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Jeff Moorman’s Ordination

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June 27th 2:00 p.m.
Central Missionary Baptist Church, Union MO.

93rd Semi-Annual Meeting of the BMA of Missouri

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Finally feeling a little less pressure from the pandemic threats that prevented our semi-annual meeting of 2020, the Association once again met for the mid-year meeting on May 15 at New Testament Baptist Church in Sullivan.

Host pastor Bro. Josh Wright gave a welcome and opening prayer, then Bro. Juan Fernandez shared the morning devotional on Prayer, taken from Romans 8:26.

Moderator Jerry Adams called the meeting to order. The normal slate of reports was presented for the State and some of the National Departments.

The Association was blessed to receive its first report from our new Missions director, Bro. Ben Kingston. Bro. Ben encouraged all our churches to consider participating in a program he is introducing that will encourage our members to learn more about our work for the Lord and inspire them to help us carry out God’s work according to His will. In this program each church will go through what Bro. Ben calls the “BMAMO BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT.” In this manner each pastor and church will be able to evaluate their strengths and weaknesses and what they need to do to make corrections to help them accomplish God’s will for them. Bro. Ben passed out guidelines for that program and will be working with our pastors and churches to implement the goals needed.

The Missionary Committee met and presented the guidelines for support of Bro. Juan Fernandez who is a missionary of the BMA of America and is working in Missouri to reach the Hispanic population with the Gospel.

After a rising vote of appreciation to the host pastor and church for their hospitality by the Association, Bro. Dan Wisely gave the annual message on “What are Our Orders?”

A delicious meal was provided by the host church and enjoyed by all before we headed for home rejoicing over a great time of praise and fellowship.

by Bro. Don Burke, Clerk

It’s Time to WORK at CAMP!!

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Now that May is over we can get back on our regular camp every weekend schedule. We have a lot to do in 8 weeks. If you adopted a dorm, remember this plan is to help get camp ready, not just sweep up a little and make a punch list for Chris. I’ll have toilet valves and seats, light bulbs, milgo, door knobs etc. available as needed to get your buildings ready. Each bunk in each dorm will need to be wiped down with milgo so please plan to spend some quality time. Not just a quick trip to work 30 min and then go play half a day at the river.

There are 7 Saturdays till camp!
June 26th Work day
July 9-10 GMA. Retreat

See ya soon!

Preservation of God’s Salvation Plan

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Revelation 12:1-6

by Dennis Baker • President BMAMO Brotherhood

From the beginning, Satan has tried unsuccessfully to prevent the coming of the “promised Seed.” Genesis 3:15, “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.”

The establishment of the nation of Israel as chosen people has been God’s avenue for introducing His salvation plan to the world. Matthew traces the lineage of Christ through Joseph via King Solomon back to Abraham. Luke traces the lineage of Jesus through Mary via Nathan back to Adam. The text, through the three characters of the woman or the nation of Israel, the red dragon or Satan, and the man child or Jesus Christ explains how Satan has stood over the woman Israel to destroy her child as soon as Christ was born into humanity. Since the beginning of time there has been a spiritual battle going on in heaven for the souls of mankind.

Genesis 6:5-10 records an attempt of Satan to prevent the coming of the” Promise Seed.” “And GOD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the LORD said, I will destroy man whom I have created from the face of the earth; both man, and beast, and the creeping thing, and the fowls of the air; for it repenteth me that I have made them. But Noah found grace in the eyes of the LORD. These are the generations of Noah: Noah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and Noah walked with God. And Noah begat three sons, Shem, Ham, and Japheth.” Satan had corrupted all of mankind except Noah and his family. Only Divine intervention preserved mankind from a total overthrow. The promise of Satan’s defeat was preserved through Shem.

Satan attempted to break up the “royal line” by which the “seed of the woman” was to come. On the death of Jehoshaphat, his son Jehoran killed all his brothers with the sword reducing the royal line to himself. Jehoran had children but the Arabians killed all of them except Ahaziah as they fought against Judah. Ahaziah was the only living descendant of the “Royal Line” of the “seed of the woman” through David, Abraham, and Shem. Ahaziah had children but at his death in an attempt to destroy all the “royal seed” of Ahaziah, Athaliah his mother (II Chronicles 22:10) attempted to kill all the descendant of Ahaziah. Satan would have succeeded but Jehoshabeath the wife of the high priest, daughter of King Jehoran, “took Joash the son of Ahaziah, and stole him from among the king’s sons that were slain and put him and his nurse in a bedchamber.” (II Chronicles 22:11). II Chronicles 23:3, “And all the congregation made a covenant with the king in the house of God. And he said unto them, Behold, the king’s son shall reign, as the LORD hath said of the sons of David.”

When the time came for the “seed of the Woman” to enter the world the Devil used Herod to kill all the babies in Bethlehem two years of age and under. Satan though he had devoured the seed of the woman. Matthew 2:13.

When Satan saw Christ on the cross, laid in the sepulcher, the stone sealed and the watch set, Satan thought he had conquered the “seed of the woman.” But when Christ was raised from the dead and ascended to the Father, Satan was defeated.

