August 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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A page from my heart…

Unfortunately, I was not able to go to the national Association meeting. I’ve heard nothing but good reports from those who were able to go, and Missouri was well represented. As you know, it’s been a difficult season for meetings since Covid hit in 2020, and date adjustments made it quite difficult for many including myself to attend.

It is my understanding that we were well represented in the missions commissioning service with Bro. Juan being our representative as a national missionary to the St. Louis Hispanic people. It is so exciting to see him and his family do such a tremendous job in that ministry.

As I shared in last month’s edition, I had the opportunity to speak at Ohlman Baptist Church. This past month I was invited to share at Stony Point, where other churches availed themselves of that meeting. It’s a thrill to represent and present the work that we’re striving to do for the BMA of Missouri in the area of missions.

I have been in discussions with the advisory committee of the Meramec Association, and it is their recommendation that we not hire a missions director at this point, but see how the push for the Benchmark Assessments goes with our churches as a whole throughout the state. If the Meramec churches that also are supporting the state association throw in with their support of the Benchmark Assessment approach, we will basically be accomplishing the same thing.

Therefore, I’m asking everyone who reads this article to pray as we continue this push to get our churches to raise the bar of missions awareness, that the Benchmark Assessment will do just that, and that our churches will grow in awareness of our missions program, and we will become better missionaries and see more churches planted in the state of Missouri. That is the end goal that we are hoping to accomplish.

The finished product of the Benchmark Assessment test and pamphlet will be ready by the annual meeting.

I will be contacting those churches that let me know at the mid-year meeting that they would be interested in the pilot group. If you are one of those churches I would appreciate a text or an email to help my memory. I hope to prepare those churches with exactly what they need to do by the annual meeting in October.

Thank you again for this opportunity. May the Lord bless you as you strive to reach others for Him.

PS: A note to Meramec churches: White Oak Grove was the intended destination for this year‘s annual meeting September 24, 2021 but they are not going to be able to host that meeting, so it will be at Bethel Baptist Church on that same date and will begin at 10 AM. We will send a letter to all the MLBA churches, but please help us spread the word.

Bro. Ben Kingston