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Master’s Builders Working in Arkansas

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On April 12th, The Master’s Builders began work at Stoneridge Baptist Camp, Smithville, Arkansas. This project was scheduled for last year, but due to Covid, was postponed.
We had 15 men there to work on this project and enjoyed having Mike Shelton join us again. Mike is hoping to become a regular in our group, if the Lord allows.

Scott Small, director of Stoneridge, was there every day working, consulting, and running to get materials. He, and his wife, Myrtie, are a dedicated couple who are humble, faithful and hard working. They fed our group 2 meals a day (except weekends) and we so enjoyed our time with them and their family. We can never express what they mean to us!

While at Stoneridge, the Builders built a 12×56 back porch on the Director’s house with a tin roof, handrails, and steps. They also built a 12×24 storage building with shelves, they remodeled one bathroom to be handicap accessible, they built a 24’ wall in one dorm to divide it for summer workers, and they cut off the bottom of 22 doors. This was job #170 for the Master’s Builders.

If you have questions about our ministry, or if your church has building needs, contact: Eddie Sikes at (479)462-1675, Mike Green at (972)935-3877 or David Axe at (903)918-0720.

Keep up with us day to day on Facebook! Rose Bittner does a wonderful job with pictures and info on what’s going on each day. So “Like Us” at “The Master’s Builders”. (church arbor logo)

Reaching out to our Hispanic Family: Belen in Overland, MO

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First Home Bible Study:

We had the privilege to gather and lead our first home Bible study. Nahum and his wife Ermilanda welcomed us and God’s word and prayer. This young couple asked for us to continue coming to bring God’s word to their home. During our faith and fellowship time with this precious couple, we witnessed The Holy Spirit convicting the man of the house to commit to a new beginning trusting Jesus for Salvation and spiritual discernment and development to be the husband and father God wants him to be. Praise the LORD!

Will continue meeting Sundays 3:00 p.m. Soon the word spread out and hopefully next Sunday we will have two neighbors joining for Bible Study. We will be adding two songs of worship during this time and daily prayer and a 88 day plan to read the Bible will be also started. Thank you, Jesus!


Daily Bible and Prayer at Noon:

These are events done at Bethany Building every day at noon and published via Facebook on Juan Fernandez Page and Belen en Overland Facebook Page. The main point is to pray and listen to God’s Word. In the book of Genesis at this moment we are studying the journal of faith in Abraham’s life in Spanish. Please, like and share our video so this message gets to our Hispanic families in the area.

New Group for ESL class:

A new class will begin for our Hispanic Families in St. Charles area. We are hoping that this class will gather these families to learn more about the faith and fellowship existing among our BMA church in Missouri. We are hoping to connect with these families through the English Class more importantly with a message in the book of Proverbs and prayer for class dismissal.


We are so thankful for the time and effort to watch our daughter Victoria and Eleanor from our family in Bethany. Sisters Tiny, Darlene, Pam, Bro. Jim and Mary Hoffman are making possible to show our students the value and importance for us to teach class and show unity, care and love towards each other in this important outreach. This course will be completed the second week of June. We are currently receiving students Monday and Wednesday 9:00 to 10:30 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 4:30-6:30 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. Soon Thursday and Friday 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in St. Charles. Please let Hannah Fernandez at 402 969 0119 know if you have a chance to participate in this outreach.

Coming Soon:

• New Home Bible Study members, New Songs for worship at Home Bible Study and a 88 days Bible reading plan to start on 5/9
• New Outreach English class in St. Charles, 5/7 to 6/25.
• Lindsay Lane Baptist Church in Florissant, MO, bringing ministry update 5/30

Thank you for keeping us in your prayer, feel free to text today your support in prayer at 618 581 8056. Let me know if you would like to have us in your service to bring a ministry update.

Dios le bendiga!

Bro. Juan Fernandez

May 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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Dear churches of the Baptist Missionary Association of Missouri:

I pray this article finds you enjoying the fellowship of our Lord. This will be shorter than normal because the lion’s share of what I would put in this article will be discussed in detail on May 14 at our Missions symposium at New Testament in Sullivan, MO.