No wonder Jesus declared that He is the only way to heaven. Acts 4:12, “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” God has no other plan for the salvation of mankind. Romans 10:9-10, “That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.” The death, burial, and resurrection were, and are, God’s only plan for the payment of our sins. Since Satan’s desire is to be like the most high it is no wonder that he has worked so hard to destroy God’s plan of salvation. But it is more amazing that despite the failures of mankind and the power of Satan, God has preserved His salvation plan throughout history.

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

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Acts 16:25-34

This is the most important question any person could ever ask. It is being asked today, and many different answers are being given.

I. This question is unparalleled in its importance. Hebrews 9:27-28.

A. Because of condemnation of the soul. John 3:17-21.

B. Because of what God has done. John 3:16, Galatians 4:4-5.

II. This question is unequaled in its seriousness.

A. Because of what is at stake. Matthew 16:26.

B. Because lost man cannot please God. Hebrews 11:6.

C. Because heaven requires a saved soul. John 10:9-10, 27.

III. This question is unrivaled in its urgency.

A. Because today is the day of salvation. II Corinthians 6:2.

B. Because tomorrow is uncertain. Proverbs 27:1, Matthew 6:34, James 4:14.

C. Because death is sure. Job 14:1-2, 14-15, 19:25-27.

Submitted by: Elder Leonard Knight – Charity Landmark Missionary Baptist Church – Bismarck, Missouri

One of Life’s Most Precious Gifts

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by Jeff Swart, BMAA President

One of the important leaders in the early church was a man named Timothy whose name means “one who worships God.” Paul describes Timothy’s mother and grandmother in these words: “I have been reminded of your (Timothy’s) sincere faith, which first lived in your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice and, I am persuaded, now lives in you also” (II Tim. 1:5). Paul said that faith in the Lord Jesus Christ “lived” in Timothy’s grandmother and “lived” in Timothy’s mother and now “lives” in Timothy. God wants us to have a “living” faith that is lived out through our lives and passed on to our children (II Cor. 3:2-3).

The Apostle Paul makes the following comment about Timothy: “…from infancy you have known the holy Scriptures…” (II Tim. 3:15). Paul stated that Timothy had learned the Scriptures from the mouth of his mother from the time he was an infant. Later in life, Timothy, whose heart had been spiritually prepared by his mother, was apparently led to Christ by the Apostle Paul (I Cor. 4:17; I Tim. 1:12; II Tim. 1:2).

We have noticed the spiritual training of Timothy and now notice the fruit of Timothy’s life:

• He was an ordained preacher of the gospel (I Timothy 4:14; II Timothy 1:6,7).
• He had the spiritual gift of evangelism (Romans 16:21; II Timothy 4:5).
• He faithfully served Paul as a companion and fellow worker (Philippians 2:22).
• He became indispensable to Paul’s ministry (Acts 17:14-15; 18:5; 20:4).
• At one point, only Timothy shared the same burdens as Paul (II Timothy 2:3; 3:14).
• He restored the backslidden saints at Corinth (I Cor. 14:17).
• He comforted the believers in Thessalonica (I Thess. 3:2).
• He pastored the church at Ephesus (I Timothy 1:3; 4:12).
• He suffered persecution (II Timothy 1:8; Hebrews 13:23).

Tradition says Timothy died as a martyr in Ephesus while attempting to stop a heathen procession in honor of the pagan goddess Diana. I personally believe that Timothy lived a godly life as the result of the godly influence of his mother Eunice. In my opinion, Ralph Waldo Emerson correctly made this observation, “Men are what their mothers make them.”

It was Solomon who wrote, “Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it” (Proverbs 22:6). Solomon stated a general principle that parents are to teach their children the ways of the Lord and when they are mature enough to make their own decisions, they will make their decisions based upon their previous spiritual training. I have often said that the second greatest gift that God could ever give you is a Christian mother and father. If you have, or in some cases had, a godly mother — please pause right now and thank God for one of life’s most precious gifts.

Happy Mother’s Day, moms!

Cover Our Children

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Isaiah 54:17

I pray that you cover our children. Give them the helmet of salvation to protect their minds against messages competing for their attention. Guard their hearts, Lord from anger, depression, anxiety, loneliness or anything that would make them feel unworthy of love. No weapon formed against them shall prosper. In Jesus’ Name.

Psalms 91:10

Keep your hedge of protection around them as they sleep, as they go to school, as they participate in extracurricular activities as they get jobs. Let them fear nothing. Let no evil befall them. I know that I can’t be around them every minute. I thank you, Father, God, for never leaving them. In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

Apply Philippians 4:6-7

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and you minds in Christ Jesus.”

Master’s Builders Working in Arkansas

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On April 12th, The Master’s Builders began work at Stoneridge Baptist Camp, Smithville, Arkansas. This project was scheduled for last year, but due to Covid, was postponed.
We had 15 men there to work on this project and enjoyed having Mike Shelton join us again. Mike is hoping to become a regular in our group, if the Lord allows.

