned

June 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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A Page From My Heart…

What an amazing May it has been for the Kingston family and the State Association!

The Kingston’s saw their youngest graduate High School and leave for an 11 week camp for the summer. We saw our oldest son be ordained to the ministry and then Dawn and I spent the last week on vacation because our February trip was upended due to my having covid! We ended our trip by swinging through Little Rock, AR to visit my 80 + year old mother! So to say it has been a busy month would be an understatement but it was a good month!

Bethel is firing up for VBS this week which Iam sure many of you are doing at your respective churches.

On a Director of Missions note, my cup is full from the Missions Symposium and the State Meeting that we had on May 14th and 15th at New Testament Baptist in Sullivan.

Special thanks to New Testament and Bro. Josh Wright and His family for the amazing way they carried out the host duties! The facilities were top notch and the food was excellent as well along with the tremendous hospitality. Their goal was to bless the association and I would say, “Goal Accomplished!

I was excited about the reception of the “bmamo benchmark assessment” that was presented and we had at least five churches mention that they would like to be pilot churches. The Hope and goal is to have all of our bmamo churches involved with the benchmark assessment.

If you as the pastor want more information or were not able to be with us and you would like to discuss this with me please contact me at your convenience.

I will be with Bro. Terry Sharpe soon and at Stoney point on July 14th. If you are close to these churches please try to attend so you can hear more about this exciting effort to raise the bar of missions awareness in our work. The date is not set with Bro. Sharpe yet, but I will get word to those churches in his area when it is.

Or if you would like to schedule a Wednesday evening with the missions director through the summer there are a few dates left.

On a closing note, please pray for Bro. Juan and the missions effort in which he and his family is involved. They saw a precious soul come to the Lord this week. So proud of them and the work the Lord is doing through them.
Also please pray for protection for our camps this summer and everything that involves. From protection from thieves, to protection of our campers, to the salvation of many souls.

May the Lord bless you is my prayer:
Ben Kingston,
Director of Missions
BMA of Missouri
636-629-2978 Work
636-629-2526 Cell