I’ve had a burden for some time now of raising the awareness of our national, state and local missions efforts in our local churches and have a ‘benchmark assessment’ to unveil at the symposium that I believe, accompanied with a missions pamphlet, will help our churches achieve this needed step of being aware of what we are doing in the area of missions and what we still need to do.

What I will be asking at the meeting is for pilot churches to try this emphasis by taking the benchmark assessment twice a year and employing the pamphlet to increase the score on the assessment the next time it is given. I was pleasantly surprised at the response from Bethel when we rolled out the assessment and I am excited about the prospects of increasing awareness in our churches and ultimately increasing our missions effort within our work.

Personally, I have a low tolerance of someone “beating up” on the Lord’s Church so please be assured that is not the intention. This is an effort to accurately assess where we are and make improvements as needed.
This Association and our individual churches are very faithful to financially support our local, national, and global missions efforts and this missions director is so thankful. However, it is time we look at the other areas we can support and make improvements where necessary.

May the Lord bless you is my prayer,
Ben Kingston

Remember our Missionary:
Please continue to lift up Bro. Juan Fernandez’s family and ministry. Please read his article and support where you can.

On a local Association note:
Meramec churches, if you have not received an email with info for this year’s Jesus Camp please contact me at 636-629-2526. It is time to start promoting state camp and Jesus camp!

Note to All Pastors:
Please set aside March 25-26, 2022 for our next Renewal Retreat where Dr. Hooks will discuss his new book, “The Core Principle.” This book is an excellent candidate for a Bible study or Sunday school format.

April 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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A Page From My Heart…

It’s April and Only one month and a few weeks away from our Missions Symposium on Friday May 14th and the Mid-Year State Associational Meeting on the 15th both at New Testament, Sullivan.

I am looking forward to both, please make plans to attend both meetings if possible.

Have you ever heard the phrase “one life to live soon it will pass only what’s done for Christ will last?”

Well, we as Christians need a steady dose of that eternal reality. Yes, there are many urgent things on this earth that require our attention and effort. Yes, there are many important things on this earth that require our attention. But there is only one thing on this earth that is both important and urgent and that is sharing the Gospel of Christ in our sphere of influence, and discipling those who come to Christ. This is the transcendent cause to which all of us have been called.

We must discipline ourselves to give our lives for this Holy and eternal calling.

All other pursuits will not pass the test of eternity when it comes to importance.

Our finances will be gone, our possessions gone, many of our relationships will be over, our reputations forgotten, once all the temporal is washed away with the reality of eternity we are back to the cliché, “One life to live soon it will pass only what’s done for Christ will last.”

Let’s surrender anew to the great commission and support every level of missions in our work, Local state and National.

Please pray for Bro. Juan and His family on the mission field.
These are his prayer requests and updates for this month:
• For Hannah’s and new baby’s health
• For new outreach, Sunday 2:00 p.m.
•For Salvation for each one of the students attending our ESL outreach: these are their names:

Omar, Cecilia, Janet, Maria, Antonio, Xiomara, David, Arturo, Jorge,
Judith, Alma, Dulce.

•For building meaningful relationships for eternity!
•For Salvation for each one of the relatives living here in St Louis and extended families south of Mexico, Guatemala and El Salvador.

Today (4/5 – 5/15) at 12;00 will start another 40 days of prayer for “Men of Peace” discipleship study that starts Sunday (4:11) at 2:00 p.m.

Thank you again,
Harvest is plenteous!
May the Lord richly bless you is my prayer.
Bro. Ben

BMA Hispanic Ministry in Saint Louis, MO: “BELEN”

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We are so blessed to share our deepest gratitude for each one of the following that has happened here at “Belen” Hispanic Ministry Outreach:

Prayer Network:

40 days of prayer and evangelism now have been completed!!! We have been blessed by each of you who prays for us. We now have a specific person or family that pray for us each day of the week. If you would like to pray for us on a specific day please let us know!


