
January 2017 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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It was a joy to visit with and preach to the faithful folks at Berean Baptist Church in Festus the second
Sunday in December. They have been without a pastor for quite some time but are faithfully searching and praying for the man God has for them. Our hearts are stirred as we see churches struggling to find leadership in these days when it is so important. January 1st we were blessed to preach at Loyalty Church in Sparta, IL as Pastor Tom Foster was away visiting family over the holidays. It was great to meet
new people and to renew our fellowship with some of their members we have met a Camp Garwood in the last
few years. They are building a new house of worship and are trying to “pay-as-you-go” to avoid being in debt when it is finished. It looks great on the outside and they are trying to get the inside finished
as soon as possible. If you can do Sheetrock finishing, painting and other finishing work and could help them it would be greatly appreciated. I am sure they would accept financial donations for materials also!
It is good to read the reports of how God is blessing many of our churches and we need to encourage one another as we have opportunity.

Pray for Bro. Ben Kingston and help him in any way you can, as he plans the Renewal Retreat that will be at Camp Garwood March 17-18, 2017. I encourage all our preachers, pastors, and pastoral staff to make a special effort to meet at Camp Garwood for this special time that can and will make a difference in our ministries.

Watch for more details next month, but mark your calendar and be there March 17-18. There are no fees to pay, so money should not keep you away. There will be good food for all, so that should not be an excuse. There are comfortable accommodations available, just bring sleeping bags, covers, pillows, and linens, or let some of us know and we will bring some for you, so that should not be an excuse. The date is announced with plenty of time to set it aside and not let anything short of an emergency keep you from being there.
Don’t let any excuse keep you away Remember: an excuse is something you use when you don’t have a reason!!
We look forward to a great time of fellowship, challenge, inspiration, and many other things to enhance the work of our churches in Missouri!

2016 Missouri ALIVE Conference

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What A GREAT Meeting

by Brad Banderman, Bethel Baptist Church, Lonedell

The Alive Conference was held this year at the DoubleTree by Hilton in Chesterfild Mo. The conference
attendance was 284 with 16 churches represented. The speaker this year was Brad Russell the College Pastor
at the First Baptist Church in Arnold Mo. He presented 4 messages that took us all to a deeper understanding of God’s Grace. We were lead in worship and taught some new songs by Summer Hill from City Church in Conway Arkansas. Recreation this year took place in the Athletic Club that is attached to the hotel. From 10 p.m. til 1 a.m. we enjoyed dodgeball, racquetball, walleyball, tennis, swimming, knockerball, and basketball and devoured 115 Papa Johns Pizzas and hundreds of sodas. We were all amazed by the Illusions our entertainer Zac Mirzadah demonstrated, and the inspiring testimony of his conversion from Islam to becoming a Christian. I closed the conference by thanking those who lead and organized the
event, but forgot to ask how many professions of faith were made, but the altar was used heavily in all the sessions. If you as a church have never taken students to the Alive conference you are truly missing a blessing.

The Alive Committee would ask that you consider bringing your students to the next conference that will be held during Christmas break 2017.

Churches Present for the Alive Conference 2017

First Baptist Church – Matthews, MO / First Baptist Church – Potosi, MO / First Baptist Church – Sikeston,
MO / First Baptist Church – Bourbon, MO / Friendship Baptist Church – St. Clair,MO / Bethel Baptist Church Lonedell, MO / Bethel Baptist Church – Sikeston, MO / Black River Baptist Church – Qulin, MO / Lost Creek Baptist Church – Potosi, MO / Ozark Heights Baptist Church – Potosi, MO / Lindsey Lane Baptist Church –
Florissant, MO / New Hope Baptist Church – St. Clair, MO / Straightway Baptist Church – Steelville, MO /
White Oak Grove Baptist Church – Potosi, MO / Kewanee Baptist Church – New Madrid, MO / Bates Creek Baptist Church – Potosi, MO

BMA of Missouri Renewal Retreat for Pastors and Pastoral Staff

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March 17-18, 2017
by Ben Kingston, Facilitator

Last October The BMA of Missouri State Association voted to move forward with what we are calling a renewal retreat for our state association. They graciously allowed me to put the plans together pick the day and prepare for this meeting. I am truly excited about what lies before us and what can be accomplished at
this meeting.

I sent out an e-mail to all the churches in the state association with some possible dates. In preparation for this article, a few of you were called to try to determine another possible date but out of the eight folks that responded the best date was March 17th and the 18th. Regardless of what you may have seen from me via text or heard from me on the phone conversation once I polled the eight folks that did respond
March 17th and the 18th was still the best day. Therefore, I am declaring to you today through our state paper that our meeting is March 17th and 18th at Camp Garwood!!