Scott Small, director of Stoneridge, was there every day working, consulting, and running to get materials. He, and his wife, Myrtie, are a dedicated couple who are humble, faithful and hard working. They fed our group 2 meals a day (except weekends) and we so enjoyed our time with them and their family. We can never express what they mean to us!

While at Stoneridge, the Builders built a 12×56 back porch on the Director’s house with a tin roof, handrails, and steps. They also built a 12×24 storage building with shelves, they remodeled one bathroom to be handicap accessible, they built a 24’ wall in one dorm to divide it for summer workers, and they cut off the bottom of 22 doors. This was job #170 for the Master’s Builders.

If you have questions about our ministry, or if your church has building needs, contact: Eddie Sikes at (479)462-1675, Mike Green at (972)935-3877 or David Axe at (903)918-0720.

Keep up with us day to day on Facebook! Rose Bittner does a wonderful job with pictures and info on what’s going on each day. So “Like Us” at “The Master’s Builders”. (church arbor logo)

Reaching out to our Hispanic Family: Belen in Overland, MO

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First Home Bible Study:

We had the privilege to gather and lead our first home Bible study. Nahum and his wife Ermilanda welcomed us and God’s word and prayer. This young couple asked for us to continue coming to bring God’s word to their home. During our faith and fellowship time with this precious couple, we witnessed The Holy Spirit convicting the man of the house to commit to a new beginning trusting Jesus for Salvation and spiritual discernment and development to be the husband and father God wants him to be. Praise the LORD!

Will continue meeting Sundays 3:00 p.m. Soon the word spread out and hopefully next Sunday we will have two neighbors joining for Bible Study. We will be adding two songs of worship during this time and daily prayer and a 88 day plan to read the Bible will be also started. Thank you, Jesus!


Daily Bible and Prayer at Noon:

These are events done at Bethany Building every day at noon and published via Facebook on Juan Fernandez Page and Belen en Overland Facebook Page. The main point is to pray and listen to God’s Word. In the book of Genesis at this moment we are studying the journal of faith in Abraham’s life in Spanish. Please, like and share our video so this message gets to our Hispanic families in the area.

New Group for ESL class:

A new class will begin for our Hispanic Families in St. Charles area. We are hoping that this class will gather these families to learn more about the faith and fellowship existing among our BMA church in Missouri. We are hoping to connect with these families through the English Class more importantly with a message in the book of Proverbs and prayer for class dismissal.


We are so thankful for the time and effort to watch our daughter Victoria and Eleanor from our family in Bethany. Sisters Tiny, Darlene, Pam, Bro. Jim and Mary Hoffman are making possible to show our students the value and importance for us to teach class and show unity, care and love towards each other in this important outreach. This course will be completed the second week of June. We are currently receiving students Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 4:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Soon Thursday and Friday 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in St. Charles. Please let Hannah Fernandez at 402 969 0119 know if you have a chance to participate in this outreach.

Coming Soon:

• New Home Bible Study members, New Songs for worship at Home Bible Study and a 88 days Bible reading plan to start on 5/9
• New Outreach English class in St. Charles, 5/7 to 6/25.
• Lindsay Lane Baptist Church in Florissant, MO, bringing ministry update 5/30

Thank you for keeping us in your prayer, feel free to text today your support in prayer at 618 581 8056. Let me know if you would like to have us in your service to bring a ministry update.

Dios le bendiga!

Bro. Juan Fernandez

May 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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Dear churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri:

I pray this article finds you enjoying the fellowship of our Lord. This will be shorter than normal because the lion’s share of what I would put in this article will be discussed in detail on May 14 at our Missions symposium at New Testament in Sullivan, MO.

I’ve had a burden for some time now of raising the awareness of our national, state and local missions efforts in our local churches and have a ‘benchmark assessment’ to unveil at the symposium that I believe, accompanied with a missions pamphlet, will help our churches achieve this needed step of being aware of what we are doing in the area of missions and what we still need to do.

What I will be asking at the meeting is for pilot churches to try this emphasis by taking the benchmark assessment twice a year and employing the pamphlet to increase the score on the assessment the next time it is given. I was pleasantly surprised at the response from Bethel when we rolled out the assessment and I am excited about the prospects of increasing awareness in our churches and ultimately increasing our missions effort within our work.

Personally, I have a low tolerance of someone “beating up” on the Lord’s Church so please be assured that is not the intention. This is an effort to accurately assess where we are and make improvements as needed.
This Association and our individual churches are very faithful to financially support our local, national, and global missions efforts and this missions director is so thankful. However, it is time we look at the other areas we can support and make improvements where necessary.

May the Lord bless you is my prayer,
Ben Kingston

Remember our Missionary:
Please continue to lift up Bro. Juan Fernandez’s family and ministry. Please read his article and support where you can.

On a local Association note:
Meramec churches, if you have not received an email with info for this year’s Jesus Camp please contact me at 636-629-2526. It is time to start promoting state camp and Jesus camp!

Note to All Pastors:
Please set aside March 25-26, 2022 for our next Renewal Retreat where Dr. Hooks will discuss his new book, “The Core Principle.” This book is an excellent candidate for a Bible study or Sunday school format.