Our Church Bethany members and Bro. and Sis. Hoffmann have spent a good amount of efforts and time to prepare the space for our coming Education Outreach, organizing the space, cleaning tables and chairs, installing a WIFI extender and more. We are so excited to be planning this outreach to our Hispanic friends in the area. My wife Hannah is coordinating this outreach, feel free to reach out to her If you’d like to participate once or twice a week with tutoring students, sharing your testimony, bring some snacks, etc.. You can reach her at (402) 969 0119. This outreach provides many opportunities to connect and meet more people in the area. A huge potential to develop a children’s ministry. This outreach will start on 3/15 Monday and Wednesday from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.

Visit New Testament Church in Sullivan Mo.

We really enjoyed our visit with Brother Wright and his family an all of the amazing, loving, caring New Testament Baptist in Sullivan! We were Blessed to meet each one of them and enjoyed learning how God is moving and using the leadership in this church for carrying out the great commission and how they are praying for us and our ministry. Bro. Josh and his family made sure we were taken care of with presents for the girls a delicious dinner, wonderful fellowship, and prayer. We were blessed and are planning to visit any church that would like to meet us and hear ministry updates on how the Lord is leading this ministry.Feel free to contact me to schedule us. We have an open agenda starting this coming month of April. Thank you, Bro. Josh Wright and your lovely family, and congregation for such lovely ways to show Jesus to us.

From our family:

By God’s grace we Celebrated our 7th Wedding anniversary, we enjoyed reading so many Facebook posts helping us make that date more and more important. We are praying that the Lord uses our wedding testimony to reach out the younger generation for discipleship and growth in the grace of the Lord Jesus for church. The church must grow, we are expecting our third baby in October of this year. Help us pray for my wife’s health and a healthy baby, Yay!! Thank you, Jesus.

“And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.” 2 Timothy 2:2.

Bro. Juan Fernandez & Family

Juan Fernandez and Family

March 2021 – Mission Director’s Report

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A Page from My Heart

Most everything we own will outlive us. The question is: will our influence? I am wearing a dead man’s shoes. I love the shoes, they are comfortable. But remembering the one I got them from is even more comforting. Jim is a good man. The reason I say this is because he is still as alive as Moses or Abraham. Yet, his time here on earth is done, as mine will be soon.
Dear Christian, what are you doing that will last? Will your influence outlast your possessions and your body? How can we make sure that our influence doesn’t fade when our life does? The key is to not make our possessions our focus because they will be somebody else’s soon enough. But to make our influence on our loved ones and those that we are called to love our focus.

Does Matthew 28:18-20 guide your life? Are you living each day, each moment for the Gospel’s sake? Now you and I know that no one makes 100%, but is it our focus? You see, success is not what we are called to, but obedience is. Every time we fail is an opportunity to start again.
Recently, we as a people (Christianity) have been dealt a punch in the gut with the revelations of Ravi Zacharias and his moral failings. Many of us who were blessed, encouraged, and instructed by his teachings have struggled with how to answer people on the fallout. A friend of mine that we sharpen each other through text for the gospel’s sake, asked me what I thought. This is my answer:

I do not believe that man’s flesh negates the Spirit’s instruction. Now, does it make it harder for mortal man to stomach it? Well certainly, but that gets us back to the “he who has no sin cast the first stone” discussion. Am I saying that it’s no big deal? Absolutely not! It’s about the worst-case scenario a Bible teacher could experience, as far as stumbling at the finish line. For those who do not want to believe the difficult truths that the Spirit taught through him, they now have their excuse! And for those of us who want to believe, we have our doubts because of the fragility of someone we thought was the Rock of Gibraltar!

Personally, I believe that everything he taught that is confirmed by the Word is still valid and usable; we just will probably have to leave his name out of it when we quote him, which most likely should be judgment enough. I can only imagine the pain, the grief, shame, doubt, and despair that his wife, children, family, friends, and associates are going through because every one of them knows the validity of the truths that he taught. They know the validity of scripture, and here their crown jewel teacher has marred all of that. Obviously, we can rise above this, but we’re going to have to seek the Spirit’s healing and navigation through this.