I will be giving further information and a schedule as we go along. If you are a pastor or on pastoral staff I am begging you to make this meeting a priority for the good of our churches, fellowship and growth!

Please feel free to contact me @ 636-629-2526 or

The Meramec Association Renewal Retreat is at the Meramec Retreat Center on March 10-11, 2017. All Meramec Association preachers, pastors, and pastoral staff are encouraged to come.

Update on book availability

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In last month’s issue of the Missouri Missionary Baptist I recommended Bro. Louis Asher’s book. The family of Bro. Asher has informed me that a paperback copy of the Book, John Clarke (1609-1676) Pioneer in American Medicine, Democratic Ideals, and Champion of Religious Liberty can be purchase on line at:

Camp Garwood Report

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(One of our greatest Mission Points in Missouri)

As 2016 comes to an end, I would like to say Thank You! To all the Churches and camp supporters this year. Thank you for consistently supporting camp. But more than that, Thank you for the prayers, for the words of encouragement and for all the help this year.

There is not much to report this month. Not a lot of activity in Garwood this time of year. We had a few hunters stay on the grounds in November. It sounds like they enjoyed staying at camp during the hunting season. I have made the trip to shutdown and drain the water. We have also serviced the mower getting it ready to go next summer.

Looking forward to next summer we have several things to be excited about. The new dorm should be under construction soon. We are working on a couple new recreation ideas. And we are looking forward to hearing from our friends Shawn Hammondtree and Jordan Bowen again.

While there isn’t a lot going on at camp, tis the Season for prayer. Pray for camp, for the workers on the dorm, for the committee, cooks, teachers, musicians, helpers, sponsors and especially for the lost that will be at camp next Summer.

Be sure to mark your calendars for camp week July 31-Aug 4, 2017.

Merry Christmas!!
Chris, Laura, Deekota, Caleb, Chloe, and Abby
PO Box 271 • Matthews Mo 63867

Pastor Ordained at Ozark Heights

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At the request of Ozark Heights Baptist Church near Potosi 12 ordained pastors and deacons gathered along with other friends, family and church members to participate in or observe the ordination of their new pastor, Bro. Brian Kingston. While the congregation sang some hymns the ordained personnel met to organize the ordination counsel. The following men made up the counsel: Ben Kingston, James Hoffmann, Brian Meade, Jamie Haguewood, Jim Ainley, Sam Eye, Bob Dement, David Wright, Don Crawford, Steve Read, David Mailes, and Tom Rudloff They elected Ben Kingston to act as moderator and preach the message, Brian Meade to serve as clerk, Gary Gilliam (member of Ozark Heights) to present the candidate and his wife, Jamie Haguewood to lead the questioning of the candidate, David Wright to lead the ordination prayer, and David Mailes to present the Bible.

The service continued with the presentation of Bro. and Sis. Kingston and each being asked to give their testimony of salvation, Bro. Haguewood then questioned Bro. Kingston who gave witness to his call to preach and qualifications both spiritual and intellectual with a good understanding of God’s Word and Will for his

Satisfied with the candidate’s qualifications the counsel recommended to the church to proceed with the ordination. The church responded with asking the counsel to proceed. The counsel proceeded with prayer and laying hands on the candidate. Ben Kingston (Uncle of the candidate) brought the message and charges to the candidate and the church. A Bible was presented to the candidate by the Church.

The counsel voted to dissolve and the service was turned over to Gary Gilliam who dismissed the service
and invited everyone to stay for fellowship and food. The Kingston family consists of Brian, his wife Erin, and children: Mataya, Victoria, Nanette, Zebediah, and William. As noted in their church report, Mataya, Victoria, and Nanette were baptized by their dad in the morning service the day of his ordination.

Ozark Heights rejoices in having this family with them and look forward to many blessing as they work

December 2016 – Assistant Mission Director’s Report

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During the month of November my wife accompanied me as I preached at two of our churches that do not
have pastors. It was a blessing to be with the folks at Bethlehem, Doniphan November 6th. These good folks
are a blessing as they continue to be faithful in the Lord’s work even though they have not had a pastor for quite some time. We were inspired by their hospitality and fellowship.

November 20th we were with Temple, Belgrade and were once again blessed with their fellowship and hospitality. These faithful folks are trying to carry on the Lord’s work under a heavy load as they have been without a pastor for a while and they lost a faithful deacon leader when God called him home in October. They need our prayers as they adjust to new responsibilities each week.\

We recently visited the morning service at Faith, St. Charles and enjoyed hearing Pastor Justin Arender preach. God blessed them with an entire family, plus two other young ladies, joining by baptism that morning. It was a blessing to be with them on this occasion.