So again, dear Saint, I implore you be obedient to the Gospel and the righteousness that the Gospel demands, and one day soon you will hear your Master say, “well done, thou good and faithful servant, enter thou into your rest.” And maybe, just maybe your nephew or niece will gain a possession you once had and remember the influence of a loving uncle or aunt more than the possessions.

Please remember Bro. Juan and his lovely family as they labor for souls. A special thanks to all our churches for your prayers and support of the missions department of Missouri.

Ben Kingston

Ready, Set, Go to Camp

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Following are a series of announcements made in the Camp Garwood Facebook group last week. After our trip to camp in the snow I had promised the group some big announcements in the following week. My family and I headed to camp for the big snow storm and had a great time. Playing in the snow beats working in it any day. You can see pictures from that trip on the Facebook page if you are interested. Now that winter is officially over we turn our thoughts to Spring. We are looking forward to seeing everyone at camp. As always we ask that you be praying for us, and all the folks that will be working to make camp possible this year.

Big Announcement #1

Resting before the “Real” work starts!!!

Camp has purchased this tractor! We have needed to make this upgrade for awhile. We were not really looking at this time but this opportunity came up and the committee and myself thought it was time. However, Now that we have it, we need to pay for it. We have the funds in the account but rather than wiping out the account we borrowed the money from the loan fund. We will get the old tractor ready to sell along with the implements that we don’t need. We will designate all DEWr funds toward the tractor purchase this year. So with that being said, are you a DEWr? A DEWr is anyone who gives $ 75 annually to camp. That’s roughly .20 a day or $1.50 a week. Will you be a Camp Garwood DEWr?

Camp week in years past cost around $8000.00 we don’t know yet what our food costs will be this year so we are planning for a $10,000.00 week. And we know there will be some extra repair/replace costs to get camp ready. (Freezer, Slide, Archery, etc.)

The tractor loan is $17,500.00. This may be too much info. I could simply say, HEY we need money! But I’d rather lay everything out for you.

Big Announcement #2

Not as “BIG” and NOT requesting money. But still huge in importance. As Spring quickly approaches we are asking groups to adopt a dorm. This will involve a good cleaning, wiping down each bunk and making minor repairs as necessity and ability allows. (Lighting, Toilets, leaking sinks, gutters, painting, cleaning up leaves, etc).

Dorms 1-9, upper shower house, lower shower house, Dining Hall, Kitchen, Canteen and the Tabernacle are all currently available. There are other projects available if your group is larger and more energetic. Things like cleaning and treating woodwork, cleaning off the golf course, setting out tables and trash cans to name a few. There are also more involved projects, if interested just ask.

It’s been awhile. I know everyone is excited to get back to camp. This is your opportunity to get some camp time and help us get ready.

This is getting long, but there’s another reason we are asking groups to adopt a dorm. In the past someone would send a message. Hey, we cleaned this building. Then a couple weeks later someone else would say, We cleaned this building. One year the same building was “cleaned“ three different times by three different people. Hopefully this way we get more accomplished with the same effort.

You can begin after Easter. That’s when the water will be back on. Talk to your groups and let me know where you can help!

Big Announcement #3

Today’s announcement is just a reminder that we have entered a new year. Everyone 18 and older will need to complete an adult screening form. The form can be found at

While ON THE WEB SITE out the camp rules and Child Protection policy. Make sure to get all this completed before coming to any overnight activities!

Big Announcement #4

Finally the fun announcements!! This years DEWr retreat is scheduled for August 13-14. This retreat is a fun weekend planned specially for our Camp Garwood DEWrs. A DEWr is anyone who gives $75 annually to Camp Garwood. In the past we have ordered special T-shirts for DEWrs. We will not be doing that this year. While we don’t have all the details worked out. We can promise a great weekend of Fun and Fellowship in one of the most peaceful valleys in the world.

We have moved this retreat to after camp. I hope this works out for everyone. We couldn’t get an earlier date to work out.
Be a DEWr, Come to the retreat!