That afternoon we attended the ordination of Bro. Brian Kingston at Ozark Heights and rejoiced when we heard that he had the privilege of baptizing three of his children that morning. When we returned home
that evening we heard the good new that a young man came for baptism at Bethany that morning. God is still working in the churches of the BMA of Missouri and we need to be rejoicing together and encouraging one another in His work.

Thank you for allowing me to serve in this capacity and thank you for the Christmas bonus. My wife and I
look forward to working with you and wish each of you a

Merry Christmas
and a
Happy New Year!

Resolutions Passed at our Annual Association in October

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Be it Resolved that we, the Churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri reaffirm our commitment to stand with Israel and pledge to continue to pray for the peace of Israel. (Psalm 122:6)
Be it Resolved that we the churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri pray and seek God’s forgiveness for the corruption that has permeated throughout our nation. America has turned its back on God and is presently reaping the harvest of social upheaval from the political corruption, judicial corruption, financial corruption and religious corruption. We must turn to the God of Heaven for the healing of our
land. (II Chronicles 7:14)
Be it Further Resolved that we stand united in our fight against the power of darkness in his attempt to destroy the traditional family, our country’s foundation, by voicing our opposition of abortion, same-sex marriage, and the creation of so-called “gay rights.” (Ephesians 6:10-19)
Be it Resolved that we give a standing vote of appreciation to Bethel Missionary Baptist Church and her pastor, Bro. Jerry Adams, for their gracious hospitality in hosting this annual meeting.

Submitted by
Dan Wisely, Claude Evans, and Tom McCanless

Help For Struggling Churches

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God Repositioning His Resources for Future Growth

BMA of Missouri Loan Committee Providing financial assistance to the churches of the BMA of Missouri.
As a department of the BMA of Missouri it is our desire and goal to partner with the various departments of the association to support the churches of the BMA of Missouri in their effort to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. We respect and honor the authority and autonomy of the local church in their effort to follow the
leadership of the Holy Spirit in their ministry. The leadership of the local churches and the leadership of the various departments of the BMA of Missouri are a team that God has assembled and is using to be a witness to a state that needs the gospel.

One of the services of the Loan Committee is to assist churches whose membership has dwindled and are struggling to the point that their future is uncertain. The church may have a concern that someone who does not value the doctrinal beliefs and articles of cooperation of the BMA of Missouri, comes in and votes them out taking over the property.

Recently, a BMA of Missouri church has taking advantage of this service provided by the Loan Committee. The process included an agreement signed by the President of the Loan Committee and the trustees of the church. The agreement provided for transfer of fifty percent ownership of the buildings and property to the BMA of Missouri. The BMA of Missouri is not responsible for any upkeep on the property, buildings, equipment, payment of insurance, and building or liability claims. The BMA of Missouri is shown as joint-insured on liability and property insurance policies. The agreement also allows for transfer of ownership back to
the church if the church presents a written request stating that in regular business conference two-thirds of the church membership present voted that they support the Doctrinal Statement, Statement of Principles of Cooperation, and By-Laws of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri. Also, the property shall be
released back to the church only after all financial obligations to the BMA of Missouri have been paid in full. The church also included in the Quit-Claim Deed that if the church ceases to exist as an active congregation that the whole ownership will be passed to the BMA of Missouri. The Loan Committee appreciates this church for their trust in our commitment to serve their financial needs. We are thankful for their desire to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with the people of Missouri, regardless of the uncertainty of their future.

Our hearts are saddened when we hear of churches, that have a long history of being faithful to the cause of Christ, struggling to the point that their future is uncertain. But instead of classifying this as defeat or failure lets be positive, God may be repositioning His resources. Were in this together!

If this service is something that your church might be interested in, please contact me for more information. I will be happy to meet with you and try to address any questions and concerns your church may have. My phone number is: 636-461-1625. My E-mail is:

Dennis Baker, President
BMA of Missouri Loan Committee

2016 Alive Student Conference

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The Alive Student Conference 2016 will be held Dec. 29-31 at the DoubleTree by the Hilton Hotel in Chesterfild, Mo. The deadline for special room rate is Dec. 1. Each student must have a medical release form in case of accident or illness, and each church is responsible for collecting and keeping the medical releases for its students. The form and other information about the conference — including registration, order forms and a schedule of events — are available at