Big Announcement #5

The final and Biggest Big Announcement of all! I’ve been waiting all week to make this one! Tonight’s announcement is about The Spring Retreat! April 9-10. You’re ready to get back to camp, well mark your calendar. You guys do not want to miss this retreat! We will have great food, some exciting activities, and best of all Bro. Doug Mickan will be coming with his pals to lead our worship services and teach us about Jesus. It’s been a while since Doug has been to camp. I’m super excited and truly hope you are too. We are planning a service on Friday night and a service on Saturday morning.
This year registration for camp will be done online only. We want to test the system with this retreat. Each CHURCH planning to attend the retreat should register by March 29th. The retreat registration form can be found on the bmamissouri website. The form can be found under the Camp Garwood tab as Camp Garwood Retreat. Click the Online Registration link.
We will have a donation jar set up in the dining hall. Any help in off setting the retreat costs will be greatly appreciated.

As you can see from the pictures and words of this article we are: Getting Ready • Getting Set • and Inviting YOU to join us working and enjoying Camp Garwood this year!

5 BIG Announcements About Camp Garwood!

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Are you getting anxious about going to Camp Garwood again? Are you wondering when and what will be happening there this year? Do you want to know if you can do anything to help at Camp Garwood?

Then check out this article and read the 5 BIG Announcements Bro. Chris has made that will interest you!

Plan Now as we Look Forward!

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Dear churches of Missouri:
As you know we have a missions symposium in May each year coupled with the Mid-year Association meeting on the following day. May 14th and 15th will be this year’s dates for the missions symposium on Friday and the Association meeting on Saturday. The meetings will take place at New Testament Baptist Church in Sullivan. Bro. Josh Wright is the pastor and he has made some hotel recommendations that will be included in this article.

We are begging, yes, I said begging all our pastors and pastors wives and their respective church members to come. We are in unprecedented times and many of our churches and church staffs are struggling and need encouragement and the Friday service has been prepared to meet this need
The first hour will be an overview of the missions efforts of the Missouri churches in the Philippines and in St. Louis with Bro. Juan giving a report. We will take a break with some refreshments and then Bro Josh. Wright will share a special message of encouragement for our churches and pastors and their families.

This message will be born out of a heartfelt concern for where our churches and staffs are as a result of the pandemic and the daily struggles of life and ministry.

Pastor, please ask your people to prayerfully consider attending and churches, please ask your pastor to go with you. Bro. Josh and I feel strongly that the need for encouragement is association wide.

Friday Missions Symposium:
6:00-6:40 pm 1st Session
6:40-7:00 pm Break
7:00-8:00 pm 2nd Session

Saturday we will have our Mid-year State Association meeting at New Testament at 9:00 a.m. The schedule for this business meeting and time of fellowship is under the direction of Moderator Jerry Adams.

Each church of the BMA of Missouri is allowed 3 messengers to represent them at this meeting and everyone is welcome to attend as our guests. Meal provided after the meeting.

The hotels we would recommend and their addresses are:

Budget Lodging
866 S. Outer Rd.
St Clair, MO 63077
(636) 629-1000
Comfort Inn
736 S. Service Rd.
Sullivan, MO 63080
(573) 468-7800

Jason Alexander, owner of the Budget Lodging said he would do this for our group: “reserve at and the hotel will donate 15% of your stay to the BMA missions fund. You “must” include “BMA” on your reservation. We are very grateful for this kind gesture from Bro. Jason.

We look forward to seeing you on May 14th and 15th at New Testament Baptist Church in Sullivan, Missouri.

by Ben Kingston, Missions Director, BMA of Missouri

State WMA & Brotherhood Meeting

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Landmark Missionary Baptist Church, DeSoto
March 6, 2021 • 10:00 a.m.
Come Meet our New Missouri Missionaries
(Juan & Hannah Hernandez)
Morning Message • Bro. James Hoffmann
Alternate • Bro. Benjamin Kingston
Lunch will not be served by the church.